Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets


General Manager, Board of Parks and Recreation


2002 Capital Budget - Park Board




Council has final approval over the annual Capital Budgets for all departments and boards.

On January 22, 2002 Council approved a total of $37,524,300 ($4,015,700 pertaining to Parks and Recreation) in borrowing authorities in advance of the 2002 Capital Budget.

On January 5, 1988 Council approved that revenue from user fees for Eric Hamber field be placed in a reserve account to be used for the improvement or replacement of the artificial turf. In June, 1995, Council approved a similar arrangement for the Andy Livingstone synthetic turf fields, stipulating that one account be used to accrue the revenue from both locations.


On November 20, 1999, voters approved the 2000-2002 Capital Plan for $31,500,000 for Parks and Recreation Facilities. Of this total amount, the electorate specifically approved borrowing of $26,460,000, with the balance of $5,040,000, to be derived from City operating revenue.

This report seeks approval for a proposed allocation to the Park Board of the remaining $11,887,917 in Capital Plan funds for the current year. The budget and distribution plan outlined in appendix A was approved by Park Board at its meeting of February 11, 2002. Appendix A also shows the amounts previously approved for 2000 and 2001, broken down into specific program allocations.

The allocation level projected for this year is higher than the two previous years mainly because construction is anticipated on three large capital projects:

· The new Mount Pleasant Community Centre and Library complex at #1 Kingsway. Funding will address site development and ensure a timely start on construction once library funds are in place;

· Queen Elizabeth Park Vision Plan implementation: The proposed allocation will fund new landscaping and planting, and the undertaking of other components of the Vision Plan, before and during the anticipated seismic rebuild by the GVRD of the Queen Elizabeth reservoir.

· Renfrew Community Centre and Pool upgrade. The allocated funds will enable the rebuild of the pool tank and the seismic upgrade of the Centre/Pool complex.

Other significant projects for 2002 include upgrades to the concessions at Lumberman's Arch and Second Beach as outlined in the food service plan; the replacement of the synthetic turf at Eric Hamber playing field; and improvements to Grimmett, Teaswamp, Heather, Victoria and Slocan parks.

Additional funding of $963,250 has been secured for allocation toward the 2002 Park Board capital projects itemized below, subject to Council approval:



Source of Funds



Eric Hamber synthetic turf replacement

Hamber/Livingstone Reserve Fund



Slocan Park

Community donations





The cost of replacing the synthetic turf at Eric Hamber has been estimated at $1,200,000. Actual project costs will be covered with $250,000 allocated from Capital Plan funds and up to $950,000 transferred from the Hamber/Livingstone Reserve Fund set up and approved for this purpose. Revenue from field user fees is transferred on a regular basis to the Reserve Fund, which currently has a balance of $870,000. It is proposed to transfer that amount immediately to Park Board 2002 Capital, and up to $80,000 when sufficient new revenues have accrued to the Reserve Account if required to cover the amount ultimately tendered for this project.

The "community donations" referred to in the above table were secured by residents living near Slocan Park from Translink ($11,250) and Skytrain ($2,000) totaling $13,250 towards the park improvement project to be undertaken this year. These funds have been deposited with the Park Board.


Council is asked to approve the Capital Plan Budget for 2001, as detailed in Appendix A, totaling $11,887,917. Council is additionally asked to approve an increase of $963,250 to the Park Board 2002 Capital Budget, with the source of funds to be $13,250 from community donations and $950,000 from the Hamber/Livingstone Reserve Fund.

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