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A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on Planning and Environment was held on Thursday, October 18, 2001, at 2:00 p.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.
Councillor Lynne Kennedy, Chair
Councillor Fred Bass*Councillor Jennifer Clarke
Councillor Daniel Lee
Councillor Don Lee, Vice-Chair
Councillor Tim Louis
Councillor Sandy McCormick
Councillor Gordon Price
Councillor Sam SullivanABSENT:
Mayor Philip Owen (Leave of Absence -
Civic Business)
Councillor George Puil (Leave of Absence
- Civic Business)CITY MANAGER'S
OFFICE:Brent MacGregor, Deputy City Manager
Laura Kazakoff, Meeting Coordinator
*Denotes presence for a portion of the meeting.
The Minutes of the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting of September 20, 2001, were adopted.
The Committee agreed to vary the order of the Agenda in order to consider Item 6 first.
6. Significant Rezoning Application - 86 SE Marine Drive / 101 East 69th Avenue
(File: 5306)
The Committee had before it an information sheet from the Planning Department reviewing a significant rezoning application by Brook Development Planning to redevelop a site on SE Marine Drive for highway-oriented retail.
Pat Wotherspoon, Assistant Director of City Plans, provided an overview of the application, noting it is the first one received since the Highway-Oriented Retail Guidelines for this area were adopted in May of this year. Public consultation will take place and will include open houses at several Community Centres, mailed notices, and newspaper ads.
Mr. Wotherspoon, along with Trish French, Senior Planner, and Ann McAfee, Director of City Plans, responded to questions concerning Community Amenity Contributions, community input regarding big-box retail, and staff resourcing costs for which the applicant will be responsible.
MOVED by Councillor McCormick
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
THAT the description of a Significant Rezoning Application for 86 SE Marine Drive / 101 East 69th Avenue, prepared by the Planning Department, be received for information.
(Councillor Clarke absent for the vote)
1. Warning to Prospective Purchasers of 310-312 East 16th Avenue (File 2701)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated August 15, 2001, in which the City Building Inspector recommended that 336D Notices be filed against the titles to the property at 310-312 East 16th Avenue so that any prospective purchasers will be warned there are violations of the Zoning and Development and Vancouver Building By-laws related to this building. It was also recommended that the Director of Legal Services be authorized to proceed with legal action to bring the building into compliance with City by-laws if, in her opinion, it is appropriate to do so.
Carlene Robbins, Manager, By-law Administration, introduced Frank Durante, District Building Inspector, who provided an overview of the history of by-law infractions in relation to this property and subsequent court actions taken.
Ms. Jin Huang, owner of Strata Lot 1, advised a permit could not be obtained for the enclosed carport as it has caused the floor space ratio to be slightly over what is allowed in the zoning. She noted that properties on the other side of the street were zoned to allow a higher floor space ratio and she requested Council consider this situation when making its decision.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
A. THAT the City Clerk be directed to file 336D Notices against the titles to the property at 310 - 312 East 16th Avenue (Strata Lots 1 and 2, District Lot 301, Strata Plan LMS1752) in order to warn prospective purchasers that there are contraventions of the Zoning and Development and Vancouver Building By-laws related to this building.
B. THAT the Director of Legal Services is hereby authorized, in her discretion, to commence a legal action or proceeding in relation to the premises located at 310 - 312 East 16th Avenue and may, in her discretion, seek injunctive relief in that action or proceeding, in order to bring this building into compliance with City By-laws.
2. Warning to Prospective Purchasers of 2744, 2748 and 2750 St. George Street
(File 2701)
This item was withdrawn from the agenda.
3. 2889 East Hastings Street - The Atrium Inn Inc.
Addition of 29-Seat Patio and Change in Hours of Operation
Class 'A' Public House (2612-18)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated October 3, 2001, in which the Chief License Inspector recommended Council endorse the application by Atrium Inn Inc. for a 29-seat patio and a change in the hours of operation at the Grand Garage Sports Bar and Grill Class 'A' Pub at 2889 East Hastings Street.
Guy Gusdal, License Coordinator, provided a brief overview of the Administrative Report.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
THAT Council, having considered the opinions of area residents and business operators of the community as determined by neighbourhood notification, the proximity of residential developments, noise impacts and the overall design, endorse the application by The Atrium Inn Inc., for a 29-seat outdoor patio and a change in Friday and Saturday operating hours, at the Grand Garage Sports Bar & Grill Class `A' Public House, 2889 E. Hastings Street, subject to:
i. The hours of operation limited to Monday to Thursday: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., Friday and Saturday: 12:00 noon to 2:00 a.m., and Sunday: 12:00 noon to 12:00 midnight;
ii. A Time-Limited Development Permit for the patio seating area;
iii. The signing of a Good Neighbour Agreement;
iv. The patio closing no later than 11:00 p.m.;
v. A legal Operating Agreement to provide for a rollback to existing hours of operation should problems arise from the amendment to the liquor license hours of operation; and
vi. Clean air practices.
