Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


General Manager of Engineering Services


Award of Contract No. 2001-11 for Main Sewer Reconstruction





Construction contracts over $300,000 must be awarded by Council.

Contracts are awarded on the basis of best value for fee.


This report recommends that the contract for the construction and the related work of the following main sewers:

· Balaclava Street; W. 10th Ave. to 36 meters north
· Lane East of Balaclava St.; W. 10th Ave. to W. 11th Ave.
· W. 2nd Avenue; Balaclava St. to Waterloo St.
· East 24th Avenue; Lane East of Fraser St. to Carolina St.
· Lane West of Fraser St.; East 23rd Ave to East 24th Ave.

be awarded to the low bidder, Sandpiper Contracting Ltd.


In 2001, the City received $1,049,250 from the Province under the Local Government Grants Program to assist in main sewer replacement. The City's application for financial assistance had been accepted based in part on the environmental benefits provided by accelerating the replacement of the original combined sewer system with separated sanitary and storm systems. This funding, which is supplemental to the City's regular main sewer replacement capital budget, is being used to finance this main sewer reconstruction contract.

The contract documents and detailed designs for the replacement of the sewers listed above were prepared by Engineering Services staff. The work will be administered under a lump sum/unit price construction services contract. Lump sums for each tender item and unit prices are used to calculate interim progress payments to the contractor. Six contract bidders submitted complete tender packages, including bonding requirements. A summary
of the bids received are as follows:

Contractor Bid Price
1. Sandpiper Contracting Ltd. $742,633.50
2. Pedre Contractors Ltd. $792,998.40
3. Targa Contracting Ltd. $832,960.76
4. B. Cusano Contracting Inc. $844,203.90
5. Ponte Bros. Contracting Ltd. $902,063.50
6. Double M. Excavating Ltd. $1,120,825.00


The low bid for the contract is within the Engineer's preliminary contract estimate of $810,000. Therefore, staff recommend that Sandpiper Contracting Ltd. be awarded Contract No. 2001-11 for Main Sewer Reconstruction. Funds for this project are available from the Local Government Grants Program from the Province to assist in main sewer replacement (order group CA2ED16, Order 30003122).

The total cost estimate for the work, which includes the contract price, 10% overhead, contingency, inspection costs, and related City work , is $950,000. The final cost of the contract will vary from the bid price as the estimated quantities of work for unit price items may be different from the actual quantity of work.

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