Agenda Index City of Vancouver



At the Council meeting of December 4, 2001, Councillor Louis submitted the following motion. Councillor Clarke called Notice under Section 7.2 of the Procedure By-law.

Goodwill Toward Vancouver's Homeless Street Youth
Over the Holiday Season (File: 4659)

MOVER: Councillor Louis
SECONDER: Councillor

WHEREAS, so far in 2001, Covenant House Crisis Shelter for youth has provided services for more than 1,300 youth who find themselves homeless and in crisis on the streets of Downtown Vancouver;

AND WHEREAS, Covenant House street workers note that this year has seen an increase over the previous five years when from 500 to 1,000 youth were in need of services;

AND WHEREAS, with the provincial government reducing services t o youth over the age of 17 years old, even more youth could be forced on the streets of Downtown Vancouver;

AND WHEREAS, since the provincial government lowered the minimum wage to $6 per hour on November 15, 2001 disenfranchised and homeless youth are more likely to engage in street-squeegee, panhandling and other activities;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council advise Minister for Children and Family Development Gordon Hogg of the serious and troubling implications of provincial government policies regarding homeless youth in Vancouver;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that Council ask the Parks Board to immediately eliminate Community Centre and other facility user fees for homeless street youth so they too may enjoy a measure of warmth, safety, comfort and goodwill over the Holiday Season.

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