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A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on Planning and Environment was held on Thursday, December 6, 2001, at 2:00 p.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.
*Councillor Lynne Kennedy, Chair
Mayor Philip Owen
Councillor Fred Bass
*Councillor Jennifer Clarke
Councillor Don Lee, Vice-Chair
Councillor Tim Louis
Councillor Sandy McCormick
Councillor Sam SullivanABSENT:
Councillor Daniel Lee (Sick Leave)
Councillor Gordon Price (Sick Leave)
Councillor George Puil (Civic Business)CITY MANAGER'S
OFFICE:Judy Rogers, City Manager
Laura Kazakoff, Meeting Coordinator
* Denotes presence for a portion of the meeting.
The Minutes of the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting of November 8, 2001, were adopted.
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At 2:05 p.m. Councillor Kennedy declared Conflict of Interest on Item 1 as a member of her family had designed the building in which 1716 Robson Street is contained. Councillor Kennedy left the meeting and did not return until the conclusion of the vote on the following matter. Councillor Don Lee, Vice-Chair, assumed the chair.
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1. 1716 Robson Street - Government Liquor Store
Development Application Number DE406086 (File 2608)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated November 20, 2001, in which the Director of Current Planning recommended Council endorse an application for a new government liquor store at 1716 Robson Street. The General Manager of Community Services recommended approval.
Bill Boons, Co-Manager of Processing Centre, Development Services, reviewed the report and responded to a question regarding concerns expressed by residents during the consultation process.
Brian Anderson, Liquor Distribution Branch, spoke in favour of the recommended approval of the application. He noted a liquor store has been in this location for over 30 years, and this will not in fact be a new liquor store, but a new building with the liquor store housed in it.
Margaret Borthwick, area resident, expressed concerns with regard to the application as follows:
· it is hoped the enclosed parkade will address current noise impacts of the existing parking lot;
· concern expressed regarding the bottle return facility; as there are a lot of street people in the area it is hoped that they will be accessing the store from Robson Street rather than from the alley;
· would like to see the stairwell leading off the lane into the store monitored; there have been problems with people using these stairwells as toilets and places to do drugs;
· concern expressed regarding fighting, drinking and general congregating in the alley; it is suggested that the dumpsters be relocated.
Mr. Boons responded to questions regarding the foregoing speaker's concerns, noting he expects them all to be addressed through the normal processing of the Development Application.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
THAT Council advise the Director of Planning that it would favour approval of a new government liquor store at 1716 Robson Street as part of Development Application Number DE406086
(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote.)
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At 2:20 p.m. Councillor Kennedy returned to the meeting and resumed the Chair.
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2. Amendments to the First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel
(FSADP) - Terms of Reference (File 3104
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated November 22, 2001, in which the Director of Current Planning recommended Council approve amendments to the First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel's Terms of Reference in order to clarify community representation on the Panel and related administrative matters.
Rob Jenkins, Assistant Director of Current Planning, distributed copies of Appendix B, which was inadvertently not included with the report, and provided an overview of the proposed amendments to the Terms of Reference. Mr. Jenkins also advised of a minor change to Appendix A of the report as follows:
First page of Appendix A (Page 28 of the First Shaughnessy Design Guidelines) -
last paragraph to read as follows (revision noted in italics):
Council shall appoint each member for a term of two years and may reappoint each member for a second term of two years. A resident appointee who is thecurrent chair of the First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel may be reappointed....
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
THAT Council approve amendments to the First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel [FSADP] - Terms of Reference, as presented in the revised Appendix A of the Administrative Report dated November 22, 2001, entitled "Amendments to the First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel (FSADP) - Terms of Reference", in order to clarify community representation on the Panel and related administrative matters.
(Councillor Clarke absent for the vote.)
3. Plaza of Nations - Late Night Dance Events (File 8204)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated November 19, 2001, in which the Chief License Inspector recommended Council not give consideration to the request by the owner of the Plaza of Nations site to hold late night dance events in the Enterprise Hall facility (as in Recommendation A). An alternative option of giving consideration to the request, subject to certain conditions, was put forward for Council's consideration (as in Consideration B). The General Manager of Community Services endorsed staff's recommendation and also put forward the alternative option for consideration.
