Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


General Manager, Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services


Firefighter Community CPR/First Aid Training




The purpose of this report is to provide information on Vancouver Firefighters Community Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Program. (CPR).

Vancouver Firefighters Community CPR Training was started in November of 1997.

The program's implementation kicked off with an opening ceremony on the steps of the Art Gallery attended by Mayor Phillip Owen, Fire Chiefs from Vancouver and Seattle as well as Table Officers from both Vancouver, Seattle Firefighters Union and partnered agencies.

The program is nonprofit and works towards providing increased C.P.R./First Aid Training to the citizens of Vancouver.

Success to date has been in the program's ability to form partnerships. Partnerships between Vancouver Fire and Rescue, Vancouver Firefighters Union Local 18, St. John Ambulance, Vancouver Richmond Health Board, Vancouver Courier Newspaper and Vancouver School Board, all of which improve communication and allow for networking information as well as the sharing of ideas for each organization involved.

The training has allowed for improved communication of internal safety for employees of the City as well as our citizens and communities. Firefighters offer all levels of C.P.R./FirstAid Training.

The training can be delivered at any community or business as well as being offered from community-based fire halls (Hall #10, U.B.C. and #18, 38th and Cartier).

To date firefighters have trained over 19,000 citizens in Lifesaving First Aid and C.P.R. skills.

High Schools


Elementary Schools


Downtown Eastside






Firefighter Community C.P.R./First Aid instructors provide CPR training for the majority of Vancouver High school students, and Lifesaver/Babysitter training for intermediate and elementary school aged children 10 years and older. First Aid training for the University of British Columbia, C.P.R. training at the community level by means of our association with Vancouver Courier and St. John Ambulance; free C.P.R. seminars through Vancouver School Board Continuing Education.

A program that the firefighters are extremely proud of is "59 Minutes Could Save a Life." This is a basic First Aid course taught in partnership with the Vancouver Richmond Health Board.

It is a program primarily offered to the Downtown Eastside and the Vancouver Detox Center.

Coordination is accomplished through Sheree Hudson, Clinical Educator with the Vancouver Richmond Health Board.

Funding, equipment and the time is completely underwritten by the firefighters themselves.

It has provided a different means and mechanism for firefighters involvement in the Downtown Eastside while providing Lifesaving First Aid training for citizens when emergencies occur.


Vancouver Firefighters Community C.P.R./First Aid Training has provided opportunities for both firefighters and citizens to meet and communicate in a non emergency environment.

It has opened up lines of communication through partnership and training, a sharing of ideas between organizations and communities, as well as providing Lifesaving Training to our citizens.

All of these issues are important to all of us in meeting our emergency needs now and into the future.


Firefighters are proud of their accomplishments to date. Whether schools, downtown eastside, universities, businesses, community groups, all contacts have assisted in communication and preparing all of us when accidents large or small occur.

It provides the necessary training and assists all of us working together to deal with emergencies.

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