Agenda Index City of Vancouver


At the Council meeting of November 20, 2001, Councillor Louis submitted the following Notice of Motion which was recognized by the Chair:

City of Vancouver's policies regarding the sale of public lands (File: 5102)

MOVER: Councillor Louis
SECONDER: Councillor

WHEREAS all public lands within the City of Vancouver are a limited resource;

AND WHEREAS public lands owned by the City of Vancouver and other public boards serve multiple public purposes;

AND WHEREAS the current policy on public lands owned by the City of Vancouver is that these lands be bought and sold in order to:

AND WHEREAS public land owned by a public board may provide the potential of other uses by another public board within the City of Vancouver;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Vancouver City Council review and summarize for the public the City's policies regarding the sale of any public lands within Vancouver.

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