Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets


Chief License Inspector


1167 Davie Street - The Pumpjack Pub Ltd.
Off-Premise Sales in Class `D' Neighbourhood Pub





On May 18, 2000, Council adopted the West End Licensing Policy, which included:


The Pumpjack Pub Ltd., is requesting a Council resolution endorsing its application for off-premise sales in the 65-seat with 20-seat patio Class `D' Neighbourhood Pub at 1167 Davie Street.


On July 27, 2000, Council endorsed the application by Doll and Penny's Café Ltd., (now renamed The Pumpjack Pub Ltd.) for a 65-seat with 20-seat patio Class `D' Neighbourhood Pub, subject to a time-limited Development Permit, a Legal Agreement, the signing of a Good Neighbour Agreement, the hours of operation limited to 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight Sunday to Thursday and 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday, and the patio closing at 11:00 p.m.

The Liquor Control and Licensing Branch issued their liquor license on December 6, 2000. However, an Occupancy Permit for the neighbourhood pub was not issued until October 11, 2001.

On September 14, 2000, Council endorsed a similar request by the Fountainhead Pub Ltd., 1025 Davie Street for off-premise sales in the Class `D' Neighbourhood Pub. To date, no comments or complaints have been received regarding this establishment and in particular off-premise sales.

Off-Sales Regulations and Policies

Up until June 5, 2000, Liquor Control and Licensing Branch regulations provided authority for off-sales endorsements for Class `A', `D', `F' and `I' licensed establishments and set conditions including 11:00 p.m. cut off for sales and that the product must be removed from the premises immediately after it is purchased.

Since June 5, 2000, Liquor Control and Licensing Branch regulations have been revised and no more off-premise sales applications will be considered. However, on February 2, 2001, the Branch advised that The Pumpjack Pub is eligible for consideration upon endorsement of the City, as the application was received prior to the revision date.

Area Surrounding Subject Premises

The subject premises are located in a C-5 (West End) zoning district. The surrounding area is a mixture of retail, restaurants, office, institutional, cabaret, hotel and multi-residential uses. There are a significant number of residential apartments in the area (see the attached appendix). The nearest residential buildings are located north across the lane and directly adjacent to the west side of the site above the commercial units.

There is one Class `C' Cabarets (195 seats), one Class `A' Lounge (46 seats) three Class `D' Neighbourhood Pubs (including the applicant) -- one with off-premise sales -(195 seats and 60 patio seats) and 24 licensed restaurants in a 1,000 foot radius. A private wine store (Marquis Wine Cellar) is located at 1034 Davie and there is a provincial government liquor store at 1155 Bute Street.


A neighbourhood notification was conducted by circulating approximately 1185 notices in the survey area (refer to the appendix). The notice generated 26 responses in favour and ten opposed from residents living within the survey area. A further ten written responses in favour were received from patrons of the pub who are West End residents, but live outside the survey area. Another 29 responses in favour were received from other areas of the city, well outside the boundaries of the neighbourhood survey.

In addition, the applicant organized a voice-mail petition in favour by having approximately 55 patrons phone directly from the pub on a special "hot line" and reading from a prepared script. Approximately 33 callers indicated residences within or close to the survey area while others, although West End residents, gave addresses outside the survey area. Several callers were from other parts of the city and a few from as far afield as Ottawa, Washington and Australia, while others gave no indication of where they lived.

The majority of responses in favour most often stated that they simply support the request with no further explanation. Other responses often cited the pub's value to their clientele and community.

Most responses opposed were concerned about the additional impact on the neighbourhood and the potential further deterioration of the community from problems often associated with the public consumption of alcohol. It was felt that the off-sales endorsement would increase the availability of alcohol in the neighbourhood and, thus, potentially on the street.


Staff's primary concern is the concentration of liquor retailers in the area. The provision for a Legal Agreement should provide adequate control over the pub's off-premise sales to ensure that it does not impact on the surrounding community.

It should be noted that the applicants also have two other requests for liquor license amendments with the Licenses and Inspections Branch: a seating capacity increase request as part of the Provincial Liquor Review - Person Capacity Increase (PCI) bulk process policy and a change of hours request for 1:00 a.m. closing seven days a week.

The applicant has persisted in demanding that staff present all three requests (off-premise sales, seating capacity increase and change of hours) to Council at the same time. Staff has resisted the demand for a number of reasons:


The Police Department is opposed to any increase access to liquor in the downtown area, subject to police resources being increased.

The Development Services Department has reviewed this application and based on the information available has no additional comments.

The Vancouver/Richmond Health Board has no objection.

The Social Planning Department is concerned that there are already a number of establishments and facilities where off-premise sale of liquor is available. These include the Fountainhead Pub, just one block away, provincial liquor stores at 1716 Robson, 1655 Davie, 1120 Alberni and 1155 Bute and a private wine store at 1034 Davie, which makes it more difficult to support a request for more off-premise sales in the neighbourhood.

The Housing Centre has no comments.


As a result of the apparent support of the community, but noting the concerns with having a number of retail liquor outlets in the area, staff has submitted the two consideration items to Council.

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