Agenda Index City of Vancouver


RTS No. 2256

CC File No. 5809

P&E: October 18, 2001


Standing Committee on Planning and Environment


General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of Current Planning


Marinaside Crescent East of Davie: Paving Options



If Council does not approve A, then the following is presented for CONSIDERATION:



On April 10, 1990, Council approved the report, False Creek Public Realm Design, and adopted the overall pedestrian and boulevard area treatment scheme for False Creek North. This plan called for specialty paving in sidewalk areas for Yaletown Edge, Enterprise Centre, and Quayside Drive (now Marinaside Crescent).


This report presents paving options for Marinaside Crescent in the Quayside Neighbourhood. Concord Pacific now requires that the City make a final determination of the surface treatment in order to meet its obligation under the Servicing Agreement to complete the roadway construction before occupancy of 1033 Marinaside Crescent. This report also presents an update on the proposed curb side uses for this section of Marinaside Crescent.


As part of the rezoning of the Quayside Waterfront block, Council at a public hearing on February 22, 1996 recommended that "the beautification of Marinaside Crescent be reconsidered and that staff report back on a street treatment similar to other residential streets".

The development scheme for the block of Marinaside Crescent, from Davie Street to the Landmark Mews, included retail/service uses at grade. Therefore, staff determined that a beautification treatment for Marinaside Crescent consistent with the False Creek North treatment was more appropriate than a standard residential treatment.

On July 29, 1997, Council approved staff's recommendation to showcase this block of Marinaside Crescent on the waterfront. The treatment included coloured concrete pavers on the sidewalks and street, with radial concrete banding and trees lining both sides of the street.

On November 30, 1999, after reviewing a report on Shoreline Protection Works and Handrail Design for the Beach Neighbourhood, Council asked that staff review the use of pavers versus asphalt on the roadway on Marinaside Crescent and report back to a future Standing Committee meeting. The concern was twofold: that the approved design may not contain enough variety in texture and colour; and that an asphalt roadway surface may be more appropriate than pavers for the wheeled traffic that may spill over from the nearby shoreline bicycle path.


The current approved beautification plan for Marinaside Crescent to the Landmark Mews consists of concrete pavers on the sidewalks and street as well as on the adjoining seawall walkway and bicycle path (Appendix A). Although this high level of treatment will result in higher future maintenance and replacement costs (including higher costs for the repairof utility cuts), the proposed colour and pattern of pavers will complement the shoreline walkway treatment, enhance the pedestrian and retail character of the area, and define Marinaside Crescent as a prominent waterfront street in the Northeast False Creek neighbourhood.

As requested by Council, an alternative is presented that utilizes asphalt paving in the roadway as shown in Appendix B. In this scheme, concrete pavers would be used to define the Aquarius Mews and the Boathouse Mews. The sidewalk treatment would still consist of concrete pavers. In addition to the added pattern contrast, the advantages of this plan include lower maintenance and replacement costs while still providing an enhanced pedestrian environment. In addition, Concord Pacific have noted that if Council approve this option, there would be a savings of approximately $70,000. They are willing to consider providing the City with half of these savings, or $35,000. These funds could be used for improving the pedestrian or cycling environment in other parts of the Quayside Neighbourhood.

Staff believe that the enhanced public realm on the Marinaside Crescent roadway that was approved as part of the Quayside rezoning should be maintained as was intended. This special waterfront precinct is now established as a pedestrian and recreation bicyclist and rollerblader area. Occupancy of the Marinaside-fronting shops will increase this popularity. It should further be noted that the shoreline bicycle path width along this section is considerably wider (4.5m) than the typical (3.5m west of Davie). With respect to the concern about lack of variety in the texture and colour should pavers be implemented on the road, there are a range of pavers available that can add variety if desired as in the autocourt at Aquarius Mews.

Staff do not believe that it is appropriate to encourage wheeled traffic to use the street, rather than the bikeway provided for this purpose, by using a smoother pavement surface. Currently, the Street & Traffic Bylaw prohibits the use of in-line skates, skateboards and push-scooters on City streets, sidewalks, and pathways that are not designated for their use. It should be noted, however, that Council has previously directed staff to report back on where the use of in-line skates, skateboards, scooters etc. would be appropriate in the City of Vancouver. In response to this, staff will, in the coming weeks, ask Council to consider amending the Street &Traffic Bylaw to permit the use of in-line skates and perhaps other wheeled traffic on streets. However, for aesthetic and safety reasons, staff recommend that Marinaside Crescent be completed with concrete pavers.

Council have also requested that staff review the curb side uses and particularly look at parking on the south side of Marinaside Crescent. Now that the construction is nearing completion, some changes are being made. On the middle portion of the south side of the Crescent, Aquarius Mews to Boathouse Mews, 2 hour parking will be allowed. The other portions adjacent to the south side of the seawall will continue to be available for loading and drop off. This will provide some traffic calming, although it may somewhatencumber cycling and other like street uses. On the north side of Marinaside, from Davie to Boathouse Mews, parking meters have been installed to better provide parking for visitors and customers of the adjacent businesses and residences.


The False Creek Public Realm Design adopted by Council in 1990 required the use of specialty paving for Marinaside Crescent. The current approved plan for this street includes the use of concrete pavers for the roadway. Staff recommend that Council reaffirm their support for this scheme as it complements the service and retail uses and defines the area as a special waterfront precinct. If Council believe that a greater variety of surface treatments is desirable in this area, staff present for consideration the alternate option of asphalt along this roadway, with concrete pavers at the mews. However, it is important that it be clear that this choice be made for aesthetic reasons only. The developer is willing to consider sharing half the savings with the City, and these funds could be used for other pedestrian and cycling improvements in the Quayside Neighbourhood.


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