Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Standing Committee on Planning and Environment


Director of Current Planning


Amendments to the First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel [FSADP] - Terms of Reference





The First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel is one of a number of Council-appointed advisory panels and committees. Council approved a terms of reference for the Panel in 1982 (amended 1994). Council appoints new members to the Panel on an annual basis.


The purpose of this report is to propose amendments to the "First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel [FSADP] - Terms of Reference", attached as Appendix A.


The First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel has been operating since 1982 when the First Shaughnessy Official Development Plan was enacted and Design Guidelines approved by Council. The Panel is an advisory body authorized to make recommendations regarding development matters to Council, the Development Permit Board and the Director of Planning. The Panel provides a very useful service in this regard. As is the case with all panels and committees, there is need from time to time to review and update the terms of reference and procedure of the Panel. The last review was in 1994.

Currently the Terms of Reference state that seven members of the Panel (out of a total of thirteen) shall be residents of First Shaughnessy nominated from the membership of the Shaughnessy Heights Property Owners' Association (SHPOA). This has been interpreted to mean that resident members be members of SHPOA, but not necessarily nominated by SHPOA, or it's Board of Directors. Other advisory bodies' terms of reference are clearer in this regard. For example, in the case of the Chinatown Historic Area Planning Committee's Terms of Reference, it states "The members shall be appointed by Council and should be appointed from nominations received from the following ....[community organizations]'.

In March 2001, the City received a report from the First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel requesting changes to the community representative provisions of the Panel's Terms of Reference. The report recommended that of the seven resident members on the Panel only two should be members of SHPOA, the remainder should be resident 'members-at-large'. Further the report recommended that members of the Panel be allowed to serve up to three consecutive terms of two years each. Currently members may serve two consecutive terms. The rationale for these recommendations centred around addressing a difficulty in "....finding [and keeping] suitable candidates to represent the residents of the First Shaughnessy neighbourhood.....[and to ensure] ....the Panel would be more representative of the neighbourhood as a whole". By reducing the number of resident Panel members who must be members of SHPOA, it was felt that a wider pool of resident candidates would come forward. It was felt that by extending the number of possible consecutive two-year terms from two to three, it would allow experienced members to remain on the Panel.

In response to the Panel's recommendations the City received letters from three SHPOA Board members who were opposed to the recommended amendments and a letter from the Board of SHPOA requesting the City consult with the SHPOA Board before Council considered changes to the Panel's Terms of Reference. The board members who submitted letters stated that SHPOA should be recognized as the community organization representing neighbourhood interests and SHPOA should nominate resident members. In April staffadvised both parties (letter attached as Appendix B) that the City would convene a process to address the matter and seek a mutually agreed solution, before proceeding to Council.


Staff convened a meeting in September with representatives of SHPOA and the Panel. A number of issues and interests were identified including:

· need to maintain an effective Panel;
· need to recognize historic role of SHPOA in the community;
· need for broad community representation on the Panel;
· need to attract capable members to the Panel; and
· need to address mid-term vacancies on the Panel.

After a thorough review of the matter Planning staff have concluded that the identified interests can be substantially met with some simple amendments to the resident membership and related provisions of the Panel's Terms of Reference. Representation from the professional bodies of the Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC), British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects (BCSLA), Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV) and the Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC) has not been an issue and no changes are recommended in this area.

Of over-arching importance is the ongoing effective operation of the Panel in fulfilling it's mandate to advise the City on development matters in First Shaughnessy.

Staff recommend that the Terms of Reference be amended as presented in Appendix A. The following is a summary the proposed amendments with a commentary on each.

1. It is proposed the number of resident members on the Panel increase from seven to eight. Four of these members would be appointed from nominations received from SHPOA (SHPOA would be responsible for their own process for nominating) and four members would be appointed from nominations received for resident 'members-at-large'. As the appointments are staggered, four resident appointments would occur each year, two from SHPOA and two 'at-large'. In order to achieve the full eight members in 2002 - it is proposed an additional one year resident appointment be made for 2002.

2. It is proposed that the practice of electing the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson once a year be spelled out in the terms of reference.

3. An amendment is proposed to address the filling of vacancies which can occur between regular year-end appointments. The wording proposed is currently used in the Vancouver Heritage Commission's Terms of Reference. This change clarifies how future mid-term vacancies are to be filled which will assist in maintaining a quorum of members.

4. It is proposed the current minimum absence, after serving on the Panel, be decreased from four years (two terms) to two years (one term). Experienced members who have finished two terms (or in the case of the Chairman, three terms) could apply again after a two-year absence rather than the current four-year absence. This will allow experienced and keen potential members an earlier opportunity to return.

5. A 'housekeeping' amendment is proposed to remove reference to the Staff Coordinator (Planning Department) as the facilitator of the new member appointment process. A few years ago this function for all advisory bodies was assumed by the Clerks Office.

A further issue which was addressed is the matter of public access to the Panel. The Panel has continued with the past City practice of opening the meetings to applicants of development under review by the Panel, but not to the general public. Consistent with the current City practice of other committees and panels these meetings will now be open to the public. As this is addressed in the Vancouver Charter it is not necessary to reference the matter in the Panel's Terms of Reference.


Planning staff will address this further amendment request at the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting.


In response to concerns raised by both the First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel and Shaughnessy Heights Property Owners' Association a number of amendments have been proposed to the First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel's Terms of Reference. These amendments clarify resident membership on the Panel, respect the interests of both organizations and will assist in the on-going successful operation of the Panel.

* * * * *


First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel - Terms of Reference
(Adopted by City Council January 11, 1994)


1. Purpose

2. Mandate

3. Organization

4. Procedures

5. Conflict of Interest

6. Staff Coordinator

NOTE FROM CLERK: Appendix B is not available in electronic form - on file in the Office of the City Clerk.

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