Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


Director of the Housing Centre


Sponsor Selection for Non-Market Housing at 5616 Fraser Street





It is City practice to purchase private lands and lease them to non-profit housing societies and co-operative associations for 60 years at a prepaid rent of 75% of freehold value for social housing development.


In July, 2000, Council approved the acquisition of 5616 Fraser Street for non-market housing.

In January 2001, the City of Vancouver published `A Framework for Action - A Four Pillars Approach to Drug Problems in Vancouver' which called for action in the areas of prevention, treatment, harm reduction and law enforcement. As part of the treatment component, the need for supported housing, including alcohol and drug free options for individuals in recovery, was identified. In June 2001, the Vancouver/Richmond Health Board released a draft report, `Adult Alcohol and Drug Services for Vancouver: A Health Reform Framework'which identified a framework for prevention and education, health promotion and treatment, support and recovery. Supported housing for individuals in recovery from addictions was identified as an urgent service need. This proposed housing project is part of City and Health Board efforts to broaden the range of available city-wide options for persons in recovery from addictions.

BC Housing has given Provisional Project Approval under the 2001 HOMES BC Program, for 36 small, self-contained units, based on a wood frame apartment building, with underground parking.

The City of Vancouver will lease the site for 60 years at 75% of market value. Vancouver/Richmond Health Board will provide funds for 7 days per week coverage of support workers up to a maximum of 12 hours per day.

This supportive housing project will be a combination of affordable housing and addiction program services designed to support individuals recovering from addictions within an abstinence-based environment. A commitment to abstinence is a fundamental requirement to qualify for and to maintain residency in this housing program.

This housing project will enable tenants to access support services to learn the skills necessary to maintain recovery and to establish a more independent lifestyle.

Tenants will have appropriate independent living skills to ensure the quiet enjoyment of other tenants within the building and surrounding neighbourhood.


The City of Vancouver and the Vancouver/Richmond Health Board invited 42 non-profit societies to submit Expressions of Interest for a non-market housing project designed to provide alcohol and drug free supported transitional housing for adult men and women in recovery from addiction.

Five submissions were received and were reviewed by an Evaluation Committee comprised of representative from the Vancouver/Richmond Health Board and the City of Vancouver.

Expressions were judged through the allocation of points identified in the Expression of Interest Guidelines and were evaluated in terms of:

Triage Emergency Services and Care Society obtained the highest scoring and it is recommended that this society be named as sponsor.

The site will be used temporarily for the next year by the Fire Department until the new Fire Hall No. 13 is constructed.

As it is often the case in naming sponsors, it is also recommended that this be reviewed by Council if the project has not started construction by the end of 2003.

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