Agenda Index City of Vancouver



JULY 26, 2001

* denotes presence for part of the meeting


MOVED by Councillor Clarke:
SECONDED by Councillor Don Lee



An application by Paul Merrick Architects Ltd. was considered as follows:

Summary: To secure the rehabilitation and municipal protection of the building and permit a heritage bonus for transfer off-site.

The Director of Current Planning recommended approval of the recommendations set out in the Administrative Report dated July 9, 2001.

Staff Opening Comments

Jeannette Hlavach, Heritage Planner, reviewed the application, with reference to features of the proposed development, density bonus, parking agreement, Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) and Heritage Designation. Approval would result in rehabilitation and municipal protection of the Malkin Building, and would assist in the revitalization of Gastown.

Applicant Opening Comments

Jon Stovell, Reliance Holdings, reviewed the history of the project and indicated approval of this landmark agreement for Gastown.

Roger Bailey, Paul Merrick Architects Ltd., offered to answer questions.


Council received one letter in favour of this application.


Two speakers opposed the application:

The main points of opposition to the application included the following:

· the proposed glass tower considerably exceeds the Gastown height limit of 75 feet; both height and material will damage the streetscape and be detrimental to the heritage character of Gastown;
· it will set an undesirable precedent if this application is not subject to review by the Development Permit Board; such exemptions under HRAs should not be permitted;
· HRAs take away the City's right to rezone sites in perpetuity, creating enclaves, and should not be used as a method of preservation;
· HRAs are above the law.

The Mayor called for any further speakers for and against the application, and none came forward.

Applicant Closing Comments

Mr. Bailey responded to comments made by the speakers with respect to height, building materials, design, and the history and heritage character of Gastown.

Staff Closing Summation

Ms. Hlavach explained that the development application has already been dealt with, and the project is now lower density. The concern regarding exemption from development premits arises from section 3 of the HRA which deals with uses of units only. A number of approved uses deemed apropriate for heritage buildings are listed in the development permit, any of which may have a residential component. The intent is to ensure that it will not be necessary to apply for a new permit every time there is a change of tenancy.

Larry Beasley, Director of Current Planning, and Ms. Hlavach responded to questions about consistency of the tower height to recent approvals, bonus timing, and assurances of proper maintenance over time. Noting that the Gastown area is designated by the Province of BC, Mr. Beasley also advised this proposal has been vetted by Provincial authorities.

Council Decision

MOVED by Councillor Clarke


2. REZONING: 1128 West Hastings Street (Pinnacle Hotel)

An application by Hancock Bruckner Eng & Wright Architects was considered as follows:

Summary: The proposed rezoning from DD to CD-1 would permit additional heritage density to be transferred to this existing mixed-use hotel/residential building to allow for retail and hotel service use of currently exempt floor space.

The Director of Current Planning recommended approval, subject to the conditions set out in the Agenda of the Public Hearing.

Staff Comments

Phil Mondor, Rezoning Planner, briefly reviewed the application, noting that the Central Area Plan does not require retail in this area, but permits it.

Applicant Comments

Martin Bruckner, Hancock Bruckner Eng & Wright Architects, offered to answer any questions.


Council received one letter requesting a restrictive covenant.


The Mayor called for speakers for and against the application, but none came forward.

Closing Comments

There were no closing comments.

Council Decision

MOVED by Councillor Puil


3. REZONING: 335-349 East 16th Avenue

An application by  Davidson Yuen Simpson Architects was considered as follows:

Summary: The proposed rezoning from RM-4N to CD-1 would permit the development of a Special Needs Residential Facility - Group Living and Dwelling Units in conjunction with this use.

The Director of Current Planning recommended approval, subject to the conditions set out in the Agenda of the Public Hearing.

Staff Comments

Phil Mondor, Rezoning Planner, reviewed the application, referencing density, setbacks, height and other features of the development. An application for either the dwelling units component or the Special Needs Residential facility (SNRF) could have been reviewed by the Director of Planning and Development Permit Board without referral to Public Hearing. The application was referred to this forum because of the mixed uses. Although out of scale with the surrounding neighbourhood, the application is consistent with the existing zoning.

Applicant Comments

James Van Luven, St. James Community Service Society, reviewed the history and programs of the Society, need for a shelter of this nature, and site selection criteria. This site best meets the criteria which were available in only a few areas; it is close to transportation, safely accessible at all times, and accessible to services for mothers and children. In response to concerns expressed by the neighbourhood, Mr. Van Luven indicated that the facility will not bring people from the Downtown Eastside to the area, since the Powell Street shelter will remain open to serve the Downtown Eastside.


Council received one letter opposed to this application.


The following speaker supported the application on grounds that the shelter should be moved out of the Downtown Eastside to a more secure area where children can play safely:

The following speakers opposed the application:

The speakers opposed the application on one or more of the following grounds:

· the application does not meet City guidelines and objectives for development in Mount Pleasant regarding height, density, privacy and views;
· the proposed building would be far larger than others in the area, which consists mostly of single family homes and a few two story apartment buildings;
· the architect should be instructed to design a building more in scale which will better blend into the rest of the neighbourhood;
· the proposed parking relaxation should not be allowed in an area where parking is already inadequate;
· a facility of this nature may bring more social problems to the area;
· this area already houses more than its fair share of special needs facilities;
· property values will go down;
· there will be heavy shadowing of adjacent properties.

The Mayor called for any further speakers for and against the application, and none came forward.

Applicant Closing Comments

There were no closing comments.

Staff Closing Summation

Larry Beasley, Director of Current Planning, and Mr. Mondor addressed the concern regarding distribution of SNRFs across the city, advising that facilities are fairly evenly spread throughout residential areas. A comprehensive package on the issue of distribution will be coming forward for Council's consideration at a future date.

Mr. Mondor reiterated that although the proposed development is out of scale with the surrounding buildings, the application is consistent with the existing zoning and should blend in with future development of the area. Examples of relevant conditions which address neighbourhood concerns were given. It was noted that during discussion of the form of development, an effort will be made to modify the fourth story to present a less imposing aspect.

Council Decision

MOVED by Councillor Bass


- - - - -

Prior to consideration of this item, the Mayor declared Conflict of Interest because of a relative's membership on the Cancer Research Foundation Board, and left the Chamber at9:15 p.m. Councillor Louis also declared Conflict of Interest because he is a member of the Vancouver-Richmond Health Board, and left the Chamber at 9:15 p.m. Neither the Mayor nor Councillor Louis returned to the meeting.

In the absence of the Mayor and Councillor Louis, Acting Mayor Price assumed the chair.

Councillor Puil also left the meeting at this point in the proceedings.

- - - - -

4. REZONING: 601 West 10th Avenue (Cancer Research Clinic)

An application by Henriquez Partners / IBI Group was considered as follows:

Summary: The proposed rezoning from C-3A to CD-1 would permit a two phase development of a Cancer Research Centre including laboratory, hospital and ancillary uses, office and limited grade level retail.

Also before Council was a memorandum from the Director of Current Planning dated July 20, 2001 recommending the following:

The Director of Current Planning recommended approval, subject to conditions set out in the Agenda of the Public Hearing.

Staff Comments

Tom Phipps, Planner, reviewed the aplication, with reference to massing density, height and uses. Issues with respect to massing have been largely resolved to better comply with the Broadway C-3A Guidelines, although further design work will be required at thedevelopment permit stage. The cancer research use will complement other research and treatment uses existing in or planned for the VGH Precinct.

Mr. Phipps also drew Council's attention to the uses section of the draft by-law before Council this evening, noting that staff have broadened the service commercial uses available to animate the pedestrian edge at grade level to include Barber Shop or Beauty Salon, Laundromat or Drycleaning, Photo finishing or Photo Studio and Repair Shop - Class A in addition to restaurant.

