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Date: 15 May 2002
Author/Local: JHlavach/6448RTS No. 02721
CC File No. 1401-45
Public Hearing: June 13, 2002
Vancouver City Council
Director of Current Planning
310 Water Street (Taylor Building)
Designation and Heritage Revitalization AgreementRECOMMENDATION
A. THAT Council authorize the City to enter into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement to secure the conservation and rehabilitation of the Taylor Building at 310 Water Street and to supplement Development Application 406444, and the HA-2 zoning, by granting a density bonus of 3 370 m2 (36,285 sq. ft.) to be transferred to site(s) in the Central Area;
AND THAT Council require a covenant providing that the density bonus not be available for transfer until the rehabilitation is complete, unless the owner secures completion of the rehabilitation by a separate agreement;
AND THAT The agreements shall be prepared, registered and given priority to the satisfaction of the Directors of Planning and Legal Services.
B. THAT Council amend Schedule A of the Heritage By-law to designate the Taylor Building, 310 Water Street, as a Municipal Heritage Building.
C. THAT the Director of Legal Services bring forth the by-laws to authorise the Heritage Revitalization Agreement and amend the Heritage By-law.
The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of A, B and C.
The Transfer of Density Policy and Procedure allows for the transfer of density from heritage sites to receiver sites.
An Issues Report was brought forward to Council on April 11, 2002, at which time Council agreed with the building's eligibility for a density bonus and supported, in principle, the bonus amount of 3 370 m2 (36,285 sq. ft.).
The purpose of this report is to seek Council's support for a Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) and Heritage By-law designation to secure the conservation and municipal protection of the "C" listed Taylor Building at 310 Water.
The Taylor Building is located on Water Street, slightly west of Cambie Street, as shown on the map in Appendix A. It is located in the Gastown Historic area, which is regulated under the HA-2 District Schedule. Acton Johnson Ostry Architects have applied under DE 406444 to convert the upper four floors of this "C" listed building to 22 residential apartments, while retaining restaurant/retail uses at the lower two levels. The application also includes a range of conservation work on the exterior of the building: restoration of the original configuration of the windows on the lower retail level and the uppermost residential level; replication of the original wooden sash windows which will be fitted with new laminated glass; cleaning of the masonry; and restoration of the lower metal cornice. Appendix B contains selected drawings from the development permit application.
On April 11, 2002, City Council approved the building's eligibility for a heritage density bonus in the amount of 3 370 m2 (36,285 sq. ft.). Council also agreed that the Central Area be considered an appropriate location for a receiver site(s). This bonus amount was considered by Council in the context of the status of the density bank and found to be supportable.
Heritage Value: The Taylor Building was designed by Grant and Henderson as a warehouse for Walter Taylor. It was constructed in 1911. The six storey brick clad building is largely intact except for changes that have been made to the window openings at both the lower and uppermost levels. The brick, which was of uneven colour, was painted in 1996 and had a black splatter pattern applied. A foam upper cornice, based on drawings for the original building, was installed in 1996. It is in the "C" category of the Vancouver Heritage Register.
Revitalization Agreement: The HRA, as recommended in this report, would achieve the following:- secure the conservation and continued maintenance of the exterior of the building;
- specify that a one storey addition (set back from Water Street) could be permitted at a later time;
- provide that, in the case that a replacement building was required, the new building would not have to replicate the current retail configuration, but would have to meet the design guidelines in place at that time; and
- establish a heritage density bonus of 3 370 m2 (36,285 sq. ft.) for transfer to site(s) within the Central Area.The bonus amount is to compensate the owner for the premium costs associated with retaining and upgrading the heritage building, including seismic upgrading. The Director of Real Estate Services advises that the "premium cost" method of determining a heritage density bonus has been used in Gastown (where there is no FSR regulation) and for the Pantages Theatre (which is located in an area where there is a limited demand for real estate). The owner is prepared to enter into the HRA and has agreed that the bonus density is adequate compensation for the obligations under the HRA.
Designation: The Taylor Building was designated, along with many other buildings in Gastown and Chinatown, by the Provincial Government in 1971. The Province subsequently delegated its authority for alteration permits to the Director of Planning. Legislation to "roll over" these Provincial designations as Municipal designations has been initiated in the Legislative Assembly, but will not be enacted until the City requests it. Until this change takes place, City practice has been to also provide municipal designation to Gastown buildings.
Comments of the Gastown Historic Area Planning Committee: On March 20th, 2002, the Gastown Historic Area Planning Committee supported the development application , noting that it favoured the use of laminated glass to improve residential livability.
Notification: In accordance with the Vancouver Charter public hearing provisions, a newspaper ad has been placed in two consecutive issues of a local newspaper. The building is currently unoccupied, therefore there are no tenants to notify.
The proposed Heritage Revitalization Agreement would compensate the owner for the extraordinary costs involved in the conservation of this "C" listed Gastown building, further contributing to this historic area's long term revitalization. It's long term protection, iincluding seismic upgrading, would be secured through the approval of a transferrable density bonus. It is therefore recommended that Council authorize the HRA and municipally designate the building.
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310 Water StreetAPPENDIX B
Proposed North Elevation (from the Development Permit Application)
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