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OCTOBER 16, 2001
A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Tuesday, October 16, 2001, at 2:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall.
Mayor Philip Owen
Councillor Fred Bass*Councillor Jennifer Clarke (Sick Leave)
Councillor Lynne Kennedy
Councillor Daniel Lee
Councillor Don Lee
Councillor Tim Louis
Councillor Sandy McCormick
Councillor Gordon Price*Councillor George Puil (Civic Business)
Councillor Sam Sullivan
OFFICE:Judy Rogers, City Manager
Brent MacGregor, Deputy City ManagerCITY CLERK'S
OFFICE:Marg Fudge, Acting City Clerk
Denise Salmon, Meeting Coordinator
*Denotes presence for a portion of the meeting.
The proceedings in the Council Chamber were opened with a prayer read by the Acting City Clerk.
MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
SECONDED by Councillor Sullivan
THAT Council will go into a meeting later this day which is closed to the public, pursuant to Section 165.2 of the Vancouver Charter, to discuss matters related to paragraphs:
(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the city or another position appointed by the city;
(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the Council considers that disclosure might reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the city;
· 2001-2003 Memorandum of Agreement between the Vancouver Police Board and the Vancouver Police Officer's Association (VPOA)
Council approved the Memorandum of Agreement covering employees represented by the Vancouver Police Officers' Association (VPOA) for the period January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2003.
· Appointments to Public Art Committee and Vancouver Heritage Commission
Council made appointments to the above noted Committee and Commission. Names of those appointed can be obtained from the Office of the City Clerk.
· Appointment of City Clerk
Council appointed Mr. Syd Baxter to the position of City Clerk.
1. Regular Council (City Services and Budgets) - September 20, 2001
MOVED by Councillor Clarke
SECONDED by Councillor McCormick
THAT the foregoing Minutes be approved.
2. Regular Council (Planning and Environment) - September 20, 2001
MOVED by Councillor Kennedy
SECONDED by Councillor Clarke
THAT the foregoing Minutes be approved.
3. Regular Council - October 2, 2001
MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
SECONDED by Councillor McCormick
THAT the foregoing Minutes be approved.
4. Special Council (Court of Revision) - October 2, 2001
MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
SECONDED by Councillor Daniel Lee
THAT the foregoing Minutes be approved.
MOVED by Councillor Clarke
SECONDED by Councillor Daniel Lee
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the Chair.
1. State of Affordable Housing
October 3, 2001 (File: 4656)
Cameron Gray, Director of Housing Centre, with the aid of a Powerpoint presentation, provided a Report Reference on this matter.
Also before Council was a Policy Report dated October 3, 2001, entitled "State of Social Housing in Vancouver", in which the Director of the Housing Centre recommended Council continue its social housing policies and initiatives, including providing lease discounts and capital grants, and urge the Province to continue funding social housing, which is essential if the City is to achieve its social housing objectives. It was also recommended that Council begin work on an inventory of market rental housing, which provides the bulk of the affordable housing in the City, and assist in the development of a central registry for social housing.
MOVED by Councillor Puil
A. THAT Council confirm that its objectives for social housing in the city are to:
Maintain and expand housing opportunities in Vancouver for low and modest income households with priority being given to families with children; seniors on fixed incomes or in need of support; SRO residents; and the mentally ill, physically disabled, and others at risk of homelessness;
B. THAT the Mayor on behalf of Council write the Minister responsible for BC Housing to advise that the City of Vancouver urges the continuation of the Province's Homes BC program, or a similar program that would achieve the City's social housing objectives, with annual funding sufficient for at least 600 units of social housing, which would be increased by equity contributions from other partners;
C. THAT the Mayor on behalf of Council write the Minister responsible for BC Housing to advise that for each of the next 3 years the City of Vancouver, subject to annual approvals and funding availability, is prepared to buy sites for social housing funded through provincial programs for lease to non-profit sponsors for 60 years at 75% of the freehold market value with a total lease discount of $2 million - $3 million per year, and to provide capital grants of $2 million - $3 million per year, in order for the City of Vancouver to receive allocations of 300 - 400 social housing units per year (NOTE: ifthe Province stops funding social housing, or restructures municipal responsibilities, Council may need to reconsider its role, and its ability or willingness to provide resources for social or affordable housing);
D. THAT the Mayor on behalf of Council write the Minister responsible for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation to advise that the City of Vancouver supports the recently announced federal capital grant program for rental housing and urge that it be used to augment BC Housing's social housing programs.
