Agenda Index City of Vancouver


At the Council meeting of February 5, 2002, Councillor Price submitted the following Notice of Motion, which was recognized by the Chair.

Third Crossing Initiative (File 5752-1)

WHEREAS Councils in Vancouver have repeatedly stated that a Third Crossing is a low priority for this city for at least the next 15 years;

AND WHEREAS a Third Crossing at Main Street leaves unresolved the problem of vehicle movements through the city, particularly east-side neighbourhoods;

AND WHEREAS the City of Vancouver has and continues to oppose a freeway system;

AND WHEREAS a Third Crossing would promote significant new growth and sprawl in North Shore municipalities and along the Howe Sound corridor;

AND WHEREAS the GVRD Strategic Plan does not priorize the North Shore as a growth area, nor are the North Shore municipalities likely to accept a significant increase in regional growth;

AND WHEREAS there are many other transportation priorities that must be funded as higher priorities by both the public and private sectors (and there is only a limited amount of money available for transportation from our citizens, regardless of the funding body);

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Vancouver does not support a Third Crossing initiative for the Olympics or prior to a full impact study on North Shore municipalities and the east-side neighbourhoods of Vancouver.

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