Agenda Index City of Vancouver


At the Council meeting of January 22, 2002, Councillor Louis submitted the following Notice of Motion, which was recognized by the Chair.

Provincial Cuts to Income and Hardship Assistance (File: 1263)

WHEREAS, the provincial government recently announced that income or hardship assistance will be denied to thousands of people in British Columbia who are in dire financial need;

AND WHEREAS, people in dire financial need include refugee claimants, many youths between 19-and 21-years-of-age, people convicted of welfare fraud, and people who have been on income assistance for more than two years during the last five years;

AND WHEREAS, many of the people who will be denied income or hardship assistance live in Vancouver;

AND WHEREAS, people who will be denied income or hardship assistance have no where to turn except to charities and/or the streets;

AND WHEREAS, the proposed provincial government cuts to income or hardship assistance will:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Vancouver city council demand the provincial government cancel its plans to deny income and hardship assistance to people in dire need.

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