Agenda Index City of Vancouver


At the Council meeting of March 12, 2002, Councillor Louis submitted the following Notice of Motion, which was recognized by the Chair.

4. Provincial Downloading to Municipalities: Sales Tax Increase (File: 1263)

WHEREAS, on February 19, 2002 the provincial government announced it was raising the provincial sales tax by 0.5 per cent effective February 20, 2002;

AND WHEREAS, according to city staff, the provincial government's decision to increase provincial sales tax will cost the City of Vancouver up to $600,000 in regards to the operating budget alone;

AND WHEREAS, the BC Liberals campaigned in the last provincial election on providing local governments with the tools and resources to better plan and manage local services;

AND WHEREAS, the BC Liberals' tax increase will force the city to adopt some combination of either raising taxes or cutting services to offset dramatic and unforeseen expenditures;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Council write to the Honourable George Abbott, Minister of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services, asking that the City of Vancouver be given an exemption from paying the additional 0.5 per cent sales tax.

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