Agenda Index City of Vancouver


At the Council meeting of September 10, 2002, Councillor Bass submitted the following Notice of Motion which was recognized by the Chair:

1. Electoral direction to Mayor and Council re Vancouver GVRD Representatives (Files 3204/5561)

WHEREAS, when the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) was formed by WAC Bennett, Vancouver representatives were selected by the voters at election time;

AND WHEREAS, the responsibilities of the GVRD in delivering services continue to increase;

AND WHEREAS, last year's four month transit strike demonstrated the need for electorally-accountable GVRD and TransLink representatives;

AND WHEREAS, with taxation power resting in the GVRD, more direct accountability to voters is warranted;

AND WHEREAS, currently the members of the Islands Trust Council are elected by a "Double Direct" method, whereby voters indicate who they want for the municipal council and who they wish to represent them on the regional body;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the City of Vancouver, this November 16, seek the counsel of the voters in terms of who should represent Vancouver on the GVRD and TransLink boards of directors as follows:

A. In conjunction with a general municipal election, voters be asked to select six GVRD representatives and three TransLink representatives from among the candidates for council and for mayor;

B. Candidates for mayor and council indicate on the nomination papers if they wish to be considered for selection as a Vancouver representative to the GVRD and to TransLink;

C. Separate from the ballot for the election of mayor and council there will be a ballot for Vancouver's representatives to the GVRD and to TransLink;

D. From those who are elected as Mayor and Councillors, the six persons with the six highest number of votes for representatives to the GVRD will be those recommended at the inaugural meeting for selection to the GVRD;

E. From the six representatives to the GVRD, the three with the highest number of votes for representative to TransLink will be those recommended at the inaugural meeting for selection to TransLink;

F. In the event of a tie vote, mayor and council will select from those receiving the tie number of votes;

G. In the event of resignation or death of a GVRD or TransLink representative, mayor and council will select an interim representative to serve until the next election; and,

H. Mayor and council designate alternate representatives to GVRD and Translink, in the case of a temporary absence of those initially appointed.

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