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Date: September 26, 2001
Author/Local: Clyde Hosein/7616RTS No.: 01881
CC File No. 5106/1375
CS&B: October 4, 2001
Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets
Director of Facilities Development, in consultation with the General Managers of Corporate Services, Community Services and Engineering Services
City Hall Campus - Client Service Centre and Office Renovation Projects
A. THAT Council receive for INFORMATION the proposed City Hall Campus renovation programs for creating a Client Service and Welcome Centre; source of funding to be existing Capital budgets for City Hall upgrade.
B. THAT the source of funding for accommodating displaced Engineering staff be supplemented from the existing Waterworks Capital Budget ($55,000) and Solid Waste Capital Reserve ($50,000).
C. THAT the source of funding for consolidating and upgrading Engineering Services offices in the Main Building be the Service Improvement Reserve ($415,000); to be repaid from savings as set out in this report.
D. THAT two (2) Clerk Steno III positions and half (0.5) Clerk Typist II position in Engineering Services be cancelled, and one (1) Clerk Steno III position and one (1) Clerk Typist III position in Engineering Services be reclassified as Engineering Customer Service positions, at the same pay grade, subject to GVRD classification review.
The General Managers of Corporate Services, Community Services and Engineering Services support the proposed space programs outlined in this report, noting that the proposed Client Service Centre in conjunction with the Enquiry Centre and Call Centre, recently constructed in the East Wing as part of the Development and Building Regulation Review project, enhances services to the public, and optimizes the organizational changes in their respective departments.
The proposed Client Service Centre has been in the planning stage since 1999 and supports the Better City Government Program. The opportunity now exists to integrate the Centre with other desirable changes in the City Hall Campus to accommodate recently approved functional reorganization in the Corporate Services, Community Services and Engineering Services departments. In light of functional and accommodation limitations of the Main Building, the proposed renovations will not address all of the City's needs for a "One Stop Service Centre," however, it will collocate and provide better relationships between most of the routine public services that are currently dispersed in City Hall, until a long range space plan can be implemented.
The City Manager RECOMMENDS approval of A, B, C and D.
· City Council, as a matter of directing effective municipal government, endorses functional changes that improve City services to the public.
· The City should be a helpful, accessible, considerate, non-intimidating and a human source of information; and those served should always feel welcome.
· Capital projects are reported back to Council after they have been prioritized.BACKGROUND
In 1999, the Corporate Management Team (CMT) directed Facilities Development to develop a Long Range Strategic Space and Service Plan (SSSP) based on corporate rather than departmental priorities, and on a criteria which optimize the delivery of services, the use of space, scarce resources and, where appropriate, the use of technology to create a "virtual City Hall."
In 2000 Council approved the Development and Building Regulation Review (DBRR) asone of the priorities of the Better City Government Program. This project entailed the renovation of the East Wing and subground level to accommodate an Enquiry Centre and Phone Centre, collocated Processing Centre staff, and improved the space for Inspection staff. This work is now complete.
In April 1995, Council approved the Financial Strategy for the Better City Government Program, which included the creation of a Service Improvement Reserve (SIR) as a funding mechanism for re-engineering projects that generate savings.
In May 2000, the CMT supported the SSSP's recommendation that a Client Service Centre, located on the Ground Floor of City Hall Main Building, be implemented on a high priority basis.
Other projects which were identified as high priority included:
· Upgrade of the East Wing to accommodate the new Development and Building Review process (this project is now complete)
· Upgrade of the subground cafeteria (this project is now complete)
· Relocation of the Housing Centre and upgrading of Social Planning offices on the Ground Floor, West 10th Annex
· Reconfiguration of the West 10th Annex to accommodate staff displaced by the Client Service Centre and Corporate Services' revised organization (under construction)
· Investigating possible options for developing the Broadway Site to address the City's long range space needsFunding was provided in the 1997-1999 and 2000-2002 Basic Capital Budgets and 2001 Supplementary Capital Budget for the Call Centre and City Hall renovation projects.
1. Long Range Space Plan - Options for Developing the Broadway Site
The City Hall Campus is comprised of the Main Building, East Wing, West 10th Annex and 450 - 458 West Broadway. Approximately 1,250 staff occupy these buildings.
In 1989 Council approved funding for a modernizing and expansion study of City Hall. The Study identified and quantified the then shortfall in office and public space and provided options for developing the City-owned 400 block West Broadway site.
In 1997 Council authorized that, concurrent with the short-term space planning then underway for the City Hall Campus, development opportunities on the City-owned 400 block West Broadway for future City Hall expansion be explored. In November 1997 expressions of interest were sought for public-private development of the Broadway Site. Seven proposals were received, however, further advancement of the proposals was deferred until transit plans along Broadway, 10th Avenue and Cambie were better defined by the Provincial Government.
Concurrent with the Long-Term Planning Project, the City is in the initial stages of identifying objectives for a "State of the City" study. This study will likely include, among other objectives, the role of the City within a changing environment and the City services required to maintain its livability. It is expected that the conclusions of this study will likely influence the long range space needs of City Hall.