Separate from the rezoning application, the question of a proposed elevated pedestrian overpass crossing 10th avenue was also before Council. The Director of Current Planning recommended that Council not support the proposed overpass. Should Council wish to consider the overpass, the Director recommended that staff be instructed to review designs and report back. Mr. Phipps reviewed staff concerns including configuration, loss of trees, physical form, precedent, and dominance of the streetscape, which would undermine pedestrian objectives for the area. He also responded to a question regarding potential impacts on the 10th Avenue bicycle route.

Applicant Comments

Mary McNeil, BC Cancer Foundation, reviewed the history of the BC Cancer Research Centre, and provided satistics on BC's cancer rate and survival rate. There is signficant need for new treatments and methods of early detection. The current facility is no longer adequate. The Federal and Provincial Governments have provided substantial financial support, and more has come from private donors.

Ralph Durand, BC Cancer Research Centre, expressed pleasure at finally reaching a stage where the Centre can increase its efforts. Dr. Durand stressed the importance of communication and cross-fertilization of ideas to cancer research. The requested overpass is a significant link which will to maintain communication between scientists researching the disease and phsicians treating cancer patients. It will also provide secure access for blood and other samples from cancer patients.

Richard Henriquez, Henriquez Partners / IBI Group, stated that functionally, a tunnel would be astronomically expensive and wouldn't work as well - from the 5th floor to the basement thought the tunnel parkade, then back up to the top. Patients and laboratories are on upper floors. The overpass can be designed to be pleasing and transparent, will not displace trees, and design issues can be dealt with in the development permit stage. Council was urged to support the overpass.

Mr. Henriquez also requested that the parking standard recommended in section 6 of the recommended conditions be revised. The proposed minimum of one off-street parking space for 93 m2 of floor space is the hospital standard. The applicant requested that this figure be changed to the laboratory standard, one off-street parking space for 100 m2 of floor space, since the building will be a laboratory.

Mr. Phipps answered a question about the possibility of a tunnel access. Preliminary review of utilities indicates that there is sufficient room to work with.

Paul Pinsker, Parking and Development Engineer, explained the rationale for recommending the higher parking standard. The poposed building will have a large proportion of office space, occupancy rates may increase in future, and there is a need to provide visitor's parking in this parking-deficient area.

Larry Beasley, Director of Current Planning, addressed the concern that a pedestrian overpass may set an undesirable precedent for the VGH Precinct.


Council received no correspondence on this item.


Acting Mayor Price called for any speakers for and against the application, and none came forward.

Applicant Closing Comments

Mr. Henriquez provided further information related to the question of parking requirements and associated costs to the project. The applicant will prepare a traffic management plan to address staff concerns that the requested parking standard is too low.

Staff Closing Summation

Mr. Phipps briefly addressed the parking standard, and explained why it is not as important, from staff's perspective, as the overpass question. The rezoning application now conforms to urban design issues raised by staff

Council Decision

Council decided to approve the application with the conditions recommended by the Director of Current Planning, except that the parking requirement was reduced to one off-street parking space for 100 m2 of floor space. Council also resolved that staff review designs for the proposed pedestrian overpass, and that the applicant provide a detailed design analysis.

MOVED by Councillor Clarke

(Councillors Louis, Puil and the Mayor absent)

MOVED by Councillor Clarke


AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Bass

(Councillors Clarke, Don Lee and Sullivan opposed;
Councillors Louis, Puil and the Mayor absent)

Motion B was then put and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
(Councillors Louis, Puil and the Mayor absent)

MOVED by Councillor Clarke

(Councillors Louis, Puil and the Mayor absent)


MOVED by Councillor Don Lee



MOVED by Councillor Don Lee
SECONDED by Councillor Clarke


The Special Council adjourned at 10:20 p.m.

* * * * *


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