Date: April 16, 2002
Author/Local: W. Chou/
RTS No.: 02649
CC File No. 5761
T&T: April 30, 2002
TO: |
Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic |
General Manager of Engineering Services |
2002 Traffic Signal Program |
THAT Council approve the 2002 Traffic Signal Program with funding of $1,163,000 provided in advance of the 2002 Street Basic Capital Budget, and that the General Manager of Engineering Services be authorized to install and modify pedestrian and traffic signals, as described in this report; and
FURTHER THAT additional annual costs of $33,500 related to ongoing maintenance be reflected in future Operating Budgets, subject to the 2003 budget review process.
Council approved funding levels which provides for traffic signal installations as part of the 2000-2002 Streets Capital Plan.
On May 27, 1997, Council approved the Vancouver Transportation Plan which emphasizes the need for improved pedestrian facilities.
Council has approved funding as part of the 2000 - 2002 Streets Capital Plan for the Annual Traffic Signal Program. Funding requests included in this report account for the remaining one-third of the money approved in the three year Capital Plan. The 2002 Traffic Signal Program is recommended as follows:
A) Pedestrian-Actuated Signals $693,000
A1) Dunbar Street at 29th Avenue $73,000
A2) Great Northern Way at Brunswick Street $38,000
A3) Burrard Street at 5th Avenue $35,000
A4) Fraser Street at 53rd Avenue $85,000
A5) Kingsway at 10th Avenue $80,000
A6) Broadway at Pine Street $71,000
A7) Oak Street at 14th Avenue $72,000
A8) Cambie Street at 19th Avenue $85,000
A9) Fraser Street at 48th Avenue $70,000
A10) 4th Avenue at Highbury Street $84,000
B) Full Signals $35,000
B1) 49th Avenue at Frontenac Street $35,000
C) Special Crosswalks $60,000
C1) 49th Avenue at Maple Street $30,000
C1) 49th Avenue at Nanaimo $30,000
D) Signal Modifications $375,000
TOTAL 2002 PROGRAM $1,163,000
This report lists the locations recommended for signal installations or modifications and the reasons for these recommendations.
The City of Vancouver relies on a surface street network to handle its transportation needs. Therefore, pedestrian, cyclist, transit and traffic signals are significant traffic management elements in the safe movement of people and goods. Detailed studies are undertaken each year by staff to determine locations that require new or modified traffic signal controls. Users of the transportation system such as pedestrians, cyclists, transit vehicles, trucks and automobiles are considered in these studies. Many locations are reviewed in this program to provide a comprehensive coverage. Based on this review, a recommended Traffic Signal Program has been prepared.
Council's top transportation priority is pedestrians, and ten of the eleven recommended signals are pedestrian-actuated signals, three of which will assist school children. Transit customers and transit vehicles are being aided at several of the recommended signals and signal improvements. The proposed vehicle signal will address pedestrian and traffic safety needs. Furthermore, two Special Crosswalks are recommended as part of this year's program, as there has been an increased need for improvements to pedestrian facilities throughout the City. This device will assist pedestrians by enhancing pedestrian and driver visibility and awareness at pedestrian crossings.
A) Recommended Locations - Pedestrian Signals
A1) Dunbar Street at 29th Avenue $73,000
This intersection was identified by Community Visions as their top priority location in the Dunbar community for a pedestrian-actuated signal. During field observations it was noted that some motorists do not yield to pedestrians waiting to cross at the intersection and pedestrians would have to force gaps in traffic to cross Dunbar Street. Over the past five years there has been one reported vehicle-pedestrian collision at this intersection. ICBC is willing to contribute $10,000 towards the installation of this signal.
A2) Great Northern Way at Brunswick $38,000
In September of 2001, Francis Xavier Elementary School opened at the south east corner of this intersection. Since then, staff have received concerns from area residents and parents of the school children regarding pedestrian and traffic safety. Field observations show that the majority of pedestrians crossing at this location are students being dropped off at the north side of the Great Northern Way, who then must cross this busy street. Within the past five years there has been one reported vehicle/pedestrian collision at this intersection. Francis Xavier School is required to contribute fifty percent of the costs for the pedestrian-actuated signal. ICBC is willing to contribute $10,000 towards the installation of this signal. The total cost of the signal is estimated at $86,000.
A3) Burrard Street at 5th Avenue $35,000
A pedestrian-actuated signal was approved at this location as part of a previous report to Council. Burrard Cinemas is expected to contribute at least fifty percent of the funding for a signal at this intersection, and ICBC is willing to contribute $10,000. The total cost of the signal is estimated at $80,000.
A4) Fraser Street at 53rd Avenue $85,000
This location was identified by the Vancouver Police, School Safety Patrol, as their top priority location to assist school students. There is an existing marked and signed school crosswalk at this location and studies showed that the majority of pedestrians using the crosswalk are school children. John Henderson Elementary School and Henderson Annex are located near this intersection. Within the past five years there have been three reported vehicle/pedestrian collisions at this intersection. A pedestrian-actuated signal is recommended to address pedestrian safety concerns.
A5) Kingsway at 10th Avenue $80,000
Presently, there is a marked and signed pedestrian crosswalk with overhead signs to assist pedestrians crossing this intersection. However, concerns regarding pedestrian safety have been forwarded to staff by area residents. During field observations it was shown that drivers were not courteous and would change lanes in order to avoid pedestrians in the crosswalk. During peak periods pedestrians must cross six lanes of through traffic to cross Kingsway. Pedestrian generators include Kingsgate Mall and a hotel locatedto the east. This portion of 10th Avenue is also part of the future 10th Avenue Bikeway. The installation of a pedestrian-actuated signal would assist cyclists who already use this route. Within the past five years, there was one vehicle/pedestrian collision at this intersection, which resulted in a pedestrian fatality. As Kingsway is part of the Major Road Network (MRN), TransLink may contribute fifty percent of the signal, and ICBC is willing to contribute $10,000.
A6) Broadway at Pine Street $71,000
Field observations showed that there is a high demand for pedestrians to cross Broadway at this location. Recent developments, including Future Shop and Pier 1 Imports, have increased the volume of pedestrians in the area. In addition, there is a bus stop located at the northwest corner of the intersection which generates pedestrian traffic. During AM and PM peak periods pedestrians must cross six lanes of traffic to cross Broadway. Studies show there are few adequate gaps in traffic to allow pedestrians to cross and some pedestrians were seen running across the street to avoid oncoming vehicles. Within the past five years there have been three reported pedestrian/vehicle collisions at this intersection. As Broadway is a part of the MRN, TransLink may contribute fifty percent of the cost of the pedestrian-actuated signal. ICBC is willing to contribute $10,000.
A7) Oak Street at 14th Avenue $72,000
L'Ecole Bilingue Elementary School is located a block west of this intersection. Installation of a pedestrian-actuated signal on Oak at 14th Avenue would facilitate the students crossing Oak Street. Field observations show that visibility is limited to the south due to a horizontal curvature in the roadway and motorists were not courteous to pedestrians waiting to cross at the intersection. Presently, bus stops are located near the intersection for northbound and southbound directions. Within the past five years there has been one vehicle/pedestrian collision at the intersection. As this portion of Oak Street is located on the MRN, TransLink may contribute fifty percent of the costs for the pedestrian-actuated signal. ICBC is willing to contribute $10,000.
A8) Cambie Street at 19th Avenue $85,000
Along this portion of Cambie Street there are retail stores on both sides of the street, including several cafes and a supermarket. Apartment buildings and theChown Memorial and Chinese United Church are also adjacent to the intersection. Currently, there is a marked and signed crosswalk with overhead signs to facilitate pedestrians crossing at this location. Field observations show that motorists are not courteous to pedestrians attempting to cross, and during peak periods pedestrians must cross five lanes of traffic. Within the past five years there has been one reported vehicle/pedestrian collision at this intersection. A pedestrian-actuated signal is recommended to enhance pedestrian safety. As Cambie Street is a part of the MRN, TransLink may fund fifty percent of the costs for the signal.
