Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


Director of Current Planning


Form of Development: 1055 West 41st Avenue





There is no applicable Council policy except that Council did approve in principle the form of development for this site when the rezoning was approved, following a Public Hearing.


In accordance with Charter requirements, this report seeks Council's approval for the form of development for the above-noted CD-1 zoned site.


At a Public Hearing on July 27, 2000, City Council approved a rezoning of this site from RS-5 (One-Family Dwelling District) to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development District) to allow for the proposed addition to the Louis Brier Home and Hospital. Council also approved in principle the form of development for these lands. The CD-1 By-law is before Council today for enactment.

The site is located on the northwest corner of West 41st Avenue and Oak Street. The site currently accommodates the existing Louis Brier Home and Hospital, a 2-storey care facility with surface parking for 82 vehicles. The primary vehicular access is from West 41st Avenue, with access to loading from an existing service driveway off Osler Street. The site and surrounding zoning are shown on the attached Appendix _A_.

Subsequent to Council's approval of the CD-1 rezoning, the Development Permit Board approved Development Application Number DE405610. This approval was subject to various conditions, including enactment of this CD-1 By-law and Council's approval of the form of development. The latter conditions are two of the few outstanding prior to permit issuance.


The proposal involves the construction of a 3-storey, Special Needs Residential Facility addition atop one level of underground parking at the west side, and a staff room addition at the north side of the second floor of this existing 2-storey, 216 bed, care facility home and hospital. The development will provide a total of 114 off-street parking spaces.

The approval by Council of the CD-1 rezoning contained a design development condition to retain portions of the existing mature hedge on the west side of the site, along Osler Street. Following consultation between neighbourhood representatives and the applicant, it was concluded that removal and replacement of the hedge with a variety of plantings would be more consistent with the surrounding residential landscape character and beneficial to both the adjacent neighbours and to the proposed development.

The proposed development has been assessed against the CD-1 By-law and responds to the stated objectives.

Simplified plans, including a site plan and elevations of the proposal, have been included in Appendix _B_.


The Development Permit Board has approved Development Application Number DE405610, subject to various conditions to be met prior to the issuance of the development permit. One of these conditions is that the form of development first be approved by Council.


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