E. THAT Council approve $10,000 from the Affordable Housing Fund to determine the feasibility of developing an inventory of rental housing in the City of Vancouver (purpose built and stratified rental housing) that will allow the functioning of the rental housing market in the City to be monitored and analyzed, for report back to Council in 2002; and
F. THAT Council approve a one-time $10,000 grant to the BC Non-Profit Housing Assn. for the start up of a central registry to serve applicants for social housing with funding to be provided from the Affordable Housing Fund.
(Councillor Clarke not present for the vote.)
2. Seattle Mental Health Courts (File: 4101)
Jeff Brooks, Director of Social Planning and Inspector Dave Jones, Police Department, with the aid of a Powerpoint presentation, provided a Report Reference on this matter. Councillor Clarke provided introductory remarks. Dr. Higenbottam, Vice-President of Clinical Services, Vancouver Richmond Health Board and Dr. Nancy Hall, Mental Health Advocate for BC responded to questions from Council.
Council also had before it a background document dated October 2001, entitled "Seattle Mental Health Courts".
MOVED by Councillor Clarke
THAT the document dated October 2001, entitled "Seattle Mental Health Courts" be received for information;
FURTHER THAT Council support the work of Interagency Steering Committee looking into the adaptability of Mental Health Courts for Vancouver.
2001 City of Vancouver Book Awards (File: 1051)
The Mayor recognized the following 2001 City of Vancouver Book Awards finalists, and announced Madeleine Thien as the winner of this year's Book Award:
· Douglas Coupland for City of Glass (published by Douglas & McIntyre);
· Madeleine Thien for Simple Recipes (published by McClelland & Stewart);
· Timothy Taylor for Stanley Park (published by Knopf Canada); and
· Gary Wyatt for Susan Point: Coast Salish Artist (published by Douglas & McIntyre).
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The Council recessed at 4:00 p.m. and following a reception in honour of the book award recipients, reconvened in open session at 4:25 p.m. with all members present.
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1. Form of Development: 4500 Oak Street
October 2, 2001 (File: 2607)
MOVED by Councillor Bass
THAT the form of development for the CD-1 zoned site known as 4480-4650 Oak Street (4500 Oak Street being the application address) be approved generally as illustrated in the Development Application Number DE406083, prepared by Davidson Yuen Simpson Architects and stamped "Received, Community Services, Development Services August 16, 2001", provided that the Director of Planning may impose conditions and approve design changes which would not adversely affect either the development character of this site or adjacent properties.
2. Award of Tender PS01046: Supply and Delivery of Telescoping Boom
October 1, 2001 (File: 1805)
MOVED by Councillor Bass
THAT Council accept the low bid which meets specifications from Western Power Equipment for one (1) -2001 XL Gradall 4100 at a total cost of $389,995 less $29,450 for trade-in of one City unit, plus the Provincial Sales Tax and Goods and Services Tax (less any municipal rebate received) and the Provincial Environmental Levy, subject to a contract satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services.
3. Replacement / Upgrade of the VPL Integrated Library System
October 3, 2001 (File: 4004)
MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
A. THAT Vancouver Public Library enter into negotiations with Epixtech, Inc. to conclude a Contract on terms and conditions satisfactory to the City's Director of Legal Services to replace/upgrade its present Epixtech Dynix Integrated Library System with the Epixtech Horizon Integrated Library System at a cost of $1,313,500 (including GST and PST); source of funding to be the Information Technology Long Term Financing Plan. That once a Contract is negotiated to the satisfaction of the City's Director of Legal Services that the City's Director of Legal Services be authorized to execute such Contract and any related hardware and software maintenance agreements on behalf of the Vancouver Public Library.
B. THAT Vancouver Public Library replace its five self-service checkouts for $192,500 (including GST); source of funding to be the Information Technology Long Term Financing Plan.
(Councillor Clarke not present for the vote.)
4. Lafarge Concrete Batch Plant Proposal - Review Process and Update on Relevant Planning Studies
October 2, 2001 (File: 8109)
MOVED by Councillor Puil
THAT Council receive for information the Administrative Report dated October 16, 2001, from Director of Development Services in consultation with Director of City Plans, entitled "Lafarge Concrete Batch Plant Proposal - Review Process and Update on Relevant Planning Studies".
THAT consideration of the Lafarge Concrete Batch Plant Proposal be postponed to allow for the hearing of delegations.
(Councillors Kennedy, Daniel Lee, Don Lee, McCormick, Puil, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed.)
(Councillor Clarke not present for the vote.)
The motion to postpone having LOST, Councillor Puil's motion was put and CARRIED with Councillors Bass and Louis opposed.
(Councillor Clarke not present for the vote.)
5. New Public Street Names - Earl Finning Way and Foley Street
October 5, 2001 (File: 5526)
MOVED by Councillor McCormick
A. THAT a new public street running eastwards from Fraser Street, lying to the north of and parallel to Great Northern Way be named Earl Finning Way, subject to satisfactory registration of the subdivision plans dedicating as road the subject street in the Land Title Office.
B. THAT a new public running northwards from Great Northern Way to Earl Finning Way be named Foley Street, subject to satisfactory registration of the subdivision plans dedicating as road the subject street in the Land Title Office.
C. THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to bring forward the appropriate amendments to the Street Name By-Law.
(Councillor Clarke not present for the vote.)
6. New Public Street Names - Mont Royal Square
October 5, 2001 (File: 5526)
MOVED by Councillor Sullivan
A. THAT a new public street running south from 54th Avenue and lying east of Kerr Street be named Mont Royal Square, subject to satisfactory registration of the subdivision plans dedicating as road the subject street in the Land Title Office.
B. THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to bring forward the appropriate amendments to the Street Name By-Law.
(Councillor Clarke not present for the vote.)
7. 337 West Pender Street - Class `D' Neighbourhood Pub: Mark James
October 5, 2001 (File: 2615-29)
MOVED by Councillor Kennedy
THAT Council endorses the request by Mark James for a 65-seat Class `D' Neighbourhood Pub with adjoining Restaurant Class-1 at 337 West Pender Street, having considered the support of area residents and business operators of the community. The proximity of other social facilities and public buildings, traffic impacts, and the availability of parking, possible noise impacts on existing and future residential, the appearance and overall design of the building and subject to the following:
i) A Time-Limited Development Permit;
ii) The signing of a Good Neighbour Agreement with the City before the issuance of a Business license;
iii) No exotic entertainment;
iv) A legal agreement providing for the permanent closure of the 100-seat cabaret doing business as Ms. T's to the satisfaction of the Chief License Inspector and the Director of Legal Services;
v) Hours of operation limited to 10:00 am to 12:00 midnight, 7 days a week;
vi) Clean air practices.
(Councillor Clarke not present for the vote.)
8. Downtown Transportation Plan Completion
October 4, 2001 (File: 5560-1)
MOVED by Councillor Price
A. THAT the Downtown Transportation Plan staff team be extended to March 2002 at a cost of $76,000 to enable the completion of the plan - funding to be included in the 2002 Operating Budget without offset.
B. THAT an in-house graphics technician be retained for three months in 2002 to assist in the preparation of the final Downtown Transportation Plan at a cost of $13,500 with funding to be included in the 2002 Operating Budget without offset.
C. THAT an enhanced public outreach program be undertaken, including a random sample survey of downtown residents, businesses and commuters, at a cost of $83,000 to be funded from Contingency Reserve.
(Councillor Clarke not present for the vote.)
MOVED by Councillor McCormick
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
(Councillor Clarke not present for the vote.)
MOVED by Councillor McCormick
SECONDED by Councillor Don Lee
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
(Councillor Clarke not present for the vote.)
1. A By-law to amend Zoning and Development By-law
No. 3575 (By-law No.8380)
MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
SECONDED by Councillor Kennedy
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
(Councillor Clarke not present for the vote.)
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the by-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
SECONDED by Councillor Kennedy
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and Acting City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
(Councillors Puil, Sullivan and the Mayor excused from voting on By-law 1)
(Councillor Clarke not present for the vote.)
2. A By-law to amend Subdivision By-law No. 5208 (By-law No. 8381)
MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
SECONDED by Councillor Kennedy
THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.
(Councillor Clarke not present for the vote.)
The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared the by-law open for discussion and amendment.
There being no amendments, it was
MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
SECONDED by Councillor Kennedy
THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor and Acting City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.
(Councillor Clarke not present for the vote.)
3. A By-law to amend Building By-law No. 8057
4. A By-law to amend Parking By-law No. 6059
By-laws 3 and 4 were withdrawn.
A. Administrative Resolutions
1. Establishing as Road, a widening strip on the west side of Knight Street, between Kingsway and the first lane to the north of Kingsway (File: 5807)
MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
SECONDED by Councillor McCormick
THAT WHEREAS the registered owner will be conveying to the City of Vancouver for road purposes land in the City of Vancouver, Province of British Columbia, more particularly known and described as follows:
City of Vancouver
All that portion of Lot G of Lots 8 and 9, Block 36, District Lot 301, Plan 3451, the same as shown heavy outlined on plan of survey completed on the 9th day of October, 2001, attested to by A. Di Nozzi, B.C.L.S., and marginally numbered LB750;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient and in the public interest to accept and allocate the said lands for road purposes;
BE IT RESOLVED that the above described lands, upon conveyance, are hereby accepted and allocated for road purposes and declared to form and to constitute a portion of the road.
(Councillor Clarke not present for the vote.)
B. Motions on Notice
1. Preventing the Erosion of Transit Services and Prices (File: 5561)
At the Council meeting of October 2, 2001, Councillor Bass submitted the following Notice of Motion which was recognized by the Chair.
MOVED by Councillor Bass
SECONDED by Councillor Louis
WHEREAS the Livable Region Strategic Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District supports (page 8) in its transportation objective: "the increased use of public transit and reduced dependence on the single-occupant automobile..[and this] relies upon...significant expansion in transit facilities and services";
AND WHEREAS, transit riders have paid disproportionately more of transit costs than motor vehicle users have paid the costs that they generate;
AND WHEREAS, despite a fare increase last June, transit users are threatened with less rather than more service;
AND WHEREAS, automobile use in the GVRD requires a much larger subsidy ($3,000 million annually) than does the transit system ($300-400 million annually);
AND WHEREAS, the greatest single source of air pollution and of greenhouse gas emissions in the Lower Mainland is from motor vehicles;
AND WHEREAS, just the production of a motor vehicle generates considerable energy and resource consumption, as well as pollution and greenhouse gases;
AND WHEREAS, a healthy regional economy requires an effective, efficient, and cost-effective transportation system based on users paying their way;
AND WHEREAS, raising transit fares would inhibit transit use, rather than promote it;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Vancouver City Council calls upon TRANSLINK to
1. maintain or increase current, overall levels of transit service; and
2. consider all the options for funding transit services noted in TRANSLINK'S Strategic Transportation Plan, January, 2000 (shown below) and choose among them after obtaining full public input:
- gasoline taxes
- cost recovery tolls
- charges on motor vehicles in the form of a vehicle pollution fee
- parking sales taxes
- taxes on non-residential parking lots
- property taxes on properties which benefit from major capital projects.
POSTPONEMENT MOVED by Councillor Sullivan
THAT the foregoing motion be postponed to a future meeting of the Transportation and Traffic Committee.
(Councillors Clarke and Puil not present for the vote.)
NOTE FROM CLERK: This motion has now been scheduled for the Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic meeting of November 6, 2001.
2. Reasonable Limits for Travel Expenses (File: 1254)
At the Council meeting of October 2, 2001, Councillor Bass submitted the following Notice of Motion which was recognized by the Chair.
MOVED by Councillor Bass
SECONDED by Councillor Louis
WHEREAS it is a responsibility of Council to be as frugal as possible with taxpayers' money;
AND WHEREAS, recent newspaper reports have brought to light that some members of Council are travelling Business Class on airplanes;
AND WHEREAS, the hotel charge at the last FCM conference in Banff was $260 per night when accommodation was available for less than half that rate ($80 per night);
AND WHEREAS, Council at last meeting voted to limit members' participation in national committees, partially on the grounds of controlling travel expenditure;
1. restrict air travel to coach or economy class, unless such seating is not available and
2. require Council members to ask for several options for hotel accommodation and then choose the least expensive option.
(Councillors Kennedy, Daniel Lee, Don Lee, Price, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed.)
(Councillors Clarke and Puil not present for the vote.)