A9) Fraser Street at 48th Avenue $70,000
This intersection is located in a busy commercial area with high pedestrian volumes. Although there are signals one block to the north and south of the 48th Avenue, there is still a large demand for pedestrians to cross Fraser Street. Both north and south legs of Fraser have marked pedestrian crosswalks. However, concerns for pedestrian safety have been forwarded to staff by area residents. Reports show that there have been seven reported vehicle/pedestrian collisions at this intersection within the past five years. The installation of a pedestrian-actuated signal at Fraser and 48th would complement the directions from the 1997 Transportation Plan to increase priority for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users on Fraser Street. ICBC is willing to contribute $10,000 towards the installation of this signal.
A10) 4th Avenue at Highbury Street $84,000
Staff have received concerns from residents in the area regarding pedestrian safety at this intersection. Observations show that motorists are not courteous to pedestrians and there are few gaps in traffic to allow pedestrians to cross 4th Avenue. Steeves Manor for seniors is located at Wallace Street, one block west of Highbury Street. Other pedestrian generators include retail and a bus stop at the southeast corner of the intersection. Within the past five years there have been 3 reported vehicle/pedestrian collisions at this intersection. A pedestrian-actuated signal is recommended at this location to enhance pedestrian crossing conditions.
A number of other locations were also reviewed for the installation of pedestrian signals. Included in Appendix A is a list of locations reviewed for the program, but which are not recommended at this time due to the above priorities. However, staff will continue to monitor these locations for future programs. For some locations, other measures have already been taken to enhance pedestrian crossing conditions.
Individuals and groups who requested to be notified of the Standing Committee meeting have been contacted.
B) Full Signal
Recommended Location
B1) 49th Avenue at Frontenac Street $35,000
The intersection of 49th Avenue at Frontenac is a "T" type intersection and an existing pedestrian-actuated signal controls east and westbound traffic on 49th Avenue. During field observations it was found that traffic volumes during peak periods on 49th Avenue are high. Concerns regarding traffic safety at this intersection have been forwarded to staff by area residents attempting to make northbound to westbound left turns onto 49th Avenue. On March 12, 2002, staff distributed a letter to area residents requesting feedback on the proposal to modify the existing pedestrian-actuated signal to a full traffic signal. Of the residents who responded to the survey all were in favour of the proposal. A traffic signal is recommended at this location to address concerns regarding traffic safety.
C) Special Crosswalks $60,000
Special crosswalks help enhance intersections by increasing driver visibility and awareness of pedestrians. This pedestrian crossing device, as shown in Appendix E, consists of the following features: zebra pavement markings, overhead internally-illuminated signs with pedestrian-activated flashing amber beacons, ground mounted signs, advance warning signs and special lighting of the crosswalk area. Evaluation according to the guidelines of the National Pedestrian Crossing Control Manual has identified locations for Special Crosswalks:
C1) 49th Avenue at Maple Street $30,000
C2) 49th Avenue at Nanaimo $30,000
D) Signal Modifications
D1) Pedestrian Indicators $75,000
Existing signals that do not have pedestrian indicators are reviewed each year. It is recommended that funding for up to ten suitable locations at an average cost of $7,500 be appropriated for 2002.
D2) Left-Turn Phasing $50,000
The City receives many requests for left-turn flashing arrows at existing traffic signals. They are best suited to intersections with left-turn bays and high left-turn volumes which cannot clear during gaps in opposing traffic flow. The level of service of intersections which already have left-turn signalization can be enhanced by adding detectors in the left-turn bay so the length of the left-turn phase responds to the demand. Some intersections being considered for left-turn phasing additions or modifications are listed in Appendix C. This program will also benefit transit customers by reducing travel time, and improving the reliability of the affected bus services. TransLink is expected to contribute approximately $150,000 from the Transit Related Road Infrastructure Program (TRRIP) towards left-turn phasing.
D3) Audible Signals $70,000
Vancouver has more audible traffic signals than any other Canadian city. Over two hundred and twenty locations have been completed as of March 2002. Funding of $70,000 is recommended to install audible signals at existing and new signal installations. The priority of installation is established by user requests, land use and transit availability in consultation with local advocacy groups, the CNIB, Vancouver School Board and the Special Advisory Committee on Disability Issues. Audible / tactile units are to be installed at several new locations such as at the CNIB office at Joyce and Vanness to serve pedestrians with higher levels of disabilities.
