Agenda Index City of Vancouver


1. 2001 Civic Childcare Grants Program Delegations (File: 2402)

At the Council meeting of October 30, 2001, Councillor Louis submitted the following motion. Councillor Puil called Notice under Section 7.2 of the Procedure By-law.

WHEREAS, the Boat Daycare Society applied for a 2001 Civic Childcare Grant;

AND WHEREAS, the notification process for Civic Childcare Grant applicants regarding the awarding of grants is that grant applicants are notified by the city clerk's office that the report - with the social planning department's recommendations - is going to city council for deliberation on a set date;

AND WHEREAS, contrary to the notification process, notification to 2001applicants was not given by the city clerk's office before the July 10, 2001 city council vote on the social planning department's recommendations regarding the 2001 Civic Childcare Grants;

AND WHEREAS, as a result of the city clerk's office's error, the Boat Daycare Society was not given an opportunity to speak to council about the merits of their grant application;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Vancouver city council agree to hear from the Boat Daycare Society and any other delegations regarding the 2001 Civic Childcare Grants Program at the appropriate committee.

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