Agenda Index City of Vancouver




Vancouver City Council

City Manager in Consultation with the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of Current Planning


Proposed Connection Between the Plaza at 858 Beatty and the BC Place Plaza Concourse




In 1993, during the rezoning of the Quayside Neighbourhood, the Stadium Parking Agreement was applied to site 5GH (858 Beatty Street). This agreement placed an obligation for payment-in-lieu of the required parking on this property in the estimated amount of $943,000 for 100 stalls.

The funds from the Stadium Parking "payment-in-lieu" spaces are to be applied to providing or improving the pedestrian-bicycle-transit network in the downtown area.


This report requests Council approval of a reduction of $62,757 in Smithe Street Holdings's payment-in-lieu contribution. This will allow Smithe Street Holdings build a proposed connection between the plaza at 858 Beatty Street (formerly the BC Place Gap site) and the BC Place plaza concourse, as shown in Appendix A, as well as a sidewalk along Expo Boulevard adjacent to the former BC Place Gap site.


On June 12, 2001, Council approved the following recommendations relating to this site
"THAT the required Stadium Parking Pay-in-Lieu funds for this property, currently estimated to be $943,000 be allocated as follows:


During the review of the detailed design for the plaza on this site, Smithe Street Holdings, BC Pavillion Corp., and the City agreed that there should be an expanded connection between the plaza at 858 Beatty and the BC Place plaza concourse. This connection would result in an expansion of the Terry Fox Plaza and would facilitate pedestrian movement between the BC Place concourse and the lower level plaza at 858 Beatty, formerly the BC Place Gap site.

Council previously agreed that a significant portion of Smithe Street Holdings's payment-in-lieu contribution could be applied to the development of the plaza at 858 Beatty, as the proposed plaza improves pedestrian access to Expo Boulevard, creates open space, andresults in the comprehensive development of a very challenging site.

Staff believe that the proposed connection between the 858 Beatty plaza and the BC Place plaza concourse will allow pedestrians at the upper level concourse to more easily access the public plaza at the lower level, and will improve the pedestrian linkages in this area. Similarly, the addition of a sidewalk along Expo Boulevard adjacent to the former BC Place Gap site will further enhance pedestrian access to this area.

If Council approves the proposed connection, the City would extend the current Plaza Concourse Lease at a no additional rent to BC Pavillion Corp. This lease would ensure that BC Pavillion Corp. is responsible for the connection, including all required maintenance.


Smithe Street Holdings Corp. and BC Pavillion Corp. are proposing a connection between the BC Place Concourse and the Plaza at 858 Beatty Street. In addition, Smithe Street Holdings Corp. has agreed to complete the sidewalk along Expo Boulevard adjacent to the former BC Place Gap site. As the proposed connection, and the sidewalk along Expo Boulevard will result in improved pedestrian connections in the area, staff recommend that Council approve this proposal, to be funded through a reduction in Smithe Street Holdings's parking payment in-lieu contribution by $62,757.

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