Agenda Index City of Vancouver



DECEMBER 13, 2001

A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on Planning and Environment was held on Thursday, December 13, 2001, at 2:00 p.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.


Councillor Don Lee, Vice-Chair

*Mayor Philip Owen

Councillor Fred Bass
Councillor Jennifer Clarke
Councillor Tim Louis
Councillor Sandy McCormick
Councillor Gordon Price
Councillor George Puil
Councillor Sam Sullivan


Councillor Lynne Kennedy, Chair (Leave of Absence)
Councillor Daniel Lee (Leave of Absence)


Judy Rogers, City Manager
Brent MacGregor, Deputy City Manager


Diane M. Clairmont, Meeting Coordinator

* Denotes presence during part of the meeting.



The Minutes of the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting of November 22, 2001, as revised by Council on December 11, 2001, were adopted.

The Vice-Chair welcomed a visiting delegation from Shanghai, China.


1. Significant Rezoning Application - 651 Expo Blvd. and

The Committee had before it a description of a Significant Rezoning Application for 651 Expo Blvd., and 630-690 Beatty Street.

Michael Gordon, Senior Planner, provided an overview of the application. He reviewed the significant policy issues which need to be considered by staff during the processing of this application. A report detailing issues of this proposal will be brought to Council at a future meeting.

Council discussed issues relating to Costco including excess traffic and parking requirements, impact on surrounding retailers and provision of a delivery service which could reduce traffic. Mr. Gordon advised consultation is taking place with Costco community groups to resolve all concerns.

MOVED by McCormick
THAT the Committee recommend to Council

THAT the Significant Rezoning Application for 651 Expo Blvd., and 630-690 Beatty Street be received for information.

(Mayor Owen not present for the vote)


2. Warning to Prospective Purchasers of 1242 - 1244 East 13th Avenue (File: 2701)

The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated December 4, 2001 in which the City Building Inspector recommended approval to file a 336D Notice against the property at 1242 - 1244 East 13th Avenue to warn prospective purchasers of contraventions of the Zoning and Development and Vancouver Building By-laws related to this building. It was further recommended the Director of Legal Services be authorized to take legal action if deemed appropriate. The General Manager of Community Services supported the recommendations.

Peter Sweeney, Manager of Building Inspection Branch, reviewed the report and responded to questions.

Surinder Kahlon spoke in opposition to the recommendations (brief submitted - on file). His comments included:

· review of house history as it relates to working with City staff;
· did not realize work was in contravention until construction actually started;
· received call morning of December 13, 2001 that a Development Permit is forthcoming if balance of conditions are met.

Mr. Sweeney noted once all conditions are met and work is completed, a 336D notice is removed from title. Carlene Robbins, Manager, By-law Administration, and Frank Durante, District Building Inspector, reviewed steps taken to advise the owner about the process and that a 336D notice was requested as work continued despite a stop work order. Jacquie Forbes-Roberts, General Manager of Community Services, advised Mr. Kahlon would continue to receive help from staff to ensure he understood the process.

MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council

A. THAT the City Clerk be directed to file a 336D Notice against the title to the property at 1242 - 1244 East 13th Avenue (Lot C of 46 & 47, Block 172, District Lot 264A, Plan 2387) in order to warn prospective purchasers that there are contraventions of the Zoning and Development and Vancouver Building By-laws related to this building.

B. THAT the Director of Legal Services is hereby authorized, in her discretion, to commence a legal action or proceeding in relation to the premises located at 1242 - 1244 East 13th Avenue and may, in her discretion, seek injunctive relief in that action or proceeding, in order to bring this building into compliance with City By-laws.


3. Warning to Prospective Purchasers of 1230 & 1232 East 13th Avenue (File: 2701)

The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated December 5, 2001 in which the City Building Inspector recommended approval to file a 336D Notice against the property at 1230 & 1232 East 13th Avenue to warn prospective purchasers of contraventions of the Zoning and Development and Vancouver Building By-laws related to this building. It wasfurther recommended the Director of Legal Services be authorized to take legal action if deemed appropriate. The General Manager of Community Services supported the recommendations.

Peter Sweeney, Manager of Building Inspection Branch, reviewed the report and responded to questions.

Don Fenby spoke in opposition to the recommendations. His comments included:

· home had previously been involved in a grow-op and clean-up got carried away;
· expressed concern that 336D would inhibit raising funds to continue renovation;
· house has been taken off market; intent is to renovate and move in;
· due to personal circumstances, he has not had time to deal with the situation.

Mr. Sweeney advised that if permits are obtained, staff could advise lending agencies of the process which might help funding process. Carlene Robbins, Manager, By-law Administration noted Legal Services advised the 336D option is best in this circumstance. She also noted the owner has not applied for permits.

MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council

A. THAT the City Clerk be directed to file a 336D Notice against the title to the property at 1230 & 1232 East 13th Avenue (Lot A, Except the south 5 feet now lane, of Lots 46 & 47, Block 172, District Lot 264A, Plan 2387, PID 005-176-671)in order to warn prospective purchasers that there are contraventions of the Zoning and Development and Vancouver Building By-laws related to this building.

B. THAT the Director of Legal Services is hereby authorized, in her discretion, to commence a legal action or proceeding in relation to the premises located at 1230 & 1232 East 13th Avenue and may, in her discretion, seek injunctive relief in that action or proceeding, in order to bring this building into compliance with City By-laws.


4. Public Involvement Review - Implementation Update (File: 1011)

At its meeting on November 20, 2001, Vancouver City Council referred the above-noted report to a future Committee meeting to hear delegations. Accordingly, the Committee had before it Administrative Report dated November 5, 2001, in which the General Manager of Community Services, in consultation with Public Involvement Review Working (PIR) Group, provided Council with an update of the projects included in the improvement phase of the PIR. Council approval was sought for the strategy to complete and sustain the improvements to public involvement. The City Manager supports the recommendations.

Michael White, Planner, City Plans, reviewed the report and responded to questions. Brian Johnston, Context Research, and Nancy Largent, City Clerk's Office, were also present and responded to questions relating to time limits for speakers at public hearings. Ms. Largent noted a review of the public hearing process is currently taking place.

Judy Rogers, City Manager, advised she has confidence in the City of Vancouver public process. She noted the Vancouver Procedures By-law is currently under review.

Jacquie Forbes-Roberts, General Manager of Community Services, responded to questions relating to the Development Application process and community grants.

The following spoke regarding the recommendations:

Speakers' comments included:

· process is incomplete; City does well providing first piece of process - information;
· public is concerned about how to resolve their own issues with staff;
· majority of public want greater role in decision-making within their own community;
· historically City has been innovative and should continue to be so;
· acceptance of 4 pillars approach largely a result of public involvement process;
· City should pilot other approaches (e.g. community development model);
· institutionalized annual budget process should be initiated; involve public in how City money is spent;
· if new community charter is adopted, City will have additional responsibility without funding; citizens should be consulted on how this will be dealt with;
· citizens should be engaged in communities rather than at Council; allow them to make authoritative recommendations within context of City guidelines;

·by the time an issue goes to public hearing, various parties are entrenched in their positions; Council has to make a difficult and often unpopular decision;
· if citizens believe input is valued and they have an equal voice with divergent opinions, they will participate and become a valuable resource;
· level of participation in Vancouver currently low; only those angry show up which can result in uncivil behaviour;
· focus continues to be on what City does; PIR should be a complementary component focussing on how citizens themselves can improve participation;
· resources should be devoted to improving capacity of citizens to participate as equal partners; other cities provide resources to neighbourhoods directly;
· citizens know better than staff what is working within their own neighbourhoods.

MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council

A. THAT Council receive for information Context Research's Public Involvement Review Phase III Report (Appendix A of Administrative Report Public Involvement Review - Implementation Update dated November 5, 2001).

