April 11, 2002
A Special Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Thursday, April 11, 2002 , at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber, third floor, City Hall, for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing to consider proposed amendments to the Zoning and Development Bylaw.
Mayor Philip Owen
Councillor Lynne Kennedy (Sick Leave) |
Nancy Largent, Meeting Coordinator |
MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
SECONDED by Councillor Daniel Lee
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the Chair, to consider proposed amendments to the Zoning and Development Bylaw.
An application by the Director of City Plans was considered as follows:
Summary: The proposed miscellaneous housekeeping amendments to the RT-7 & RT-8 District Schedules would provide additional clarity in the interpretation of existing regulations. Amendments to the Kitsilano RT-7 & RT-8 Guidelines are also presented for adoption in principle by Council.
The Director of City Plans recommended approval.
Also before Council was a memorandum dated March 25, 2002, recommending minor changes to the proposed amendments, as follows.
Proposed Revised Amendments
(The proposed additions are shown in bold italics.)
1. Recommended Amendments to the RT-7 and RT-8 District Schedule:
Section 4.7 Floor Space Ratio
Add clarification to a proposed change to Section 4.7.3 concerning floor space ratio exclusions.
(c) where floors are used for off-street parking and loading...which
(I) are located in an accessory building located on the site in accordance with section 2.2.A of this schedule, or in an Infill building, up to a maximum of 42 m2; ...
Section 5 Relaxation of Regulations
Keep Section 2.2.A (d) as now, but add a clause to Section 5, Relaxation of Regulations as follows.
5.4 The Director of Planning may relax the regulations as follows, provided he first considers all applicable policies and guidelines adopted by Council:
(i) in section 2.2.A (d) concerning the maximum floor area of accessory buildings, in the case of multiple conversion dwellings having three or more units, to a maximum of 48 m2;
(ii) in section 4.7.3 (c) (i) concerning maximum excluded parking floor space in an accessory building in the case of multiple conversion dwellings having three or more units, or in an infill building, to a maximum of 48 m2.
2. Recommended Amendments to the Kitsilano RT-7 and RT-8 Guidelines
Section 4.9 Off-Street Parking and Loading
Add a clause 4.9.2 to clarify the use of the relaxation in Section 5.4
4.9.2 The intent of the floor space relaxations provided for in Section 5.4 is to allow for additional bicycle parking only to be located in the garage of an MCD containing 3 or more units, or in the garage under an infill building. The increase is not intended to accommodate more than two vehicles. Garage doors should be limited to two single doors, or one double size door. Doors large enough to accommodate three vehicle spaces should not be considered.
3. Additional Guideline
An additional guideline will be added to Section 4.9 of the Guidelines, to clarify how the proposed Section 5 relaxation should be used.
Staff Opening Comments
June Christy, Planner, reviewed the proposed housekeeping and guideline amendments to the Kitsilano RT-7 and RT-8 , with reference to front yard depth, floor space ratio, infill buildings, and increased garage space intended to accommodate bicycle parking. Ms. Christy also reviewed the public consultation process followed by staff.
Summary of Correspondence
One letter of opposition was received.
The following speakers objected to the application on one or more grounds:
Peter Reese, Kitsilano Area Planning Committee
Janet Vaughan (also filed letter from John A Gemmill)
Alayne Keough
Jan Pearce
Andrew Young (supported all amendments except garage size)
Mel Lehan (basically supported amendments except garage size)
The foregoing speakers objected to the application on one or more of the following grounds:
· garage size was an issue for most speakers:
· garages are rarely used as garages in these districts, but as storage, work or dwelling space, and the City cannot guarantee more garage space would be used for bicycle storage;
· the amendments will not encourage more cycling;
· if Council wishes to encourage cycling, it can better do so by striking a neighbourhood task force to discuss it with the community;
· larger garages will further restrict ability to see between lanes and houses, causing safety concerns;
· more cement means more impervious coverage and worse drainage problems;
· there will be less green space;
· the public consultation process was inadequate;
· the amendments do not provide adequate clarification;
· there should be more time for the community to study these amendments and consider the ramifications to district schedules arrived at after a lengthy local area planning process;
· as much space as possible should be allowed within building walls;
· regulations should not frustrate real civic goals, such as the retention of family-friendly neighbourhoods.
The Mayor called for any further speakers and none came forward.
Staff Concluding Comments
Ms. Christy and Trish French, Senior Planner, Community Visions, responded to questions about notification, garage measurements, intent of the guidelines, rationale for recommending increased garage size, and parking standards.
Council Decision
MOVED by Councillor Louis
A. THAT Section 4.7.3 of the proposed amendments to the RT-7 & RT-8 District Schedules be amended as follows:
. 4.7.3 (c) where floors are used for off-street parking and loading...which
(I) are located in an accessory building located on the site in accordance with section 2.2.A of this schedule, or in an Infill building, up to a maximum of 42 m2 ... ; and
THAT Sections 5.3 and 5.4 be deleted.
