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Date: April 30, 2002
Author/Local: F. Klotzbach/7118
RTS NO. 02636
CC File No. 1805
Council: May 14, 2002
Vancouver City Council
General Manager of Engineering Services
Award of Contract 2002-02, Reconstruction of the Stanley Park S-Curve
A. THAT Council approve the award of Contract 2002-02 for the reconstruction of the Stanley Park S-Curve to the low tenderer, GCL Contracting & Engineering Inc., in the amount of $9,908,739.28, subject to finalization of the inter-governmental funding agreements as discussed in this report.
B. THAT no legal rights or obligations will be created or arise by Council's approval of Recommendation A. unless and until the inter-governmental funding agreements are finalized and a Notice of Award is executed and delivered by the City to GCL Contracting & Engineering Inc.
C. THAT upon finalization of the inter-governmental funding agreements, the General Manager of Engineering Services be authorized to execute and deliver a Notice of Award on behalf of the City, and the Director of Legal Services be authorized execute and deliver Contract 2002-02 on behalf of the City.
Construction contracts over $300,000 are to be awarded by Council.
The purpose of this report is to obtain Council approval to award Contract No. 2002-02 for the reconstruction of the Stanley Park S-Curve.
On or around January 26, 2000, senior staff for the five participating governmental agencies (the British Columbia Transportation Financing Authority, the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, TransLink, the City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation) recommended approval of the "Stanley Park Causeway Term Sheet" to their respective boards and councils.
On February 3, 2000 Council approved the reconstruction of the "S" curve entrance to Stanley Park and authorized City staff to finalize the legal agreements necessary to implement the funding arrangements outlined in the Stanley Park Term Sheet. The boards of the other participating agencies subsequently also approved the Term Sheet and as of March 21, 2000 all parties had signed the Term Sheet to signify their formal approval of same.
The Term Sheet outlined the short and long term objectives of the five participating agencies for vehicle traffic in Stanley Park. The short term objectives for the Stanley Park S-Curve are as follows:
· the realignment of the S-Curve from Gilford Street to Pipeline Road Underpass to reduce the severity of the curvature, provide minor lane width increases, extend the raised median to separate traffic flows, install a permanent speed monitoring system and to upgrade illumination and drainage;
· the reconstruction of the Lost Lagoon (Pipeline Road) Underpass to allow TransLink to introduce trolley buses into Stanley Park;
· the construction of a transit only queue jumper from the Stanley Park off-ramp on the north bound causeway in the vicinity of the Lost Lagoon ;
· the construction of lane separation for Stanley Park and transit traffic with a raised median from west of Gilford Street to Stanley Park entrance to eliminate non-transit queue jumping;
· the reconstruction of the pedestrian underpass from Chilco Street to Coal Harbour with improved vertical clearance and reduced approach grades for pedestrians, cyclists and inline skaters;·the regrading and landscaping approach areas to the pedestrian underpass including the Chilco Bus Loop and Chilco Street;
· the construction of a new bus loop in the vicinity of the Children's Farmyard; and
· the realignment and improvement of the entrance roads to Stanley Park.On May 16, 2000 Council authorized the City to retain NDLea Consultants Ltd. to carry out the design work for the Causeway reconstruction.
On July 25, 2000 a presentation was made to the Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic regarding a second conceptual design (Option B) for the Stanley Park S-Curve that was developed by the City's urban design consultant. The new proposal involved removing the Chilco Underpass and creating an at-grade pedestrian plaza/underpass slightly further within the Park. This concept was presented to the Standing Committee and Staff were encouraged to develop this design further.
On October 12, 2000 an open house was held to present Options A and B. Approximately 110 people attended and there was a good discussion regarding the two proposals. Of those who filled out a questionnaire, approximately 55% preferred Option B while the remaining 45% either preferred Option A or neither of the two options. Comments regarding the two options were incorporated into a revision of the two designs.
On October 18, 2000 a presentation of the two options was made to the Vancouver City Planning Commission.
On December 11, 2000 a joint Council/Park Board workshop was held to discuss the two options developed for the Stanley Park S-Curve. At this meeting, Council and Park Board members suggested that models and drawings be created for each option to better visualize the proposed changes.
On March 19, 2001 a workshop was held with models of the two options and artist renderings presented to Park Board.
On March 27, 2001 a workshop was held with models of the two options and artist renderings presented to Council.
On April 4, 2001 a presentation with the models and artist renderings of the two options was made to the Vancouver City Planning Commission.
On April 19, 2001 a public Open House was held to present the model and artist renderings of Option A. Approximately 50 people attended and there was a good discussion regarding the proposal.
At the May 14 and May 15, 2001 Park Board and Council meetings, the design of Option A was approved. Option A includes:
· enhancing the roadway, while maintaining the general alignment;
· reconstructing the Chilco underpass to safely accommodate pedestrians, wheel chair users, inline skaters and cyclists;
· reconstructing the Pipeline Road underpass to accommodate trolley buses; and,
· adding to and enhancing the park treatment and landscaping.From May 2001 until February 2002, the final design was completed.
On February 11, 2002 construction documents and drawings were issued for tender.
Tenders for Contract No. 2002-02 for the reconstruction of the Stanley Park S-Curve were opened in public on March 28, 2002 and referred to the General Manager of Engineering Services for tabulation.
All tenders have been checked for completeness and accuracy and the resulting tabulation of the tender prices is shown below with the lowest tender underlined:
Tender Price (including 7% GST)
GCL Contracting and Engineering Inc.
JJM Construction Ltd.
B. Cusano Contracting Inc.
Imperial Paving Ltd.
B.A. Blacktop Ltd.
Peter Kiewit Sons Co. Ltd.
Mutual Construction (2000) Ltd.
Walter Construction (Canada) Ltd.
Jack Cewe Ltd.
Engineer's Estimate
In the overall project for the reconstruction of the Stanley Park S-Curve, there will also be various costs incurred which are not included in Contract 2002-02. These costs include staff, consultant, inspection and material costs. The project budget, approved on May 15, 2001, is $13.5 million with funding provided as follows: $5 million from BCTFA and ICBC, $4.5 million from TransLink and $4 million from the City of Vancouver.
The funding agreements with the other participating government agencies have not yet been finalized and therefore the award of Contract 2002-02 is recommended subject to these agreements being completed.
This report is presented in advance of finalization of the funding agreements because the tender documents specify that the bids are to be valid for sixty days and this is the last opportunity for Council to approve the award before that period expires. It is anticipated that the funding agreements will be concluded and signed in time to award the Contract 2002 -02.
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