Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets


Director of Current Planning


3150 East 54th Avenue - Government Liquor Store
Development Application Number DE405935





There is no explicit Council policy directly applicable to government liquor stores. However, when Council initiated by-law amendments in 1981 to create "Liquor Store" as a conditional approval use to distinguish from the use "Retail Store", it was clearly indicated that this would allow Council an opportunity to evaluate each new proposed location.


This report seeks any advice Council may wish to offer concerning a development application to change the use of a portion of the ground floor in the Champlain Mall development from retail to provide a government liquor store.


The proposed liquor store is located within the recently renovated Champlain Mall development, in a new building (Building #3) situated on the south side of East 54th Avenue, immediately to the east of the existing gas station (See Appendix 'A' attached.) The site is zoned CD-1 (Comprehensive Development District) and a liquor store is a use that can be considered.

Staff carried out a land use survey of the surrounding area, similar to that which would be done for a proposed liquor outlet, as covered by Council policy. The survey area contains primarily commercial and residential uses, and one elementary school. The closest government liquor store is located at 3436 Kingsway (Kingsway and Tyne). The site and surrounding zoning are shown on the attached Appendix _A_.


The Champlain Mall site has recently been renovated and includes new commercial/retail/office uses on the western portion, and a new residential component to be developed on the eastern portion. The current development application involves interior alterations and to change the use of approximately 175 square metres (6,181 square feet) of the ground floor, retail/office use in this portion of the Champlain Mall development to provide for a new liquor store use.

The applicant, B.C. Liquor Distribution Branch, advises that this is part of a new retail plan aimed at better serving the needs of their customers and providing an interesting and unique shopping experience in the Champlain Heights community.

The proposed liquor store has been assessed against the applicable provisions of the Zoning and Development By-law and also complies with the requirements of the Parking By-law.

The proposed liquor store is situated on the north portion of the Champlain Mall development which provides a variety of commercial uses to the surrounding neighbourhoods. A total of 423 off-street parking spaces and 5 off-street loading spaces are provided for the commercial portion of the site.

Simplified plans, including elevations and floor plans of the proposed building, are included in Appendix _B_.


As part of the review of this development application, 106 neighbouring property owners were notified of the proposal. The Director of Planning received 11 individual letters of objection, and 1 petition with a total of 170 names. Also 1 letter of support was received from the community. The notification area is included in the attached Appendix 'A' map.

A summary of the neighbourhood objections is as follows:

1. Concern that this is a family oriented community with schools and care homes for the disabled and elderly and that approval of the application will be detrimental to the neighbourhood.

2. The proposal will increase the traffic congestion in an already congested area. Current patrons to the Mall already park in front of adjacent residential properties. This proposal will increase on-street parking in the neighbourhood.

3. Proximity of other liquor stores within close driving distance.

4. Proposal will bring further crime and panhandlers into the immediate and surrounding area.


The Police Department advises that they have no objections to this proposal.


The proposed development meets the technical requirements of the Zoning and Development By-law and the Parking By-law. Staff in Development Services believe that a liquor store at this location will not have an adverse affect on the neighbourhood, noting that the parking and loading provisions are in compliance with the standards set out in the Parking By-law. Further, the Police Department does not oppose this application. The Director of Planning is prepared to approve this development, however, before making a final decision, is seeking any advice that Council may wish to provide.

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