Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets


Director of Risk and Emergency Management


Use of Closed Circuit Television for Emergency Management





There is no applicable Council policy.


The Director of Risk and Emergency Management is seeking approval for the expansion of use of portable closed circuit televisions for event/incident management.


A portable closed circuit television camera system has been used in the City for the last four years. The City currently owns and operates a portable camera system that can transmit a video signal to the Emergency Operations Centre and is used for event/incident management. The primary anticipated uses are crowd control and traffic management.
The inaugural use of the system occurred during the Prime Minister's visit to the Hyatt Regency Hotel in the fall of 1999. The portable camera system is currently used during major events for crowd/traffic control and to enhance public safety. The camera can also be deployed to the scene of major incidents to allow senior departmental staff and technical experts to monitor the situation for planning and response purposes.

During the Celebration of Light fireworks display the camera system was instrumental in saving the lives of two citizens who suffered critical stab wounds. BC Ambulance Service personnel confirmed that the stabbing victims would have died without the assistance afforded by camera directed access to the scene.


Risk and Emergency Management proposes expansion of the current single camera system by up to four additional portable camera units. The proposal would include upgrading of the existing transmission system to facilitate additional cameras and transmission of video signal to the Vancouver Emergency Operations Centre as required.

While the principal purposes of the camera system are crowd control and traffic management during major events or at critical incident sites, the system would also be available City-wide for special projects such as traffic flow surveys.

The camera units are portable and can be moved as specific needs arise.


The proposed use of the camera system will enhance public safety and maximize the City's ability to respond in the event of a major incident.


The cost of expanding the portable camera system will be approximately $100,000.00.

The initiative will be funded through the disposal of redundant Emergency Management material assets and reallocation of existing resources.

Annual operating and deployment costs will be borne departmentally or through the special events process when the equipment is required for these purposes.


This proposal was referred to the Emergency Management Committee for concurrence prior to bringing it to Council for consideration. For public safety and enhanced emergency management reasons, we are requesting that Council approve the expansion of the existing portable closed circuit television camera system.

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