Date: August 21, 2001
Author/Local: RGM 7347RTS No. 02265
CC File No. 1805
Council: September 18, 2001
Vancouver City Council
General Manager of Engineering Services & Manager of Materials Management
Tender No. PS01054 - Supply of Parking Meters
That Council award a tender for parking meter equipment to Trafco (Canada) for delivery of parking meters and related accessories at a total cost of $1,212,183 plus the applicable 7% GST (less the anticipated receipt of the municipal rebate ) and the 7% PST, subject to a contract satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services.
The Policy of Council is to award contracts for the purchase of equipment, supplies and services that will give the highest value based on quality, service and price.
Contracts with a value over $300,000 are referred to Council.
On April 10, 2001 City Council approved the purchase of parking meter equipment over a two year period at an estimated budget of $1,442,000.00 which includes other City costs. Funds for this purchase are available from the Reserve Meter Fund and increased parking meter revenues.
On August 15, 2001 tenders for parking meter equipment were opened by the City Clerk and
referred to the General Manager of Engineering Services and Manager of Materials Management for evaluation and report.
The 7%PST is in addition to all prices shown in this report and in the tabulation. The GST is fully refundable.
The tender was advertised in a local newspaper as well as on the Internet and direct invitations were sent to three firms.
Two firms submitted a total of three bids but the bid from one firm was incomplete.
It is recommended that the tender be awarded to Trafco (Canada), the low bid meeting specifications.
The tender calls for the supply and delivery of the following parking meter equipment:
In 2001
650 twin meters complete with electronic mechanisms $ 555,145
180 single meter complete with electronic mechanism $ 81,496
$ 636,641
In 2002
2600 electronic mechanisms $ 542,542
200 electronic mechanism upgrade for older K-32s $ 33,000
$ 575,542
For Council Information, the parking meters and replacement mechanisms recommended for purchase include a card reader for use by a closed card system. The City can readily convert the remaining electronic meters that are not card capable with a $30 upgrade kit. Staff are investigating issues around distribution, sponsorships, and partnerships for cards. This will be reported separately to Council. Staff are also investigating an option to allow wireless payments at parking meters, that would allow use of cell phones and the City's wireless hand held parking enforcement equipment.
The value of the recommended award is within the approved budget; however, due to the structure of the tender, approximately $110,000 more of the total award than expected would be purchased in 2001 and $110,000 less in 2002.
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver