Agenda Index City of Vancouver

Appendix A

Street Amenity Program

Public Process - Summary

Streets Administration Branch

City of Vancouver
Engineering Services

July 2001

Table of Contents

1.0 Background

The project team hired Context Research Ltd., in July 2000 to provide advice in the design and implementation of the public consultation process. This company has extensive experience in conducting such processes, and has been a major contributor in the development of the City's Public Process Guide. The public consultation process, involving focus groups, interviews with community stakeholder groups, public events and design criteria workshops, has now been completed. A report on this process has been submitted (limited distribution, on file in the office of the City Clerk). The following sections summarize the contents of this report:

2.0 Goals of the Public Process

The goals of the public consultation process were to:

3.0 Public Process Methods

In order to achieve the three goals of the public consultation process, the project team embarked on a process which included:

4.0 Learnings From the Public Process

The Context Research Ltd. report provides a list of themes which were expressed repeatedly during the process:

5.0 Consultants recommendations

The following recommendations were developed by the public process consultant in response to the information which was learned through the various events in the public process:

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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver