Agenda Index City of Vancouver

City of Vancouver Land Use and Development Policies and Guidelines
Community Services, 453 W. 12th Ave Vancouver, BC V5Y 1V4 _ 604.873.7344 fax 873.7060



Adopted by City Council (Date)



1 Application and Intent 1

2 General Design Considerations 2
2.1/2.2 Neighbourhood and Street Character 3
2.3 Orientation 3
2.7 Weather 3
2.8 Noise 3
2.10 Safety and Security 4

3 Uses 4
3.1 Uses at Grade 5
3.2 Uses Above Grade 5

Guidelines Pertaining to the Regulations of the Zoning and Development Bylaw 5
4.2 Frontage 5
4.3 Height and Length 5
4.4 Front Yard and Setback 6
4.5 Side Yards and Setbacks 7
4.7 Floor Space Ratio 7
4.9 Off-Street Parking and Loading 7
4.12 Dedication of Land for Lane Purposes 7

5 Architectural Components 7
5.1 Roofs 7
5.2 Windows 8
5.3 Entrances 8
5.5 Exterior Walls and Finishes 9
5.6 Projections, Awnings and Canopies 9
5.7 Lighting 9
5.8 Signs 10

7 Open Space 10
7.1 Public Open Space 10
7.3 Private Open Space 12

8 Landscaping 12
8.1 Streetscape 12

Submission Requirements 14

Note: These guidelines are organized under standardized headings. As a consequence, there are gaps in the numbering sequence where no guidelines apply

1 Application and Intent

2 General Design Considerations

2.1/2.2 Neighbourhood and Street Character

2.3 Orientation

2.7 Weather

2.8 Noise

2.10 Safety and Security

3 Uses

3.1 Uses at Grade

3.2 Uses Above Grade

Guidelines Pertaining to the Regulations of the Zoning and Development Bylaw

4.2 Frontage

4.3 Height and Length

4.4 Front Yard and Setback

4.5 Side Yards and Setbacks

4.7 Floor Space Ratio

4.9 Off-Street Parking and Loading

4.12 Dedication of Land for Lane Purposes

5 Architectural Components

5.1 Roofs

5.2 Windows

Figure 8. Examples of Projecting Windows and Cornices
5.3 Entrances

Figure 9. Examples of animating the ground floor: small storefronts, outdoor produce display, corner entrances, and transparent entrances to upper floor uses

5.5 Exterior Walls and Finishes

5.6 Projections, Awnings and Canopies

5.7 Lighting

5.8 Signs

Figure 12. Examples of commercial signs that both provide business identity and visual delight to the streetscape

7 Open Space

7.1 Public Open Space

7.3 Private Open Space

8 Landscaping

8.1 Streetscape

Figure 17. Examples of streetscape improvements from the Broadway/Commercial SkyTrain Station Precinct plan

Figure 18. Sidewalk stamp to be used on Commercial Drive (left), and example of sidewalk mosaic from Mosaic Creek Park (right)

Submission Requirements
Applicants should refer to the information required for significant development permit applications contained in the Checklist in Brochure #3 - How To... Development Permits for Major Applications.

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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver