Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


Director of Licenses and Inspections and Director of City Plans


Approval of Consultant Selection, Secondary Suites Standards and Enforcement Review





On February 21, 1989 Council approved a policy that requires that the selection of consultants, for projects of $30,000 or more in value, be approved by Council.


This reports recommends Council approval of a consultant for the Secondary Suites Standards and Enforcement Review.


The Council-approved objective of the Review is to pursue ways to bring more secondary suites into legal conformity while also investigating more effective enforcement methods. This will be done by re-examining standards and removing barriers to the legalization of secondary suites.

On March 29, 2001, Council approved staff's recommendation to retain the services of a consultant to undertake the Secondary Suites Standards and Enforcement Review. It also approved the proposed work program and consultant terms of reference set out by staff, and a total budget of $135,000 to be funded from the existing Community Services budget.


An Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Secondary Suite Standards and Enforcement Review was advertised in the Journal of Commerce on May 28, 2001. In addition, an EOI notification letter/package containing the consultant terms of reference and work program, was delivered by mail to 19 firms and organizations. On June 11, 2001, we received 5 expressions of interests from firms with details on specific team members to be involved in this study, their skills and experience relevant to this study, and their availability.

The expressions of interest were evaluated based on codes analysis, understanding of issues surrounding enforcement of suites, public consultation experience and ability to facilitate groups with varied interests.

Three consultants were short-listed for interviews:

1. Graham Harmsworth Lai and Associates Ltd.
2. The Courtyard Group Architects
3. Gage Babcock and Associates Ltd.

These consultants were requested to submit a detailed proposal prior to the interview. Staff reviewed the detailed proposals and completed all interviews by July 13, 2001. Staff conclude that Gage-Babcock & Associates Ltd. is best qualified to undertake the study.


Upon Council approval of the award to Gage-Babcock & Associates Ltd., staff will finalize a contract. Work on the Review will commence in mid-August 2001, and be completed by January 2002.

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