3. Development of New Social Housing (File: 4656)
At the Council meeting of October 2, 2001, Councillor Louis submitted the following Notice of Motion which was recognized by the Chair.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
SECONDED by Councillor Bass
WHEREAS, the provision of adequate, affordable and decent housing is essential for the health and well-being of individuals and families in the City of Vancouver;
AND WHEREAS, as recognized by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, affordable housing is an integral part of the solution to homelessness and its prevention;
AND WHEREAS, the British Columbia government and the City of Vancouver have worked together for 15 years to help provide non-market housing which has helped the City of Vancouver to avoid homelessness on the same magnitude as Montreal, Toronto and Calgary;
AND WHEREAS, according to a Sept. 18, 2001 City of Vancouver report, it is estimated that up to 600 people sleep outside in the city on any given night, while 300 to 400 people are forced to stay in temporary shelters;
AND WHEREAS, affordable housing is necessary to maintain strong and vibrant communities and increase community capacity;
AND WHEREAS, Canadian communities have increasingly realized that the quality of life in a municipality is an important asset in economic competitiveness;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Vancouver City Council strongly urge the Government of British Columbia maintain its commitment to the development of new social housing through a comprehensive housing program like HOMES BC.
(Councillors Clarke and Puil not present for the vote.)
The following Notice of Motion was submitted by Councillor Louis and recognized by the Chair:
1. Rejection of TransLink Fare Increases Before 2003 (File: 5561)
WHEREAS the Livable Region Strategic Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District supports (page 8) in its transportation objective: "the increased use of public transit and reduced dependence on the single-occupant automobile..[and this] relies upon...significant expansion in transit facilities and services";
AND WHEREAS, despite a 17 per cent increase in fares in June 2000 and promises by TransLink they would get more services, transit users are now faced with cuts to the night owl service, cancellation of new bus orders and termination of several bus routes;
AND WHEREAS, TransLink is proposing another 14 per cent increase in transit fares in 2002, a year ahead of the schedule originally proposed in TransLink's Strategic Transportation Plan 2000-2005;
AND WHEREAS, if the newest fare increase is approved, a public transit user who makes 16 one-zone, round-trips per month will now be paying an additional $192 annually since TransLink assumed control of the transit system in 1998 - a far greater contribution towards financing TransLink than the proposed $30-60 per year gas tax or the $22 per year property tax;
AND WHEREAS, raising transit fares would inhibit transit use, rather than promote it;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Vancouver City Council calls upon TransLink to reject any future increases in transit fares before 2003.
1. Leave of Absence - Mayor Owen (File: 1254)
MOVED by Councillor Louis
SECONDED by Councillor Kennedy
THAT Mayor Owen be granted Leave of Absence for tonight's Public Hearing and Thursday afternoon for Civic Business.
(Councillors Clarke and Puil not present for the vote.)
2. Boat Day Care Society (File: 2402)
Councillor Louis gave notice he will submit a motion with respect to the Boat Day Care Society at the next meeting of Council.
3. ECOM Centre and Dispatcher Negotiations (File: 3603)
Councillor Louis enquired if an Industrial Relations Commissioner had been appointed by the Provincial Government in this matter.
The City Manager advised she will report back.
4. Canadian Auto Workers and Coast Mountain (File: 5561)
Councillor Louis enquired on the status of meetings between the Canadian Auto Workers and Coast Mountain, and requested a report back from staff.
The Mayor so agreed.
5. Increased Security Around City Hall Campus (File: 3601)
Councillor McCormick requested information on actions taken, in light of recent events, to become proactive in safety and security issues around the City Hall campus and the City.
The City Manager responded.
6. Gaming (File: 2633)
Councillor Kennedy referenced announcements last week from the Solicitor General relating to gaming issues. She requested a memorandum back from staff on implications.
The Mayor so directed.
7. Balthazar's Restaurant - 1215 Bidwell Street (File: 3755)
Councillor Kennedy referenced a letter regarding noise activity that emanates from the restaurant Balthazar's (1215 Bidwell Street), and alleged operation as a cabaret. She requested staff prepare a list of similar operations.
The Mayor so directed.
8. Langara Journalism Students
Councillor Bass recognized students in attendance from the Langara Journalism Program.
9. Afghanistan Relief
Councillor Bass acknowledged the recent bombings in Afghanistan and advised contributions to the Afghanistan Relief Fund can be made through the Canadian Red Cross.
10. Leave of Absence - Councillor Puil (File: 1254)
MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
SECONDED by Councillor Kennedy
THAT Councillor Puil be granted Leave of Absence for Thursday, October 18, 2001.
(Councillors Clarke and Puil not present for the vote.)
The Council recessed at 6:07 p.m., and
reconvened "In Camera" in the Mayor's Office.
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