Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic


Director of Current Planning and the General Manager of Engineering Services


West Georgia Street Public Realm - Street Lighting Improvements





Council has approved policies on a on-going basis (1991 Central Area Plan, 1995 CityPlan, 1997 Vancouver Transportation Plan) that encourage enhancements to the public realm and street environment.

In 1989, Council approved the West End Georgia/Alberni Guidelines to assist in creating an urban character of distinction for this significant city gateway street.

In May 1998, Council approved the West Georgia Street and Tree Guidelines to articulate the requirements for sidewalk treatment and tree placement and species. The goal of the guidelines was to create a distinctive and attractive sidewalk treatment. The Guidelines did not address street lighting.

In January 2001, Council approved the reconstruction and widening of Georgia Street, from Gilford Street to Nicola Street, to accommodate bicycle lanes.

In May 2001, Council approved the design of the Stanley Park S-Curve. The proposed improvements included an enhancement of the roadway, while maintaining the general alignment; a reconstruction of the Chilco underpass to safely accommodate pedestrians, wheel chair users, in-line skaters and cyclists; a reconstruction of the Pipeline Road underpass to accommodate trolley buses; and additions to the park treatment and landscaping.


The reconstruction and widening of Georgia Street between Chilco Street and Cardero Street (Reference map in Appendix A) to accommodate the addition of bike lanes, presents an opportunity to implement street lighting improvements along both sides of the street and, in doing so, reinforce Georgia Street as a principal gateway and ceremonial street in the City.


Design of the S-Curve
Over the past year, staff have been finalizing plans for the reconstruction of the Stanley Park S-Curve. A key design objective has been to improve the general appearance and interface of the Park and City. Several principles were developed to guide the urban design of the project, including the creation of a meaningful visual termination of the city as it meets the park; maintaining and enhancing specific views down Georgia Street to Lost Lagoon and allowing for the Georgia Street sidewalk and boulevard treatment to remain consistent along the south side of the street from the Chilco intersection eastward.

The boundary between the S-Curve project and the widening of Georgia Street work (noted below) is Gilford Street. The S-Curve budget includes new lighting for the section of Georgia from Chilco to Gilford Streets. The logical break for different design treatments, however, is Chilco Street.

Widening of Georgia Street
As part of the Lion's Gate Bridge and Stanley Park S-Curve projects, the future of Georgia Street from Chilco to Pender Streets was reviewed. One of the results is that bike lanes are being added to both sides of the street between Chilco and Nicola Streets, thereby connecting the Pender Street Bikeway with the causeway and the Lions Gate Bridge. The addition of the bike lanes requires Georgia Street to be widened to the south by 2 m. The current project scope includes replacement of the standard City street lighting/trolley poles (south side only), but does not include street lighting enhancements.

Streetscape Design Standards Study
In conjunction with the Street Furniture and Amenity Program, the City is currently consolidating existing streetscape design standards (e.g. Georgia Street, Library Square Precinct, North False Creek, Coal Harbour, etc.) and reviewing standards for remaining areas. Based on a city-wide assessment of streets and their public realm function, the study will describe and illustrate the City's long-range urban design objectives for enhancing its streetscapes.

One streetscape classification identified in the draft study is that of a "Ceremonial" street. Georgia Street, along with Burrard Street, are the only two streets given this distinction. Both streets have long been recognized as pre-eminent streets in the city, by virtue of their roles as principal entrance routes into the City and downtown, the location of several of the city's major public institutions along their length, and their extra width (99 ft. right-of-way versus the typical 66 ft.).


Georgia Street Lighting Improvements (Appendix A)
The reconstruction efforts associated with the S-Curve and widening of Georgia Street present a cost-effective opportunity to implement public realm lighting improvements. Specifically, the widening of Georgia Street requires that the existing street lamp standards along the south side be removed and their placement reconfigured in any event. To take advantage of this opportunity, staff propose that improvements be made to the design and quality of the lamp bases and light fixtures on both sides of the street, from Chilco Street to Cardero Street (five blocks).

Staff, with the assistance of the Streetscape Design Standards consultant, reviewed a number of design alternatives, including different base treatments, various lighting fixtures and the addition of pedestrian lighting.

After an assessment of choices, staff recommend the design concept illustrated in Appendix A. The concept includes a granite clad concrete raised base for each trolley/lamp standard. Additionally, extending from the top of each trolley/lamp pole are new angled davit arms supporting special light fixtures for the roadway. The design will use standard trolley/lamp poles painted a distinctive colour, with the existing poles being removed, refitted and stockpiled to be re-used elsewhere. There are 40 poles to be relocated and upgraded. The design incorporates banner arms for public art banners. The overall effect will be a stand alone, distinctive, high quality streetscape design for this section of Georgia Street leading towards Stanley Park, consistent with established Council policies recognizing Georgia Street as the city's pre-eminent ceremonial street.

Project Cost and Funding
The estimated cost of the total lighting improvements is $700,000 including overhead and contingency. Approximately $170,000 for 10 to 12 of the poles, between Chilco and Gilford Streets can be covered through the S-Curve project budget, already approved. Similarly, the approved budget for the widening of Georgia Street allocates $280,000 towards street lighting. Total funding already approved is therefore $450,000.

In addition to this existing funding, it is requested that up to $250,000 be allocated from Streets Basic Capital Account No. 10000131-Beautification.

Project Cost-effectiveness
Undertaking the lighting improvements at the same time as the poles are being relocated represents a cost-savings opportunity. Poles are relocated once, resulting in savings in both construction and disruption costs.


As a part of the design exercise for the Georgia Street lighting enhancements, staff considered adding pedestrian lighting. However, due to lack of funds staff have not included pedestrian lighting in the proposed improvements. Staff will continue to investigate opportunities to improve the sidewalk lighting along the five blocks of West Georgia and report back to Council.

In a related effort to improve the public realm of Georgia Street, a majority of the overhead cross-street support wiring for trolley busses will be removed west of Bidwell Street as a part of the already budgeted S-Curve and Georgia Street reconstruction projects. While some overhead wiring for lane controls and traffic signals is still necessary, the replacement of cross-street support wiring with davit arms to support the trolley wires, and the undergrounding of the DC feeder, which currently runs along the south side, will remove most of the unsightly wires that clutter the view down the street towards Lost Lagoon.


In conjunction with the Stanley Park S-Curve project and related work on the westernmost five blocks of Georgia Street, there is an opportunity to provide a cost-effective, city-wide benefit. Along with the planned widening of Georgia Street, staff propose an upgrade of the street lighting west of Cardero Street. The improvements, as outlined in this report, will provide a long term enhancement of the public realm befitting the stature of Georgia Street.

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NOTE FROM CLERK - Appendix A is not available in electronic form - on file in the Office of the City Clerk.

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