Date: August 24, 2001
Authors/Local: Guy Gusdal/604-871-6461
RTS No. 2238
CC File No. 2612-19
P&E: September 13, 2001
TO: |
Standing Committee on Planning and Environment |
Chief License Inspector |
3624 Fraser Street (718 E. 20th Ave.) - Army, Navy & Air Force
A. THAT Council, having considered the opinions of area residents and business operators of the community as determined by response to an information sign on the site, the proximity of residential developments, traffic patterns, road access, availability of parking, noise impacts and the overall design, endorse the application by the Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada - Unit 68 to relocate the existing Class `A' Lounge (Social Club) liquor license from 1837 Main Street to 3624 Fraser Street (718 E. 20th Avenue) subject to:
i. A maximum seating capacity of 140-seats.
ii. The signing of a Good Neighbour Agreement
iii. The hours of operation limited to Monday to Thursday: 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday: 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight and Sunday: 12:00 noon to 10:00 p.m.
iv. No live amplified musical instruments.
v. Retention of the existing off-sales endorsement.
vi. Rental of the facilities to other parties not permitted.
The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing.
Council policy is that a new Class `A' Lounge (Social Club) is subject to a Time-Limited Development Permit, Good Neighbour Agreement, neighbourhood notification and, in some cases, a public meeting.
The Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada - Unit 68 (ANAF 68) is requesting a Council resolution, endorsing their application to transfer the existing Class `A' Lounge (Social Club) liquor license from 1837 Main Street to 3624 Fraser Street (718 E. 20th Avenue).
The Army, Navy and Air Force Vets Unit 68 (ANAF 68) recently applied to the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch for a transfer of their existing Class `A' Lounge (Social Club) liquor license from 1837 Main Street to 3624 Fraser Street. The Liquor Control and Licensing Branch have advised it will consider a transfer of the license rather than a complete new application, upon a resolution from the City. A transfer of the existing license would enable the club to retain its off-sales endorsement.
ANAF 68 was incorporated as an association on July 1, 1930, and has been operating as a non profit service club ever since. The club was formerly located at 1837 Main Street, but closed in July 2000 due primarily to the financial burden of operating premises which became too large due to a decline in veteran membership, and other issues. The club now wishes to relocate to smaller premises at 3624 Fraser Street, which were previously occupied by the Royal Canadian Legion - Lord Nelson Branch. The Lord Nelson Branch operated at this location for 56 years. A new building was constructed on the site in the early nineties and the legion occupied a smaller portion of the new development. The legion ceased operation in 1998 after incurring financial difficulties.
The applicant advises ANAF 68 has an option-to-purchase the 4,050 sq. ft. premises at 3624 Fraser Street and that this option expires on September 30, 2001.
This application is for 140-seats. At the 1837 Main Street location the club was licensed for 371-seats. The proposed hours of operation are Monday to Thursday, 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight and Sunday 12:00 noon to 10:00 p.m.
The applicant also advises that on special occasions, such as Canada Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas and New Year, entertainment will be provided by a disc jockey but no live bands. Shuffleboard, darts, pool and television will be available to members.
Class `A' Lounge (Includes a Vet's Club) Regulations and Policies
The Liquor Control and Licensing Branch define a club as "an organization incorporated under the laws of British Columbia that has been in continuous operation for at least one year immediately prior to application for a liquor license. A club must have at least 50 members who pay annual membership fees of at least $10.00. The primary purpose of a club must be social, athletic recreation, fraternal benevolent or patriotic in nature, but the primary focus does not preclude profit-making. A club has its own facilities and does not sublet food or liquor service. Under Section 25 of the Act, liquor may only be served to club members and invited guests, and Section 26 requires guests to be registered upon entry."
Permitted hours of operation are limited to a maximum of 14 hours of continuous service between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m., Monday to Saturday and 11:00 a.m. to12:00 midnight on Sunday.
Area Surrounding Subject Premises
The subject premises are located in a CD-1 Zoning District and the neighbourhood consists primarily of one and two family dwellings with some restaurant and retail uses (refer to the attached appendix).
There are approximately three licensed restaurants within the 1000' survey area and no other lounge, cabaret or pub. There is no provincial liquor store in the immediate vicinity.
Policy Issues
There are no policy issues associated with this application.
Strengths of Proposal
The primary attribute of this application is a continued presence of a facility dedicated to the patriotic service of the men and women who served in Canada's armed forces. The early closing hours, entertainment restrictions and prohibiting the rental of the facilities to other parties should mitigate any potential impacts on the community.
Negatives of Proposal
As with all liquor licensed establishments, there is a chance that the neighbourhood could be impacted by nuisance alcohol related issues. However, staff feels these issues should be limited as a result of the conditions on the license.
A freestanding sign which advised the neighbourhood of the application was erected at the proposed location. No neighbourhood notification was conducted given the limited response generated by the site sign and the fact that the space is approved for a "club" use. The only response received was from a tenant of an apartment above the premises who is concerned about the potential for noise from music.
Staff would not normally have brought this item to Council, and only does so as a result of the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch requirement for a Council resolution.
The Police Department has no concerns.
The Development Services Department has reviewed the application and records indicate that the site is zoned CD-1 (Comprehensive Development District).
On October 7, 1993, Development Permit DE215679 was issued permitting construction of a mixed-use building on this site, having a club (Lord Nelson Legion) on the north portion of the ground floor and 28 seniors housing residential dwelling units on the south portion of the ground floor, second and third storeys.
"Club" is a use that may be considered under the CD-1 Bylaw No. 7157, provided no portion of the facility is used for rental purposes. This proposal will not require a Development Permit application since there is already a valid permit for a club use at this site.
The Vancouver/Richmond Health Board has no comments at the date of this report, but any it does will be reported at the meeting.
The Social Planning Department and the Housing Centre have no concerns.
Staff recommends endorsing the applicant's request as this establishment would appear to have minimal impact on the community. The proposed hours of operation are compatible with residential areas.
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