Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


Director of Current Planning


3837 Point Grey Road
Development Application Number DE406291
Owner of Development - Jericho Tennis Club




In accordance with City Council's resolution dated August 14, 1979, in dealing with development applications on the north side of Point Grey Road, applications involving conditional approval uses or relaxations will be reported to Council or Committee of Council, as appropriate, after the application has been processed but before being approved.


The purpose of this report is to advise Council of a development application requesting permission to provide minor additions and alterations to the existing Jericho Tennis Club.


The site is on the north side of Point Grey Road and is located in the RT-2 Two-Family Dwelling Zoning District. The site and surrounding zoning are shown on the attached Appendix _A_.

On August 14, 1979, City Council resolved that all development applications on the north side of Point Grey Road be brought to the attention of City Council.

On January 14, 1997, the Director of Land Use and Development advised Council that the proposal to construct a new clubhouse for the Jericho Tennis Club would be dealt with through a development application, subject to a commitment from the Jericho Tennis Club to rezone the site to CD-1 Comprehensive Development District in the future, noting that the existing RT-2 zoning is not seen as appropriate for this site in the long term.

Development Permit Number DE402280 was issued October 16, 1997 for the construction of a clubhouse (Jericho Tennis Club) with one level of underground parking for 107 vehicles, and surface parking for 17 vehicles with vehicular access from Point Grey Road, and to relocate some tennis courts.


The latest proposal involves the construction of an approximately 58.2 square metres (626 square feet) one-storey-plus-basement addition to the north side of the existing clubhouse building, and the addition of an approximately 3.4 metres (11 feet) high open-designed trellis structure to the south of this building. The north side addition will provide a new fitness room and storage area for the Jericho Tennis Club.

As part of the review process, a total of 7 neighbouring property owners were notified of the proposal. The Development Services Department has received one favourable letter of response, noting concurrence with the proposal, however expressing concerns over increasing noise disturbances from the Club.

The proposal will comply with all of the relevant regulations of the Zoning and Development By-law and the Parking By-law. Staff do not believe that these minor additions will have any significant impact on neighbouring sites, and that the overall development is still in keeping with the RT-2 zoning. Simplified plans, including a site plan and elevations of the proposal are included in Appendix _B_.


The proposal complies with by-law requirements and no significant objections have been raised with regard to the form of development proposed. The Director of Planning is prepared to approve Development Application Number DE406291, but is first referring the matter to City Council for information and for any advice Council may wish to provide.


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