Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


Director of Non-Market Operations


Funding for the Evelyne Saller Centre





There is no applicable Council policy.


The purpose of this report is to request Council acceptance of annual ongoing funding from the Province (Ministry of Human Resources), and to authorize the Director of Legal Services to execute the annual agreements.


The Province (Ministry of Human Resources) have entered into cost sharing agreements with the City of Vancouver to operate the Evelyne Saller Centre for the past 20 years. The Province funds 100% of the meal and health/hygiene services and 50% of administration costs. The City funds 50% of administration costs and 100% of the Centre's recreation service. The City's portion of allocated funds are approved as part of the City's annual budget.

The ongoing funding for the Evelyne Saller Centre is renewed annually and meets the operating and staffing costs of the Centre. In the current year, the City's share of costs is approximately $553,600, the Province's share of costs is $1,792,150. In 2000, the Centre provided 275,000 meals, up to 300 monthly meal trust accounts and 3,298 meal vouchers (annual) were administered on behalf of patrons. Approximately 40,813 services (showers, delousing services, laundry, first aid) were provided to patrons.

In previous years, it was the practice that the agreements between the City and the Province to operate the Evelyne Saller Centre were executed by the City Manager. There is no record of a Standing Authority to execute these agreements. In order to comply with practices currently in place by Council, the Director of Non-Market Operations requests Council's permission for the Director of Legal Services to execute future agreements on behalf of the City with the Province.


By offering reliable daily supports, 365 days a year, the Evelyne Saller Centre contributes to the well being and stability of many people who live in the downtown eastside. With Council's acceptance of this report, the Director of Legal Services will be authorized to execute future agreements.

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