Guy Gusdal, Licensing Coordinator, provided an overview of the report and the rationale for staff's recommendation. Mr. Gusdal also advised of an error in condition iii of Consideration B, noting the date should read May 22, 2003.
Mr. Gusdal and Nick Losito, Director of Environmental Health, responded to questions regarding noise impacts, possible measures for enforcing compliance with proposed decibel levels put forward for consideration, security at these types of events, the current noise by-law, and the implications of measuring the sound levels in relation to the "ambient sound level".
Daisen Gee-Wing, General Manager, Plaza of Nations Management Office, spoke in favour of Consideration B. He noted that since his organization took responsibility for special eventsat the Plaza of Nations there has not been a direct complaint received in regard to late night dance events. Mr. Gee-Wing advised his company has always worked in full cooperation with the City's FEST Committee and the Vancouver/Richmond Health Board and the only outstanding issue is sound emanation from the property. He noted that if consideration were given to the approval of late night dance events his company would work with the City to ensure that all regulations set by Council are conformed to. Mr. Gee-Wing noted the Plaza of Nations site is a preferable location for these events over illegal and unsafe venues and asked Council for the chance to prove they can be run in a responsible and respectful manner.
The following speakers expressed support for Consideration B:
· Dan Sabina, Masterplan Productions (brief filed)
· John Wong, Genesis Security
· Azim Varani, Twisted Productions
Comments provided by the foregoing speakers include the following:
· noise complaints in regard to late night dance events have not been received in regard to any Masterplan events;
· mitigating measures can be taken to address any remaining noise concerns;
· late night dance events are a global phenomenon; these events are created by and for youth, and youth ultimately profit through increased employment opportunities;
· Genesis Security has provided security for 22 dance events at the Plaza of Nations, and over the last year and a half have developed a relationship with City police and other involved parties;
· high volumes are not necessary for the success of these events; people will still attend if the volumes are lowered;
· if we do not provide safe venues for these events, they will go underground and take place at illegal venues which are far more dangerous;
· Plaza of Nations is a needed venue due to the medium sized capacity it offers; the Pacific Coliseum is not a viable alternative due to the prohibitive costs and higher capacity.
The following speakers expressed support for the staff recommendation that the Plaza of Nations site not be considered for late night dance events:
· Brian Harton, City Gate Residents Committee
· Lewis Neilson, Plaza Productions
· Riel Roussopoulos
Comments provided by the foregoing speakers include the following:
· Plaza of Nations is an unsuitable location for these events; they should be held elsewhere in locations which are not adjacent to residential premises;
· City Gate residents were promised at a previous Council meeting that there would be no more raves at the Plaza of Nations;
· normal bars are in solid buildings and have regular hours of operation; cannot understand why all night dance events are necessary, and why they would be held in a glass building;
· the sound vibrations which are created by raves cannot be blocked out by the use of ear plugs;
· Plaza Productions had tried everything to contain sound levels during the time that they ran these events at the Plaza of Nations but concluded that it was not possible to hold events at this location without creating noise impacts;
· concern was expressed in regard to the current management of the Plaza of Nations during late night dance events;
· loud volumes are an integral part of the rave scene; the glass building of the Enterprise Hall is not adequate to contain the level of sound volume needed to run a successful event.
Mr. Gusdal, Mr. Losito, and Paul Teichroeb, Chief License Inspector, responded to questions concerning appropriate sound levels, the appropriateness of allowing unsupervised children at these types of events, and the monitoring process which would be employed should Council agree to give consideration to late night dance events at the Plaza of Nations site.
MOVED by Councillor Clarke
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
THAT Council advise the Chief License Inspector to give consideration to the use of the Plaza of Nations site (Enterprise Hall) for late night dance events, subject to the following conditions:
i. A maximum sound-level of 95 dBA, to be reviewed by staff and modified as necessary in conjunction with the Chief License Inspectorand the Director of Environmental Health;
ii. A maximum patron occupant load of 2,700 persons;
iii. That the consideration be limited in time to May 22, 2002 or earlier, if future issues with these events are unresolvable by staff; and
iv. That Council express its concern regarding mixing unsupervised children with adults in these late night dance events and directs that appropriate measures be taken as necessary to prevent that from happening.
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT paragraph i. be amended to read as follows:
A maximum sound-level (as measured at the property line) of no more than 3dBA above the ambient sound level, with an initial internal benchmark level of 95dBA;
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT paragraph iii. be amended to change the date from May 22, 2002, to May 22, 2003.
LOST (Tie Vote)
(Councillors Clarke, Kennedy, McCormick and the Mayor opposed.)
THAT paragraph iii. be amended to add in the following after the word "staff":
..., to a maximum of six late night dance events within that time period;
(Councillors Bass and Louis opposed.)
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
THAT Council advise the Chief License Inspector to give consideration to the use of the Plaza of Nations site (Enterprise Hall) for late night dance events, subject to the following conditions:
i. A maximum sound-level (as measured at the property line) of no more than 3dBA above the ambient sound level, with an initial internal benchmark level of 95dBA;
ii. A maximum patron occupant load of 2,700 persons;
iii. That the consideration be limited in time to May 22, 2002, or earlier, if future issues with these events are unresolvable by staff, to a maximum of six late night dance events within that time period; and
iv. That Council express its concern regarding mixing unsupervised children with adults in these late night dance events and directs that appropriate measures be taken as necessary to prevent that from happening.
The Committee adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
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DECEMBER 6, 2001
A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Thursday, December 6, 2001, at 4:30 p.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting, to consider the recommendations of the Committee.
Mayor Philip Owen
Councillor Daniel Lee (Sick Leave)
Judy Rogers, City Manager |
Laura Kazakoff, Meeting Coordinator |
*Denotes presence for a portion of the meeting.
MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
SECONDED by Councillor McCormick
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the chair.
(Councillor Bass absent for the vote.)
Report of Standing Committee on Planning and Environment
December 6, 2001
Council considered the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in the following clauses of the foregoing report:
Cl.1: 1716 Robson Street - Government Liquor Store
Development Application Number DE406086
Cl.2: Amendments to the First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel
(FSADP) - Terms of Reference
Cl.3: Plaza of Nations - Late Night Dance Events
Clause 1
MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clause 1 of this report, be approved.
(Councillor Bass absent for the vote.)
(Councillor Kennedy absent for the vote due to conflict of interest.)
Clauses 2-3
MOVED by Councillor Kennedy
THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clauses 2 and 3 of this report, be approved.
(Councillor Bass absent for the vote.)
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
(Councillor Bass absent for the vote.)
MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
SECONDED by Councillor Louis
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
(Councillor Bass absent for the vote.)
B. Motions on Notice
1. Federal Government Budget (File 1263)
At the Council meeting of December 4, 2001, Councillor Louis submitted the following motion. Councillor Puil called Notice under Section 7.2 of the Procedure By-law. The motion was scheduled for consideration at the Regular Council meeting following the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meeting on December 6, 2001, at which time consideration of the motion was referred to the afternoon meeting of Council following the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
SECONDED by Councillor Bass
WHEREAS, the federal government is producing a budget on December 10;
AND WHEREAS, all levels of government posted a consolidated surplus of $25.7 billion last year and the federal finance department announced in September that the cumulative budgetary surplus was $13.6 billion year-to-date;
AND WHEREAS, nearly 90 per cent of Canadians live in urban centres;
AND WHEREAS, the federal government cut almost $2 billion from federal housing spending from 1984 to 1993, resulting in the end of all federal funding of new social housing in 1993;
AND WHEREAS, more than a quarter million Canadians, including tens of thousands of infants and children, will experience homelessness this year;
AND WHEREAS, the federal government takes over $300 million dollars annually in gas tax from Lower Mainland vehicle users;
AND WHEREAS, Canada is the only G7 country that doesn't have a federal public transit infrastructure program;
AND WHEREAS, the Lower Mainland has been recognized as having the second worst air quality in Canada, causing environmental and health damage;
AND WHEREAS, the southern pods of Orca whales in Georgia Strait have been elevated to the most endangered species status;
AND WHEREAS, the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) failed seven out of eight Environment Canada toxicity tests at Lionsgate and Iona treatment plants between May, 2001 and October, 2001;
AND WHEREAS, the GVRD dumps over three billion litres of untreated sewage into Burrard Inlet, False Creek and the North Arm of the Fraser River each year;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Vancouver City Council take a regional leadership role and write a letter to the federal government requesting federal resources be committed in this budget to:
(a) improving public transit and creating a national public transit infrastructure program;
(b) building new social housing and restoring a national housing program; and
(c) upgrading the Iona and Lionsgate secondary treatment plants and accelerating the conversion of the combined sewer outfalls.
A Council member noted that (a) and (b) of the Resolution were issues which had previously been discussed and dealt with by this Council, and queried whether staff could perhaps review Motions on Notice in order to be able to advise Council whether they were essentially identical or very similar to matters or issues which had previously been voted on by Council. The City Manager agreed this could be done.
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Clarke
SECONDED by the Mayor
THAT the preamble be struck from the Motion and portion (c) of the Resolution be referred to the GVRD for its consideration.
(Councillors Bass and Louis opposed.)
THAT the following Motion by Councillor Louis, as amended by Councillor Clarke, be referred to the GVRD for its consideration:
"THAT Vancouver City Council take a regional leadership role and write a letter to the federal government requesting federal resources be committed in this budget to upgrading the Iona and Lionsgate secondary treatment plants and accelerating the conversion of the combined sewer outfalls."
(Councillors Bass and Louis opposed.)
2. Goodwill Toward Vancouver's Homeless Street Youth Over the Holiday Season (File 4659)
At the Council meeting of December 4, 2001, Councillor Louis submitted the following motion. Councillor Clarke called Notice under Section 7.2 of the Procedure By-law. The motion was scheduled for consideration at the Regular Council meeting following the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meeting on December 6, 2001, at which time consideration of the motion was referred to the afternoon meeting of Council following the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting.
Also before Council was an email dated December 6, 2001, from Lillian Howard, requesting to speak on this matter.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
SECONDED by Councillor Bass
WHEREAS, so far in 2001, Covenant House Crisis Shelter for youth has provided services for more than 1,300 youth who find themselves homeless and in crisis on the streets of Downtown Vancouver;
AND WHEREAS, Covenant House street workers note that this year has seen an increase over the previous five years when from 500 to 1,000 youth were in need of services;
AND WHEREAS, with the provincial government reducing services to youth over the age of 17 years old, even more youth could be forced on the streets of Downtown Vancouver;
AND WHEREAS, since the provincial government lowered the minimum wage to $6 per hour on November 15, 2001 disenfranchised and homeless youth are more likely to engage in street-squeegee, panhandling and other activities;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council advise Minister for Children and Family Development Gordon Hogg of the serious and troubling implications of provincial government policies regarding homeless youth in Vancouver;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that Council ask the Parks Board to immediately eliminate Community Centre and other facility user fees for homeless street youth so they too may enjoy a measure of warmth, safety, comfort and goodwill over the Holiday Season.
MOVED by Councillor Clarke
SECONDED by the Mayor
THAT the following Motion entitled "Goodwill Toward Vancouver's Homeless Street Youth Over the Holiday Season" be referred to the Park Board for consideration at their last meeting in 2001:
"WHEREAS, so far in 2001, Covenant House Crisis Shelter for youth has provided services for more than 1,300 youth who find themselves homeless and in crisis on the streets of Downtown Vancouver;
AND WHEREAS, Covenant House street workers note that this year has seen an increase over the previous five years when from 500 to 1,000 youth were in need of services;
AND WHEREAS, with the provincial government reducing services to youth over the age of 17 years old, even more youth could be forced on the streets of Downtown Vancouver;
AND WHEREAS, since the provincial government lowered the minimum wage to $6 per hour on November 15, 2001 disenfranchised and homeless youth are more likely to engage in street-squeegee, panhandling and other activities;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council advise Minister for Children and Family Development Gordon Hogg of the serious and troubling implications of provincial government policies regarding homeless youth in Vancouver;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that Council ask the Parks Board to immediately eliminate Community Centre and other facility user fees for homeless street youth so they too may enjoy a measure of warmth, safety, comfort and goodwill over the Holiday Season."
FURTHER THAT the delegation request in respect to the above motion be forwarded to the Park Board.
(Councillors Bass and Louis opposed.)
1. Leave of Absence - Councillor Louis (File 1254)
MOVED by Councillor Bass
SECONDED by Councillor Sullivan
THAT Councillor Louis be granted Leave of Absence for the evening of December 6, 2001.
The Council adjourned at 5:15 p.m.
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