(italics denote amendment)
C. THAT the application by the Director of City Plans to amend the RT-7& RT-8 District Schedules of the Zoning and Development By-law to make housekeeping amendments, generally in accordance with Appendix A of the Policy Report dated February 26, 2002, be approved as amended in the foregoing Resolution A.
D. That the RT-7 & RT-8 guideline amendments, generally as outlined in Appendix B of the Policy Report dated February 26, 2002, be approved after amendment to delete Sections 5.3 and 5.4.
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Clarke
That Motion A be amended to delete the words "THAT Sections 5.3 and 5.4 be deleted" and add the following:
FURTHER THAT the following clauses be added to the proposed amendments to the RT-7 & RT-8 District Schedules:
5.4 The Director of Planning may relax the regulations as follows, provided he first considers all applicable policies and guidelines adopted by Council:
(i) in section 2.2.A (d) concerning the maximum floor area of accessory buildings, in the case of multiple conversion dwellings having three or more units, to a maximum of 48 m2;
(ii) in section 4.7.3 (c) (i) concerning maximum excluded parking floor space in an accessory building in the case of multiple conversion dwellings having three or more units, or in an infill building, to a maximum of 48 m2.
B. THAT the following clause be added to the proposed amendments to the RT-7 and RT-8 Guidelines:
4.9.2 The intent of the floor space relaxations provided for in Section 5.4 is to allow for additional bicycle parking only to be located in the garage of an MCD containing 3 or more units, or in the garage under an infill building. The increase is not intended to accommodate more than two vehicles. Garage doors should be limited to two single doors, or one double size door. Doors large enough to accommodate three vehicle spaces should not be considered;
FURTHER THAT an additional guideline be added to Section 4.9 of the Guidelines, to clarify how the proposed Section 5 relaxation should be used.
(italics denote amendment)
THAT Motion D be amended by deleting the words "after amendment to delete Sections 5.3 and 5.4" and substituting the words "as amended in the foregoing Resolution B".
(Councillors Daniel Lee, Louis and McCormick opposed)
A. THAT Section 4.7.3 of the proposed amendments to the RT-7 & RT-8 District Schedules be amended as follows:
. 4.7.3 (c) where floors are used for off-street parking and loading...which
(I) are located in an accessory building located on the site in accordance with section 2.2.A of this schedule, or in an Infill building, up to a maximum of 42 m2; ...;
FURTHER THAT the following clauses be added to the proposed amendments to the RT-7 & RT-8 District Schedules:
5.4 The Director of Planning may relax the regulations as follows,provided he first considers all applicable policies and guidelines adopted by Council:
(i) in section 2.2.A (d) concerning the maximum floor area of accessory buildings, in the case of multiple conversion dwellings having three or more units, to a maximum of 48 m2;
(ii) in section 4.7.3 (c) (i) concerning maximum excluded parking floor space in an accessory building in the case of multiple conversion dwellings having three or more units, or in an infill building, to a maximum of 48 m2.
B. THAT the following clause be added to the proposed amendments to the RT-7 and RT-8 Guidelines:
4.9.2 The intent of the floor space relaxations provided for in Section 5.4 is to allow for additional bicycle parking only to be located in the garage of an MCD containing 3 or more units, or in the garage under an infill building. The increase is not intended to accommodate more than two vehicles. Garage doors should be limited to two single doors, or one double size door. Doors large enough to accommodate three vehicle spaces should not be considered;
FURTHER THAT an additional guideline be added to Section 4.9 of the Guidelines, to clarify how the proposed Section 5 relaxation should be used.
(italics denote amendment)
C. THAT the application by the Director of City Plans to amend the RT-7& RT-8 District Schedules of the Zoning and Development By-law to make housekeeping amendments, generally in accordance with Appendix A of the Policy Report dated February 26, 2002, be approved as amended in the foregoing Resolution A.
D. That the RT-7 & RT-8 guideline amendments, generally as outlined in Appendix B of the Policy Report dated February 26, 2002, be approved as amended in the foregoing Resolution B.
(Councillors Daniel Lee, Louis and McCormick opposed to Sections 5.3 and 5.4)
2. TEXT AMENDMENT: 7250 Oak Street
An application by the Director of Current Planning was considered as follows:
Summary: The proposed amendment would reduce the building's required southern setback.
The Director of Current Planning recommended approval.
Staff Opening Comments
Dave Thomsett, Senior Planner, briefly introduced the application and offered to answer any questions.
Summary of Correspondence
No correspondence was received.
Jim Corlett deplored the condition of a nearby site, and felt Council should not amend the by-law to permit one property to have less setback than is required for other properties.
Mr. Thomsett clarified that the proposed amendments will not affect the land referenced by Mr. Corlett..
The Mayor called for any further speakers and none came forward.
Council Decision
MOVED by Councillor McCormick
THAT the application by the Director of Current Planning to amend the CD-1 By-law for 7250 Oak Street to decrease the minimum southerly building setback from 7.62 m (25 ft.) to 6.55 m (21.5 ft.), generally in accordance with Appendix A of the Policy Report dated February 25, 2002, be approved.
MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
SECONDED by Councillor Daniel Lee
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted, and the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare and bring forward the necessary by-law amendments.
The Special Council adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
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