2. Client Service Centre
The Client Service Centre will be located on the Ground Floor of the Main Building in the space currently occupied by Accounting and Budgets.
The design of the Centre has been based on a criteria that, to the extent permissible by the available space, will create the following:
.1 Collocation of public services that are currently dispersed in the City Hall Campus to reduce public difficulty in finding them, to improve customer services, and to minimize public access above the third floor of the Main Building.
.2 A public counter that will deliver and support a broad range of general activities, such as, distributing literature and City-related information from a central location; be the front door to other Departments that service a limited public, and provide general inquiry service.
.3 A Welcome Centre in the Rotunda that greets visitors, acts as a pre-screener and directs them to desired service areas.
.4 Improved self-help brochure racks and displays.
.5 A Business Centre from which the public will have access to Council and Committee's minutes, agendas, property information and event calendar. It will also serve as an informal meeting area.
A detailed list of services to be provided from the Client Service Centre is included as Appendix "A." For layout see Appendix "B."
3. Corporate Services Offices
In July 1999, Council approved the reorganization of Corporate Finance based on its 1999-2001 Finance Strategic Direction. The first phase of the reorganization saw the creation of a Financial Planning and Treasury Services Department, a Financial Services Department comprising Accounting, Material Management and Revenue Services and a Business Support Services Department comprising Internal Audit, Business Solution and SAP Sustainment. In order to create space on the Ground Floor for the Client Service Centre, it is necessary to relocate Accounting and Budgets from the Main Building to West 10th Annex to join the General Manager, Real Estate, Facilities Development, Building Management, Financial Planning, Information Technology, Business Support Services and Risk and Emergency Management Departments of Corporate Services. Revenue Services will remain on the east section of the Ground Floor and Purchasing and Treasury Services on the Second Floor of the Main Building.
4. Engineering Services Offices
Engineering Services will provide improved public service through the creation of the Client Services Centre on the Ground Floor. A new public counter will be created to the west of the Rotunda. Although staffed by Engineering, this will also support public enquiries relating to other departments in the main building. Staff directly serving this counter will be located on the Main Floor. Staff who have a less direct role in meeting the public will be located on the Second Floor.
In addition, a telephone call centre will be created. The intention is that enquiries will be handled directly by the two staff at the Call Centre, rather that transferring calls to other destinations.
In order to support these changes, office moves are required in the Main Building which will:
.1 relocate priority and backup customer service functions to the first and second floors respectively.
.2 relocate Solid Waste and Waterworks Branches from West 10th Annex to City Hall to accommodate Budgets and Finance displaced by the Client Service Centre.
.3 temporarily move the Electrical Design group in a holding office in 450 West Broadway to create space in the Main Building. (This group will relocate to the new False Creek Yard within two years.)
.4 improve sharing of clerical staff.As a result of these changes, there will be savings generated from reduction of two (2) Clerk Steno III positions and half (0.5) Clerk Typist II position, amounting to $94,200 per year. These positions are currently vacant or occupied by temporary staff, so no layoffs will be created as a result. However, with the reclassification of the customer service positions, some staff reassignments and additional training will be required. As these changes affect unionized positions and the work environment, staff has reviewed these changes with personnel involved and with Local 15 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, and an agreement for the implementation of these changes has been reached.
For layout see Appendix "B."
5. Housing Centre, Cultural Affairs, and Social Planning Offices
In 1997, Council approved the relocation of Real Estate, Facilities Development, Building Management, the Housing Centre, Non-Market Housing, Office of Cultural Affairs, and Social Planning offices from City Square to West 10th Annex (former VanCity Building).
During this time other renovations were being undertaken in the East Wing for the Community Services Group. In light of a shortage of available space in the East Wing, it was decided to collocate the Housing Centre and Social Planning on the Ground Floor of West 10th Annex, and to implement a flexible open space concept with modular workstations so as to accommodate both groups. It was planned that at a later date one of these groups would be relocated to the next available space in West 10th Annex and that the Social Planning space would be modified if necessary.Some aspects of the open office space configuration have proved unworkable for the type of service being provided, specifically, the need for privacy for various business units. At the planning stage these deficiencies were identified as potential risks, however, it was felt that these concerns could be overcome by changes in operating procedures. It is now proposed to relocate the Housing Centre to the fourth floor, West 10th Annex and reconfigure the ground floor to better accommodate Social Planning, the Office of Cultural Affairs, and Non-Market Housing needs.
6. Future Training Centre
In order to schedule construction in the Main Building and West 10th Annex it is necessary to fast-track the construction of the planned training centre in space recently vacated by the Records Storage in 450 West Broadway so as to accommodate on a temporary basis staff displaced by the renovation projects. The Waterworks and Solid Waste Branches to be displaced from West 10th Annex will occupy this space from September to October 2002, and the Electrical Design Branch until the new Works Yard is ready in September 2002. At the end of this temporary use the space will be converted to a Training Centre.
