Agenda Index City of Vancouver

Date: December 4, 2001
Author/Local: Judy Rogers/7626

RTS No. 02427

CC File No. 3701

TO: Vancouver City Council

FROM: City Manager

SUBJECT: Vancouver's Coalition for Crime Prevention and Drug Treatment



Council has supported Coalition actions to prevent crime and improve drug treatment in Vancouver by granting funding requests from 1998 through 2001.

This funding constitutes a grant and therefore requires eight affirmative votes.


This report seeks Council approval for year 2002 funding support for the activities of Vancouver's Coalition for Crime Prevention and Drug Treatment. Funding will provide for continued support and facilitation of partner actions to improve crime prevention and drug treatment throughout the City and most urgently in the Downtown Eastside.


Vancouver's Coalition for Crime Prevention and Drug Treatment was created in October of 1997 under the strategic leadership of the Mayor and the Urban Safety Commission. Since its inception, the Coalition has grown from 20 partners, to more than 63 partners. The Coalition represents a diverse cross section of community partners committed to taking actions to improve crime prevention and drug treatment in Vancouver.

The Coalition partners include:

Vancouver School Board

Vancouver Park Board

Vancouver Police Department

Odd Squad Productions

Vancouver Board of Trade

Vancouver Port Authority

Vancouver International Airport Authority

Tourism Vancouver

University of British Columbia

Simon Fraser University


Vancouver Foundation

United Way

VanCity Credit Union

Downtown Vancouver BIA

Vancouver Hotel Association

Rotary Club of Vancouver

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Health Canada

Insurance Bureau of Canada

Insurance Corporation of BC

Browning-Ferris Industries (BFI)

The Gathering Place

Kaiser Foundation

The United Youth Movement

Collingwood Community Policing Centre

Robson Street BIA

The British Columbia Regiment

Vancouver Recovery Club

Vancouver Family Court & Youth Justice Committee

Boys & Girls Club of Greater Vancouver

Taiwanese-Canadian Cultural Society

Hope in Vision

Downtown Vancouver Association

Downtown Eastside Youth Activities Society (DEYAS)

Salvation Army

Mount Pleasant BIA

Mount Pleasant CPO


Granville Street Community Policing Centre

Gastown Community Policing Centre

Volunteer Vancouver

Kerrisdale BIA

Kensington Community Centre

Alcohol-Drug Education Service

First United Church

Vancouver Economic Development Commission

Chinatown Police Community Services Centre

YWCA of Vancouver

Grandview-Woodlands Community Policing Centre

Davie Street Community Police Office

Cedar Cottage Community Policing Centre

Concert Properties Ltd.

Canadian Bankers Association

Renfrew Collingwood Drug and Alcohol Committee

Vancouver Police & Native Liaison Society

Anglican Diocese of New Westminster

BC Coalition for Safer Communities

Together We Can


Vancouver Community College

Victory Outreach Vancouver

Together We Can


























Partner Actions

Coalition partners continue to make valuable contributions in the City of Vancouver to improve crime prevention and drug treatment, both in the Downtown Eastside as well as in other communities throughout the City. Some highlights in 2001 include:

Framework for Action, A Four-Pillar Approach to Drug Problems in Vancouver

Donald MacPherson, the City of Vancouver's Drug Policy Coordinator, followed up on the Coalition forums and many other community meetings and discussions, by producing a draft discussion paper on the four-pillar approach, which balances public order and public health in dealing with Vancouver's drug problems city wide. Vancouver's Coalition for Crime Prevention and Drug Treatment coordinated the public consultation for the discussion paper and assisted with the revision of the paper.

The public consultation included:

· Six Mayor's Forums
· Six Public Forums
· Over 30 Community Meetings
· Over 40 Multicultural Community Meetings
· Meetings with Government Officials in Ottawa and Victoria

Through a unanimous City Council decision on May 15, 2001, "A Framework for Action" became Vancouver's drug policy. City staff have been working closely with Vancouver Agreement partners and Vancouver's Coalition for Crime Prevention and Drug Treatment to develop a phased implementation and evaluation plan for the policy. Since May 2001, there has been further consultation on how best to move towards implementation, including:

· Meetings with Government Officials in Ottawa and Victoria
· Regional Mayors' Forum
· Three Mayor's Forums

Coalition Web Page

The Coalition web page was launched in 2000 and includes crime prevention and drug treatment information and Coalition activity updates. The web site is linked to the City of Vancouver web page as well as to Coalition partner pages. The web page is a particularlyvaluable tool in making A Framework for Action available city-wide, regionally and across the country. The web page is regularly updated with Coalition partner activities and upcoming events.

New Coalition Partners

Three more community partners joined Vancouver's Coalition for Crime Prevention and Drug Treatment in 2001. They include: TELUS, Vancouver Community College and Victory Outreach Vancouver. Various other organizations from across business, health, education, and social service sectors continue to show keen interest in keeping apprised of Coalition activities.

National Addictions Awareness Week and Youth Drug Prevention Series

During National Addictions Awareness Week, November 19-23, 2001, the Vancouver Sun published a 5-day series on Drug Prevention and Awareness for Youth that was designed and developed by a Coalition Working Group. The series supports actions under the prevention pillar of A Framework for Action, which also includes treatment, enforcement and harm reduction.

The opportunity made possible by the Vancouver Sun and TELUS increased the exposure of this important issue to parents, children and the public by presenting various "themes", drug awareness and prevention techniques, facts and information. Themes included: the myths and realities about drug use, avenues of support for youth, how to address peer pressure and preventing drug use, how to get involved in drug awareness and prevention, and how to make a difference in schools, communities and families.

In addition, the Power Choices five poster boards will be displayed in the Vancouver Public Library Main Branch and various community centres throughout the city over the coming months.

Looking Ahead

The year 2002 will be another very busy year for Vancouver's Coalition. In addition to on-going projects, such as working with the City of Vancouver on developing a phased implementation plan for A Framework for Action and ensuring a key role of the Coalition in that plan, the Coalition will undertake a number of new initiatives. Many of these initiatives will relate to work that Coalition partners are doing in support of the DTES Community Revitalization program and other city-wide initiatives.

Coalition Goals

Vancouver's Coalition for Crime Prevention and Drug Treatment has a two-pronged mandate to involve the community in actions that:

· improve drug treatment.

Coalition Communication Objectives

Coalition Building Plan for the Year 2002

This plan focuses on several key areas to help build and strengthen Vancouver's Coalition and expand its activities and overall impact on Vancouver's broader community.

City-wide Perspective - A Framework for Action

Vancouver's Coalition for Crime Prevention and Drug Treatment continues to have a city-wide focus. Publication of A Framework for Action, A Four-Pillar Approach to Drug Problems in Vancouver establishes clear policy direction for action balancing public order and public health in dealing with Vancouver's drug problems. Engaging all levels of government and the community as the Framework moves towards implementation will be a key role for Vancouver's Coalition for Crime Prevention and Drug Treatment.

Public Education

Another key area of activity for Vancouver's Coalition in the year 2002 will focus on public education, bringing information about crime prevention and drug treatment to as broad an audience as possible. This key focus will compliment the Coalition's quarterly Newsletter and Discussion Paper updates. The public education component of the Coalition Building Plan for the year 2002 will compliment the work that the City's Communication Department is doing around public education in the DTES and city-wide. Continuing action on prevention initiatives will be a key focal point for Vancouver's Coalition for Crime Prevention and Drug Treatment public education initiatives.

Partner Recognition

The Coalition will implement a recognition program for partners to reinforce the importance of community involvement in crime prevention and drug treatment. Awards, publications and media public service announcements are being considered for use in therecognition program. In addition, Coalition partner activities are regularly recognized through more informal channels.

DTES Perspective

Vancouver's Coalition for Crime Prevention and Drug Treatment continues to assist the City of Vancouver with its strategy for the Downtown Eastside. As a co-sponsor in the application to the National Crime Prevention Centre for $5 million dollars, Vancouver's Coalition has worked closely with the City to develop and implement this initiative. In the year 2002, the Coalition will further expand its role and participate, where appropriate, in the work of the Evaluation Steering Committee for the project.

Coalition partners are supporting the DTES Community Revitalization program in a variety of ways. Some partners, such as DEYAS, YWCA Crabtree Corner and the Vancouver Economic Development Commission, are playing an active role in the community development and consultation component of the project. While others, such as UBC, are engaging the community utilizing student volunteers, providing learning opportunities for DTES residents and further exploring opportunities for meaningful, respectful, participatory research. Coalition partners will continue to be asked to contribute to the DTES Community Revitalization program, working in partnership with the community, with other Coalition partners and with the other levels of government, to help bring real change to the area.

Strengthening Partnerships - Expand the Number and Variety of Coalition Partners

This initiative will require the City's continued leadership to encourage greater community involvement in crime prevention and drug treatment activities. The City will also need to continue efforts to include and co-ordinate all three levels of government as well as other relevant agencies in Coalition activities where appropriate. Three more organizations joined Vancouver's Coalition for Crime Prevention and Drug Treatment in 2001 and many more expressed interest in the work of the Coalition.

Continue to encourage Coalition partners to contribute to crime prevention and drug treatment by involving their organizations in specific actions that compliment their mandates. Although significant gains were made in this area in the past three years, plans for the upcoming year will provide new opportunities to link with Coalition partners, helping to support them to take actions to help make Vancouver a safer, healthier city. As well as working with individual Coalition partners, special support will be given to Coalition Working Teams formed to address specific issues in a concrete and action-centred way.

In addition, the development of a Coalition partner Fund to support the crime prevention and drug treatment activities across Vancouver will provide an important opportunity for the community to engage in planning and funding. This fund will provide a path for the private sector to get involved in funding and advising on key crime and drug prevention activities across the City.

Relationship-Building - Coalition Partner and the Vancouver Agreement

A key role over the next year for Vancouver's Coalition for Crime Prevention and Drug Treatment will be to build a strong and mutually rewarding relationship between Coalition partners and Vancouver Agreement partners, in particular as the Framework moves towards implementation. This role extends to the important development of intergovernmental relations - working toward integrating the policy directions in A Framework for Action with the implementation vehicle of the Vancouver Agreement while supporting a key role for community and the Coalition in that process.

Other Jurisdictions

Finally, steps will be taken to monitor initiatives related to crime prevention and drug treatment being embraced in other cities throughout the world. This base of information will be shared with
members throughout the Coalition, continuing to encourage a more informed, broad based perspective to the issues at hand.


The proposed budget for January - December, 2002 is $150,000, detailed as follows:

Project Co-ordination


$ 38,500

Public Education


consisting of:
- Mayor's Forums



- Quarterly Newsletter



- Newspaper Series



- Web coordination



- Coalition Partner Recognition Program



- Translation

$10, 000





Coalition Building - Partner Contact


consisting of:
- Coalition Liaison Officer



-Administrative/Office/Technology Support





$66, 500




















Similar to previous years, these funds will be provided within the 2002 Operating Budget without offset.


The last few years were very busy and significant years for Vancouver's Coalition for Crime Prevention and Drug Treatment. Assisting with the successful development and launch of A Framework For Action, A Four-Pillar Approach to Drug Problems in Vancouver in late 2000. This major achievement is in addition to the extensive public consultation process for A Framework for Action and the Drug Prevention and Awareness for Youth series in the Vancouver Sun in 2001.

What has been especially encouraging over this past year is watching Coalition partners, with diverse interests and opinions, come together to address complex issues, building areas of agreement for action, particularly in developing and moving towards implementing a four-pillar approach to drug problems across the city.

In the last year, many organizations have expressed interest in the work that the Coalition is doing in encouraging community involvement in crime prevention and drug treatment. As momentum continues to grow, it is supported by a growing recognition among all of our partners - the community, the City and all other levels of government, that we must work together to prevent crime and improve drug treatment throughout Vancouver. Mayor Owen has provided strong leadership in this area emphasizing the need for ongoing partnerships to ensure that Vancouver remains one of the best cities to live in the world.

* * * * *


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