Agenda Index City of Vancouver



DECEMBER 3, 2001


1. Family Court/Youth Justice Committee Annual Report - 2000-2001 (File 3118-1, RTS #2446)

The Family Court/Youth Justice Committee is appointed by Vancouver City Council under the auspices of the Provincial Court Act and the Young Offenders Act .

The Committee's mandate is:

· to consider and examine the resources in the community for family and children's work and young offenders;
· to assist the court, when requested, in individual cases referred to the Committee;
· to make recommendations to the Court, the Attorney General, City Council or to others, as required.

This annual report covers the period January, 2000 to December, 2001.

The Committee thanks the Mayor and Council for their responsiveness to the requests made by the Committee in reports to Council last year. One of the requests was that Council consider appointing individuals that expressed an interest specifically in family/youth justice. It was also requested that Council consider appointing fewer than 22 members, (which was the total number appointed in 2000), because the large number of members limited the Committee's ability to make quorum. For the 2001 term Council responded by appointing 13 members who seemed to have a real interest in, and commitment to, family/youth justice issues, and to the Committee's work.

2001 Family Court/Youth Justice Provincial Conference

Council also supported the Committee's request for clerical support, and co-hosting of the 2001 Provincial Family Court Youth Justice Conference in late April, 2001. Councilor Don Lee brought greetings on behalf of the City and reminded all in attendance about the `importance of prevention'.

He reflected the views of participants who commented during the Conference that they believe in the importance of all those responsible for children and families taking proactive action to address any problems early on. They went on to state that work must be done with parents, children, and the community as a whole to find workable solutions.

The one-day Provincial Conference held at City Hall was a success, with all current Family Court Committee members in attendance. In all there were about 55 participants taking part that day. Besides members of Family Court/Youth Justice Committees, the conference also drew young people, civic officials, judges, police officers, lawyers, and provincial and federal presenters.

The Committee was able to return the $2000 advance from the City (see Appendix A entitled "Projected Budget for Provincial Conference").

Significant Activities

The 2000/01 Committee has been an extremely active one. It set a list of priorities early in its mandate and has worked diligently to affect the areas identified during its annual planning process. Priority areas were identified and working groups established for:

· Court Watch
· Youth Week/Civil Rights
· Drug Court/ Detention Centres
· The hosting of the Family Court/Youth Justice Provincial Conference

The Chair provided all committee members with copies of the Legal Services Society's publication "The Court Watcher's Manual" as background material.

The Committee continues work regarding:

· discussions with the Department of Justice about the possibility of pilot Drug Courts for youth
· work on sexually exploited children and youth issues with partners
· keeping abreast on what is taking place with Secure Care
· staying on top of the progression of the new Youth Criminal Justice Act
· confirming the new FC/YJ Committee's Mandate which will be forwarded to Council in the New Year
· collecting data on HIV and young people
· participating in "Vancouver's Coalition"

The Committee would also like to work with the city to enhance its presence on the City website so that the Committee and its work can be more visible and accessible to thecommunity. The Committee believes that this action would support the City's initiative for open and transparent government.

With the submission of this report, the Vancouver Family Court/Youth Justice Committee continues its work in the areas identified.

In closing I would like to thank all the Chairs of this year's working groups, other committee members and staff for their hard work and for making this a very successful year.

Respectfully submitted,

Sadie Kuehn, Chair
Family Court/Youth Justice Committee


The City Manager submits the foregoing for INFORMATION.

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Projected Budget for Provincial Conference
(attached to Report to Council dated March 22, 2000)

Province                                                         $2,000.00
City of Vancouver                                         $2,000.00
Reception                                                         $ 200.00
Requested donations from other groups      $2,000.00
Admin. Support Service                                 $1,296.51
Volunteer hours of VFCYJC members         $8,500.00
Registration fee                                             $1,350.00
Total:                                                             $17,346.51

* The $1,296.51 is based on 80hrs. x $14.47/hr. = $1,157.60 + 12 %in lieu of benefits .

          * The $2,000.00 donation is request of catering companies to provide on site lunch.

Vancouver Family Court Youth Justice Committee
2001 Provincial Conference
Budget Report


Conference fees                                                                                  $1530.00
Contribution for youth participation from the Chief Judge                       $ 500.00


Elder Margaret Harris for Opening                                                        $ 150.00
L. Fraser - Transportation                                                                       $ 22.00
Catering                                                                                                $ 798.51
Name tags, etc.                                                                                      $ 19.00

Balance:                                                                                            $1,040.49

* * * * *


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