D4) Signal Modifications $125,000
There are routine modifications required on the present signal system from time to time. Some examples of the modifications are:
- adjustment of signal timings in the local controllers;
- visibility improvements of existing signal equipment by the relocation or addition of signal heads;
- the modification of overhead signs;
- minor modifications to hardware and software for the controllers and Central Control System;
- installation of intersection monitoring and related data transfer equipment; and
- purchase of computer hardware and software to allow staff to better manage the existing signal system, utilize database software to inventory pedestrian and vehicle information, and to handle increasing requests from the public for traffic related data.
D6) Miscellaneous
a) Tertiary Heads $40,000
Since 1994, the City has been cost-sharing with ICBC the upgrade of existing signalized locations for improved signal visibility. These upgrades include the addition of a third signal head and have achieved significant reduction of traffic collisions at many high-accident intersections. Throughout the coming year, staff will continue to pursue further support from ICBC. This funding partnership will allow the City to continue to install tertiary signal heads at high volume/high collision intersections. ICBC is expected to contribute $60,000 towards this program. The total cost of the program is $100,000.
b) Overhead signage at pedestrian crosswalks $15,000
Since 1995, the City of Vancouver has been installing overhead signage at marked and signed pedestrian crosswalks meeting the provincial standard as outlined in the Pedestrian Crossing Control Manual.
Signal installation and modifications may also be initiated through other programs or agencies. Appendix B lists signals which are being reviewed due to private developments and through other projects such as Greenways and Bicycle Routes. Additional reports will be forwarded to Council as the public processes of the Greenways and Bikeway projects are completed. Included in Appendix D is a list of signal installations and modifications requested for transit operations and their status of completion.
The 2002 Traffic Signal Program, at a cost of $1,163,000, represents the remaining one-third of the money approved in the 2000-2002 Streets Capital Plan. It is recommended that Council approve this funding in advance of the 2002 Engineering Basic Capital Budget, which will be submitted shortly. However, it is important to gain early approval of this program so that materials can be ordered, and work completed in time for upcoming deadlines, such as the opening of school in September.
Future Operating Budgets will be affected by increases in maintenance costs associated with the addition of new signals, signage, road marking, intersection traffic counts, and increased energy consumption. This year's Signal Program represents roughly a one and one-half percent increase in the plant of the Traffic Signal System. For this increase in the City's signal plant and the addition of Special Crosswalks, costs of $33,500 will be incurred in future Operating Budgets. These increases will be subject to budget review in 2003.
* * * * *
Locations for Further Review
1) 41st Avenue at Gladstone Street
Staff have received concerns from area residents regarding pedestrian safety concerns at this intersection. Based on field observations, it was noted that few pedestrians cross at this location. However, there is a slight crest condition on 41st Avenue, west of the intersection which limits eastbound motorists' visibility of pedestrians in the west crosswalk. A pedestrian-actuated signal is not recommended at this time. However, in order to address the visibility concern, a marked and signed crosswalk is recommended at the east leg of 41st Avenue to direct pedestrians to preferred crossing location and to increase motorists' awareness to pedestrians crossing 41st Avenue at Gladstone Street.
2) Granville Street at 65th and 66th Avenues
Based on concerns received from the Marpole Business Improvement Association (BIA), staff have conducted a pedestrian safety study at these intersections. Field observations show that majority of pedestrians in the area choose to use the traffic signals to cross Granville Street at 64th or 68th Avenues. Within the past five years there has been a one reported vehicle/pedestrian collision at these intersections. A pedestrian-actuated signal is not recommended at this time, however, staff will continue to monitor this location in 2003 for future Traffic Signal Programs.
3) Arbutus Street at 10th & 11th Avenue
Staff have received requests from area residents to install traffic signal on Arbutus Street at 11th Avenue. As part of a residential development near the intersection, a Greenway was developed on 11th Avenue, east of Arbutus Street. Based on residents concerns, staff have conducted a pedestrian safety review at this location. In addition, a future bikeway is currently being considered for this portion of 10th Avenue. Pedestrian-actuated signals are not recommended at this time. However, staff will continue monitor pedestrian safety and consider a signal as part of the future bikeway on 10th Avenue.