7. Ergonomics Upgrade
The Workers' Compensation Board of British Columbia (WCB) regulations require the City to identify faults in the workplace that may expose workers to a risk of musculoskeletal injury (MSI). One of the factors that must be considered, is the aspect of space layout and condition of the workplace or workstation.
In November 2000, the Manager of Employee Health and Safety, presented to the CMT a WCB Compliance Plan which included recommendations for identifying program elements in City Hall Campus that are noncompliant, and a process for developing departmental policy and worksite procedures for addressing ergonomic deficiencies.
Over the past few years approximately $3.5 million has been expended in replacing old furniture with ergonomic workstations. These renovation projects also include funding ($620,000) for implementing furniture upgrades where necessary.
8. Budget Estimates
The estimated construction costs including furniture are:
Client Service Centre - Ground and Second Floors Main Building
Third Floor Committee Rooms
Engineering - 4th to 11th Floor - Main Building
Corporate Services - 2nd and 3rd Floors, West 10th Annex
Law - 4th Floor, West 10th Annex
Future Training Centre - 450 West Broadway
Social Planning and Housing Centre - Ground and 4th Floors, West 10th Annex
9. Source of Funding
The 2000-2002 Capital Plan provided $1.5 million for City Hall renovation projects of which $329,000 has been committed for SAP offices, cafeteria upgrade, relocation of Inspectors and City Hall space study, leaving a balance of $1.17 million for these projects.
The 1994-1996 Capital Plan provided $1.686 million and 1997-1999 Capital Plan $1.6 million for City Hall upgrading, including a Client Service Centre and code analyses. Some of these upgrading projects were deferred leaving sufficient unallocated funding ($280,000) for a portion of these projects.
The 2001 Supplementary Capital Budget provided funding ($393,000) towards renovation of the Housing Centre and Social Planning offices.
Funding for renovation of Engineering Services offices will be provided from the Waterworks Capital Budget, the Solid Waste Capital Reserve, and the Services Improvement Reserve (SIR), to be paid back by operational savings in the amount of $94,200 generated in Engineering Services from staffing reductions.
A summary of the source of funding, is as follows:
2000 and 2001 Basic Capital Budget for City Hall Upgrading
1997 City Hall Unallocated Capital Budget for City Hall Upgrades
Existing Waterworks Capital Budget
Solid Waste Capital Reserve
Service Improvement Reserve (to be repaid from savings)
2001 Supplementary Capital Budget
10. Schedule
Subject to finalization of the functional program by the respective groups, a preliminary schedule is as follows:
Temporary Offices, Broadway
September 2001
Housing Centre
November 2001
10th Avenue Annex
December 2001
Social Planning Offices
January 2002
Client Service Centre
February 2002
Engineering - 3rd to 11th Floor
October 2002
* * * * *
APPENDIX A - Client Service Centre and Welcome Centres Services
The following services will be provided by the Centres initially are listed below. Other services will be added to the front desk as staff are cross-trained:
Client Service Centre
Requests for lot dimensions, road and lane widening, building line information, legal descriptions.
Parking, loading, access regulations for homeowners and small builders.
Street vending, mobile ice-cream vending, busking, sidewalk cafes, produce and flower displays, news boxes, horse drawn carriages.
street vending, sidewalk cafes, horse carriages and pedicabs, newspaper vending, busking, sidewalk use,.
Trees at development sites, encroachments, special sidewalk treatment, garden plots on street, benches, lane openings, curb ramps, public art, bike racks, real estate, election and sandwich board signs, general street furniture and sidewalk use information.
Utility map information:
street lighting information, relocation requests, permits, street light relocation permits.
Welcome Centre
Rain barrels, lawn sprinkling, backflow prevention (construction related items will be provided at the East Wing Inquiry Centre).
Tender forms, building grade applications, local improvement petition requests, awning and canopies, miscellaneous receipts.
Skip a day calendars, composters, yellow and blue bags, stickers, apply for duplex stickers.
Recycling program information: residential and apartment.
Council and Committees, Agendas, Minutes: current and print on demand.
Wayfinding and Triage, Call ahead for staff, arrange appointment with roving experts and security.
Self-Help Brochure Racks:
Bus schedules, general City information, emergency preparedness brochures, fire prevention and safety, WCB worksafe, EEO brochures/Harassment Policy, crime prevention.
Rain barrels, greenways, greening streets, composting, transit options, Christmas tree.
Business Centre
E-Commerce, PC's, Internet, phones, tables, chairs, resource material.
Staff to counter via Internal stairs to serve public.
Job posting board, on-line access and applications.
Simple Licenses:
Other items not issued in the East Wing.
Dog, Business (future)
Property Use:
Register complaints, litter, etc. (future).
Map Sales:
City, aerials and sectionals (print on demand in East Wing - deliver to Counter)
Zoning and Land Use:
Reference material available in Welcome info racks
Rezonings and Development Permit Board:
Review models and materials here and third floor foyer.
Real Estate:
Pick up information and applications on properties for rent, lease or sale.
Information: Event calendars available on-line.
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver