Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


General Manager of Engineering Services


Tender No. 2002-10: Construction of Concrete Curbs and Gutters and

Asphaltic Concrete Pavement on Sundry Streets




Construction contracts over $300,000 are to be awarded by Council.


The purpose of this report is to obtain Council approval to award Tender No. 2002-10 for the construction of curbs and gutters and pavements on sundry streets.


The projects in this tender are new construction and all were approved at the Local Improvement Court of Revision on June 11, 2002.


Tenders for the construction of P.C. Concrete Curbs and Gutters and Asphaltic Concrete Pavement on Sundry Streets (Tender No. 2002-10) were opened on August 14, 2002 referred to the General Manager of Engineering Services for tabulation.

All tenders were checked for completeness and accuracy and any miscalculations or omissions corrected. Tabulations of the amount bid, with the lowest bid underlined, are shown below:

Contractor's Bids (Summary of Schedule 2):

Columbia Bitulithic Ltd. $560,060.47
Imperial Paving Ltd. $570,386.51
Jack Cewe Ltd. $609,187.38


The Engineer's Estimate for this contract was $550,000. Comparing unit prices over the past ten years indicate that the low bid is reasonable. The total estimated cost for construction of the streets in this tender is $1,012,323.96. This estimated cost contains provision for sewer, waterworks, electrical and utility adjustments, catch basin adjustments, and unanticipated extra work in addition to the contract price. This additional work will be performed by the contractor, City crews or, in some instances, by outside utilities. Funding for the City's share of this work has been approved by Council as part of the Local Improvement approval process.


The low bid is balanced and consistent with the trend of contract unit prices for the past ten years and supports the recommendation that Contact 2002-10 be awarded to Columbia Bitulithic Ltd.

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