Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


Director of Current Planning


Minor Amendments to Sign By-law



THAT the Director of Current Planning be instructed to make application to amend Section 10.4 of the Sign By-law with respect to Canopy Signs, generally in accordance with Appendix A , and that the application be referred to a Public Hearing, and

FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary amending by-law for consideration at Public Hearing.


The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing.


Council policy, as reflected in the Sign By-law is to regulate the type, size and location of signs in the city.


This report recommends some minor amendments to the Sign By-law with respect to the location and spacing, and the area and dimensions of canopy signs.


In the Sign By-law a canopy is defined as "a rigid, roof-like structure which is entirely supported from a building, which may be below the level of the main building roof line orwhich may provide an enclosed bulkhead thereto, and projects beyond the building face to provide weather protection".

Secondly, a canopy sign is defined as "a sign which is painted on, attached to, or constructed in or on the face of a canopy".

In Section 10.4 of the Sign By-law the number, location and spacing, height and clearance, and area and dimension of canopy signs are regulated. The current regulations do not permit the sign to exceed the vertical dimension of the canopy and restrict any projection to 400 mm (1.31 ft.).

To permit merchants and sign designers greater flexibility in the design and installation of canopy signs, staff recommend that:

· the restriction limiting the sign to the vertical dimensions of the face of the canopy be removed (the vertical dimension of the sign will not be able to exceed 1 m (3.28 ft.) except in the case of theatres and cinemas where the vertical dimension shall not exceed 1.5 m.(4.92 ft.));
· the sign be able to project up to 600 mm (1.97 ft.) from the face or structural element of a canopy; and,
· regulations be amended to clarify that the sign area is only calculated where there is a border or frame as some signs are made of freestanding neon elements and a sign area calculation is not possible.


Planning staff conclude that the proposed amendments to the Sign By-law will provide for greater flexibility in the design and location of canopy signs. Staff therefore recommend referral of the amendments to Public Hearing for approval.

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The Sign By-law shall be amended as generally outlined below.

10.4 Canopy Signs

10.4.1 Number

10.4.2 Location and Spacing

10.4.3 Height and Clearance

10.4.4 Area and Dimension

(a) If a canopy sign has a frame, border, or background, the copy area of a canopy sign shall must not exceed 40% percent of the sign area.

(b) provided that the copy area of any sign located other than If a copy area is not on the front face of a canopy that copy area must shall not exceed the size of any copy area of any sign located that is on the front face of the canopy.

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