4. Marinaside Crescent East of Davie: Paving Options (File 5809)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated October 2, 2001, in which the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of Current Planning recommended Council reaffirm its support for the surface treatment of Marinaside Crescent with concrete pavers in the roadway. In addition to the recommended surface treatment, an alternative option of an asphalt roadway with concrete pavers only at the mews was put forward for Council's consideration.
Also before the Committee were revised Appendices A through C to the above-noted Administrative Report (on file).
Susan Clift, Projects Engineer, introduced Karima Mulji, Senior Engineer, and John Clelland, Senior Technician. Ms. Mulji, with the aid of overhead photographs and graphics, reviewed the recommended paving treatment for the Marinaside Crescent roadway, as well as the alternative option being put forward for consideration. Ms. Mulji also noted that the City's Bicycle Advisory Committee had indicated support for an asphalt roadway, as in Consideration B. However, in regard to pavers, their preference is for a "herringbone" pattern, which provides a safer surface for cyclists, rather than a "running bond" pattern.
Ms. Clift, Ms. Mulji, Tom Timm, Deputy City Engineer, and Ian Adam, Assistant City Engineer - Transportation, responded to questions regarding safety for in-line skaters, possibilities for traffic calming measures such as reduced speed limits and the use of coloured pavers, and maintenance costs in relation to the two options. Ms. Clift also responded to questions and comments regarding the existing off-road bike pathway.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
THAT Council reaffirm its support for the surface treatment of Marinaside Crescent as shown in the revised Appendix A of the Administrative Report dated October 2, 2001, entitled "Marinaside Crescent East of Davie: Paving Options", with concrete pavers in the roadway.
(Councillors Bass, Price and Sullivan opposed)
5. Green Napier - Neighbourhood Greenway (File 5767)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated October 2, 2001, in which the General Manager of Engineering Services provided an update on the trial period of the Green Napier Neighbourhood Greenway and recommended Council approve the construction of a permanent pedestrian-oriented community space in the 1600 block of Napier Street.
Karyn Thomson, Greenways Branch, Engineering Services, was in attendance to respond to questions.
MOVED by Councillor McCormick
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
A. THAT funding of $140,000 be approved from the Streets Basic Capital Unappropriated Order Group SCA2H - UNAP (Unappropriated - Greenways) for the construction of the Green Napier - Neighbourhood Greenway in the 1600 Block Napier, as outlined in the Administrative Report dated October 2, 2001, entitled "Green Napier - Neighbourhood Greenway", including the restriction of vehicle traffic with the exception of emergency service vehicles, and the creation of a pedestrian plaza and garden space.
B. THAT commencing in 2002 the Streets Operating Budget be increased by $5,000 for horticultural maintenance (without offset and subject to annual budget review).
The Committee adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
- - - - -
OCTOBER 18, 2001
A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Thursday, October 18, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting, to consider the recommendations of the Committee.
Deputy Mayor Jennifer Clarke
Mayor Philip Owen (Leave of Absence -Civic Business)
Brent MacGregor, Deputy City Manager |
Laura Kazakoff, Meeting Coordinator |
MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
SECONDED by Councillor McCormick
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Deputy Mayor Clarke in the chair.
Report of Standing Committee on Planning and Environment
October 18, 2001
Council considered the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in the following clauses of the foregoing report:
Cl.1: Warning to Prospective Purchasers of 310-312 East 16th Avenue
Cl.2: Warning to Prospective Purchasers of 2744, 2748, and 2750 St. George Street
Cl.3: 2889 East Hastings Street - The Atrium Inn Inc.
Addition of 29-Seat Patio and Change in Hours of Operation -
Class 'A' Public House
Cl.4: Marinaside Crescent East of Davie: Paving Options
Cl.5: Green Napier - Neighbourhood Greenway
Cl.6: Significant Rezoning Application: 86 SE Marine Drive / 101 East 69th Avenue
Clauses 1, 3, 5 and 6
MOVED by Councillor Kennedy
THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clauses 1, 3, 5 and 6 of this report, be approved.
Clause 2
This item was withdrawn.
Clause 4
MOVED by Councillor Kennedy
THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clause 4 of this report, be approved.
(Councillors Bass, Price and Sullivan opposed)
MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
SECONDED by Councillor Bass
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
The Council adjourned at 3:01 p.m.
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