4) Nanaimo Street at 6th Avenue
Based on concerns from area residents, staff have conducted a pedestrian safety review at this intersection. Currently, there is a marked and signed pedestrian crosswalk at this location. Field observations showed that few pedestrians cross at this location and it was noted that visibility for pedestrians and motorists at this crossing are good. Within the past five years there have been no reported vehicle/pedestrian collisions at this intersection. A pedestrian-actuated signal is not recommended at this time, however staff will monitor this location again in 2002.
5) Fraser Street at 14th Avenue
During field observations it was noted that the majority of pedestrians crossing at this location are generated by the bus stop at the north east corner. There is also a horizontal curvature on Fraser Street which limits the site lines for pedestrians crossing Fraser Street on the south side of 14th Avenue. There have been no reported vehicle/pedestrian collisions at thislocation within the past five years. Staff do not recommend a pedestrian-actuated signals, at this time. However, a marked and signed crosswalk is being considered at the north crossing to direct pedestrians to the preferred crossing location.
6) Renfrew Street at East Georgia Street
There is an existing marked and signed school crosswalk at this location with overhead signs and zebra pavement markings. During field observations, it was observed that no school children crossed at this intersection and only a few teenagers crossed here. It was also found the visibility at the intersection is good and motorists were courteous to pedestrians attempting to cross Renfrew. Within the past five years, there has been one reported vehicle/pedestrian collision at this location. Staff will continue to monitor this location in 2003.
7) Commercial Drive & 10th Avenue
As part of recent construction and repaving along this portion of Commercial Drive, corner bulges have been installed at this location. Prior to this, staff received concerns from area residents and workers requesting additional pedestrian facilities at this location. The new corner bulges will help to increase site lines for pedestrians and motorists; reduce pedestrian crossing distance; and prohibit motorists from parking within the corner clearances. According to records, there have been 3 reported vehicle/pedestrian collisions at this intersection. Staff will continue to review this location in 2003.
8) Joyce Street & 29th Avenue
The intersection of Joyce at 29th Avenue is a "T" type intersection with the eastbound approach stop sign controlled while north and southbound motorists may proceed without traffic control. During field observations it was found that traffic volumes were high during peak periods and visibility at the intersection is limited due to the horizontal and vertical curvatures along Joyce Street. Within the past five years there have been eleven reported vehicle collisions at this intersection due to left-turning movements. A notice was sent out by staff to residents on 29th Avenue proposing the installation of a traffic signal. However, the majority of residents that responded were opposed with concerns that a traffic signal would increase traffic volumes on 29th Avenue. Therefore, a signal is not recommended at this time. Staff will continue to monitor and consider alternative pedestrian enhancements at this location.
APPENDIX A (Continued)
Further Locations To Be Reviewed In 2002-2003
(* Locations Adjacent To Signals)
10th Ave. @ Balaclava St.
12th @ Pr. Albert
41st Ave. @ Killarney St.*
Arbutus St. @ 10th Ave.*
Arbutus St. between 16th & 25th Ave.
Arbutus @ 14th
Blenheim @ 33rd
Broughton @ Georgia
Burrard @ Barclay*
Fraser @ 61st Ave.
Gore @ Union *
Granville @ 6th *
Granville @ 65th*
Hudson @ 73rd
Jackson @ Hastings*
Joyce @ Wellington*
King Edward @ Valley
McGill @ Slocan St.*
Main @ 20th*
Main @ 46th
Main @ 48th Ave.*
Nanaimo @ 29th
Nanaimo @ 27th
Nanaimo @ 54th
Ontario @ 33rd
Slocan @ 22nd
Thurlow @ Barclay*
Victoria @ Stainsbury Ave.*
West Blvd. @ 57th
Union @ Raymur
Renfrew @ 15th
Signal Improvements funded through other projects
New signal installations and upgrades to existing signals through Greenways and Bikeways are listed below. The following locations have had signal work completed within the past year or are currently underway. The upgrading of signals refers to one or more of the following:
- the addition of cyclist push-buttons
- major reconstruction of an existing signal in which items such as turning movements and/or arrows have been added.
Inverness & 41th Avenue New signal underway Inverness Bikeway
Inverness & 49th Avenue New signal underway Inverness Bikeway
Inverness & SE Marine New signal underway Inverness Bikeway
12th Avenue & Windsor Upgrade underway Windsor Bikeway
41st Avenue & Windsor Upgrade underway Windsor Bikeway
Broadway & Glen Upgrade underway Windsor Bikeway
The following locations are simply proposed at this time and have yet to go through neighbourhood consultation, the Bicycle Advisory Committee and to be approved by Council.
