MARCH 26, 2002


For information, please contact
Denise Salmon, Meeting Coordinator, at 604.873.7269
or e-mail

At its meeting immediately following the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meeting of March 26, 2002, Vancouver City Council approved the following:

1. Demolition of Dangerous/Nuisance Building at 831 East 26th Avenue

A. THAT Council declare that the building, rear accessory building and site at 831 East 26th Avenue, Lot Y Blocks 26 and 27, District Lots 391 and 392 Plan 21326 PID 007-973-438 are a nuisance and dangerous to public safety pursuant to Section 324A of the Vancouver Charter.

B. THAT Council approve the attached Resolution and order the Registered owner of the property to demolish the building and rear accessory building and remove the resulting demolition debris and discarded materials from the site and provide a chain-link fence around the perimeter of the site, within 14 days of a copy of the resolution being served pursuant to Section 324A of the Vancouver Charter.

C. THAT in the event of the failure of the owner to comply with the order of Council, Council further orders and hereby authorizes the City Building Inspector to have the work noted in Recommendation B above, carried out at the expense of the owner.

D. THAT the City Clerk be directed to file a 336D Notice against the Certificate of Title to the property at 831 East 26th Avenue in order to warn prospective purchasers that there are violations of the Vancouver Building, Zoning and Development, Electrical and Standards of Maintenance By-laws as well as the Provincial Gas Safety Act and Regulations related to this property and that there is an order of Council against the property.

2. 2010 Olympic Winter Games Bid

A. THAT Council endorse the City involvement in the venues for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games and Paralympic Winter Games Bid, as outlined in the Administrative Report dated March 7, 2002, entitled "2010 Olympic Winter Games and Paralympic Winter Games Bid: Current Status".

B. THAT Council refer this report for endorsement to the Vancouver Park Board, Vancouver Police Board, and Vancouver Library Board.

2. 2010 Olympic Winter Games Bid

WHEREAS, hosting the 2010 Winter Olympics may result in many positive economic and social spin-offs for the citizens of Vancouver;

AND WHEREAS, City Council encourages opportunities for civic participation,

AND WHEREAS, Article 40 of the Olympic Charter requires host cities take full financial responsibility for the Games;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the City of Vancouver urge the Vancouver/Whistler 2010 Bid Corporation work with community members to conduct a complete community impact study with recommendations to minimize the negative effects and to maximize the opportunities of hosting the 2010 Olympic Games.

3. 651 Expo Boulevard and 630-690 Beatty Street (False Creek North Area 7B): CD-1 Rezoning and False Creek North Official Development Plan Amendments -Major Planning Issues

A. THAT Council is prepared to consider the applications by Pacific Place Developments Corp. to amend the False Creek North Official Development Plan and to rezone Area 7B from BCPED to CD-1, such rezoning

B. THAT Council favours the incorporation of the City-owned Lot D at 696 Beatty Street as part of Area 7B, to be sold to Pacific Place Holdings Ltd., with disposition of the lot to be addressed in a report back from the General Manager of Engineering Services, in consultation with the Director of Real Estate Services;

C. THAT Council is prepared to consider the consolidation on Area 7B of a non-market housing obligation previously transferred from Site 5GH in Area 5A (100 units) and another obligation proposed to be transferred from Area 6C (131 units);

D. THAT Council is prepared to consider the relaxation of parking requirements, but within existing policies and relevant precedents and experience;

G. THAT Council favours that the parking needs of the Drill Hall at 620 Beatty Street be addressed through voluntary collaboration and business arrangement between Pacific Place Developments Corp., the BC Regiment and the City, with staff to provide assistance as may be helpful; and

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