B. THAT Council approve the strategy for completing and sustaining the improvements to public involvement as outlined in Administrative Report Public Involvement Review - Implementation Update dated November 5, 2001, including:

5. Approval of Council Initiative - South Granville BIA Funding

The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated November 28, 2001, in which the Director of City Plans sought approval of the Council Initiative to increase the South Granville BIA funding ceiling and to forward the application to the Court of Revision. The General Manager of Community Services supports the recommendations.

MOVED by Councillor Clarke
THAT the Committee recommend to Council

A. THAT Council approve the commencement of a Council Initiative to increase the South Granville BIA funding ceiling from $880,000 to $1,440,000 for the balance of its current 5-year term; and

B. THAT Council forward the application of the South Granville Business Improvement Association to a hearing of the Court of Revision, AND THAT the City notify property owners and tenants within the area (outlined as Appendix A of the Administrative Report Approval of Council Initiative -South Granville BIA Funding Ceiling Increase, dated November 28, 2001) of the proposed funding ceiling increase.


The Committee agreed to vary the order of the agenda. For ease of reference, the minutes are recorded in numerical order.

6. Farmer's Market - 1100 Bidwell Street - Text Amendment Consideration

The Committee had before it a Policy Report dated November 27, 2001, in which the Director of Current Planning put forward for consideration either an instruction to make application to create a use term for Farmers' Market and to introduce the term into the RM-5A District as a conditional approval use, or to take no further action to permit the farmers' market at this site. The General Manager of Community Services put forward for consideration either A and B, or alternatively C. The City Manager provided another alternative option to extend the July 17, 1999 approved recommendation with a report back following the 2002 Market.

Dave Thomsett, Senior Planner, reviewed the report and with Paul Teichroeb, Chief License Inspector, responded to questions.

Devorah Kahn, East Vancouver Farmers' Market, (brief submitted - on file) supported withholding enforcement for the 2002 market.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council

THAT Council instruct the Chief License Inspector to withhold enforcement respecting land use on a farmers' market operated by a registered non-profit society proposed for the Lord Roberts School parking lot, 1100 Bidwell Street, for the summer and fall seasons of 2002, on a trial basis, pending a report back after the trial period by the Director of Central Area Planning, on behalf of Land Use and Development, towards an application to amend the RM-5A District Schedule; and

FURTHER THAT 2002 be the last year of non-enforcement and the nature of the 2002 market be the same as in past years.


7. 2002 Sun Run Re-Route (File: 4201)

The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated December 6, 2001, in which the General Manager of Engineering Service sought Council approval for a change in route for the 15th Annual Vancouver Sun Run to be held Sunday April 21, 2002.

MOVED by Councillor Puil
THAT the Committee recommend to Council

THAT City Council approve the 2002 Sun Run, to take place April 21st, 2002, with the route changes indicated in Administrative Report 2002 Sun Run Re-Route dated December 6, 2001 and shown as Appendix A.


The Committee adjourned at 4:43 p.m.




A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Thursday, December 13, 2001 at 4:43 p.m, in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting, to consider the recommendations of the Committee.


Mayor Philip Owen
Councillor Fred Bass
Councillor Jennifer Clarke
Councillor Don Lee
Councillor Tim Louis
Councillor Sandy McCormick
Councillor Gordon Price
Councillor George Puil
Councillor Sam Sullivan


Councillor Lynne Kennedy (Leave of Absence)
Councillor Daniel Lee (Leave of Absence)


Brent MacGregor, Deputy City Manager


Diane M. Clairmont, Meeting Coordinator


MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
SECONDED by Councillor McCormick

THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the chair.



Report of Standing Committee on Planning and Environment
December 13, 2001

Council considered the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in the following clauses of the foregoing report:

Clauses 1-7

MOVED by Councillor Don Lee

THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clauses 1 to 7 of this report, be approved.



MOVED by Councillor Don Lee

THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.



MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
SECONDED by Councillor Price


The Council adjourned at 4:44 p.m.
* * * * *


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