10th Avenue & Arbutus New signal proposed 10th Avenue Bikeway
10th Avenue & Burrard New signal proposed 10th Avenue Bikeway
10th Avenue & Clark New signal proposed 10th Avenue Bikeway
10th Avenue & Commercial New signal proposed 10th Avenue Bikeway
10th Avenue & Fir New signal proposed 10th Avenue Bikeway
10th Avenue & Hemlock New signal proposed 10th Avenue Bikeway
10th Avenue & Knight New signal proposed 10th Avenue Bikeway
10th Avenue & Oak New signal proposed 10th Avenue Bikeway
12th Avenue & Trafalgar New signal proposed 10th Avenue Bikeway
Alberni & Denman New signal proposed Alberni Bikeway
Ontario & Marine Drive New signal proposed Kent Avenue Bikeway
Rupert north of B.N. RLY New signal proposed Greenway/Skytrain
Renfrew @ Hebb/12th New signal proposed Greenway/Skytrain
Victoria & Hastings Upgrade proposed Victoria/Pender Traffic Calming
Signal Locations to be Funded by Developers
There are locations where, in accordance to the rezoning agreements or as a condition of development approval, signals may be installed at the expense of the developers. These are locations where existing conditions are satisfactory but as a direct result of the developments, future conditions may be affected and signals will be required to accommodate pedestrians and traffic. Future signal locations to be funded by others are as follows:
Grandview Hwy/Skeena New signal approved Costco Site development
Burrard Street/5th Avenue New signal recommended 5th Avenue Cinemas
Great N Way/Brunswick New signal recommended Francis Xavier development
Oak Street/10th Avenue New signal to be monitored VGH development
Hastings Street/Jervis New signal recommended Marathon Developments
Locations Under Review For Left Turn Phasing and/or Detection
The following signals are being reviewed for installation of left turn arrows or for detection of existing left turn arrows.
Burrard/Hastings - WB to SB (detection)
Howe/Hastings - WB to SB (detection)
Main/2nd - SB to EB and EB to NB (detection)
Arbutus/Broadway - WB to SB (detection)
Arbutus/King Edward - SB to EB and EB to NB (detection)
Granville/Broadway - EB to NB and WB to SB (detection)
Cambie/Broadway - EB to NB and WB to SB (detection)
Burrard/16th - SB to EB and EB to NB (detection)
Boundary/29th - NB to WB (new arrow)
Pender/Burrard - WB to SB (new arrow)
Macdonald at Broadway - EB to NB and WB to SB (new arrows)
49th/Tyne - WB to SB (new arrow)
Kerr/49th - NB to WB (new arrow)
Main/Marine - WB to SB (new arrow)
Fraser/Marine - WB to SB (new arrow)
Cambie/King Edward - All directions (new arrows)
Main/King Edward - All directions (new arrows)
Broadway/Alma - WB to SB (new arrows)
Locations Submitted by TransLink for Modifications
Transit has high priority in the City's Traffic Signal Program, and most of the modifications recommended in this report will benefit transit customers by enhancing safety, reducing travel time, and improving the reliability of the affected bus services. Improvements through future Annual Traffic Signal Program's will be coordinated through TransLink.
Transit requests received for the 2002 ATSP:
Location |
Description |
Status |
Broadway & Commercial |
1. install left turn arrow EB to NB |
approved |
Joyce & Vanness |
1. Install left turn arrow SB to EB |
approved |
49th & Tyne |
1. install left turn arrow WB to SB |
under review |
Hastings & Granville |
2. install left turn arrow WB to SB
under review |
Kerr & 49th |
1. install left turn advance arrow NB to WB |
under review |
Wellington & Rupert |
1. bus actuation at the existing pedestrian signal |
under review |
The "Special Crosswalk" pedestrian crossing device consists of the following features: pavement markings, overhead internally-illuminated signs with pedestrian-activated flashing amber beacons, ground mounted signs, advance warning signs and special lighting of the crosswalk area.
Figure 1 - Typical "Special Crosswalk" installation