Standing Committee on Planning and Environment


Director of Current Planning in consultation with the Manager of Real Estate Services


Lease Terms, Relocation of a Heritage Lane Building and Other Arrangements for 1125 Pendrell Street





Mole Hill Block Plan:

Heritage Policies and Guidelines:

Vancouver Heritage Conservation Foundation:


This report seeks Council approval to lease the easterly portion of the City owned lot at 1125 Pendrell Street to the Vancouver Heritage Conservation Foundation on a 60 year lease and the relocation of a heritage lane building at 1380 Hornby Street to the rear portion of 1125 Pendrell St. In addition this report seeks Council direction on the use of a Heritage Revitalization Agreement to allow for the restoration and protection of the relocated lane building and relaxations to the Zoning and Development Bylaw, as well as the Subdivision Bylaw to create separate parcels for the two buildings.


1380 Hornby Street History and Previous Proposal:
The lane house in the rear of the "A" listed Leslie House at 1380 Hornby house was built in approximately 1901 in the Victorian style to complement the similarly styled main house. It's turned wooden porch columns and balustrades are similar to those of the Leslie House. The lane house is about 1,978 square feet, built on three floors. The basement was first a stable and then became consecutively a cellar and a workshop for Mr. Leslie's plaster work. Although the lane building was never evaluated separately from the main building or noted on the heritage register, staff files indicate it was identified as a key feature of the site. After consultation with the city law department, the entire site at 1380 Hornby, including the lane house, has been given heritage status. A preliminary Heritage Register rating of "B" has been determined for the lane building. Neither the main house or the lane house are designated heritage properties. (See Appendix "A" for drawings)

Currently there is a Development Permit Application for 1380 Hornby Street. The owner proposes to move the lane house to an adjacent parking lot, construct a restaurant kitchen and then place the top two floors of the lane house on the roof of the kitchen as restaurant office and storage space. The basement level will not be re-sited on top of the kitchen. The siding and other fabric of the lane house would be dismantled and put in storage, allowing for new non-combustible siding to be installed on the newly placed structure. This development solution is temporary as the present owner has long term plans to further re-develop the site along with adjacent properties he owns. While not an optimum heritage solution, this approach does provide for temporary protection of a portion of the building.

Vancouver Heritage Conservation Foundation Proposal for 1125 Pendrell Street:
An alternate heritage solution for the lane house has been proposed by the current owner and the Vancouver Heritage Foundation ( See Appendix "B"for letters of intent between both parties). The lane house would be relocated to 1125 Pendrell St. by the present owner, secured on site and than donated to the Foundation, who in turn would have it protected under an Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) and restored as market housing. 1125 Pendrell St. is presently occupied by Watson House, built in 1897. Its Victorian style is grander but similar to that of the lane house. Originally located at 919 Thurlow Street, Watson House was donated to the City and moved to its present location in 1987 which involved the consolidation of two lots. Watson House is currently leased as a facility for street youth. The proposed HRA would subdivide 1125 Pendrell St. to accommodate Watson House and the newly relocated lane building. The subdivided property would be given to the Vancouver Heritage Foundation on a 60 year lease from the City. The context of the lane house in its new location would be similar to its relationship to the lane in its original location.

The Vancouver Heritage Foundation would restore the lane house to its original residential use, using high quality restoration techniques and adhering to accepted heritage standards and guidelines. The restoration project would be used as a demonstration project for the Foundation's education purposes and contribute to the Foundation fund development program through the sale of one or more stratified units on a 60 year lease for residential market housing after restoration is complete. ( See Appendix "C" for drawings of proposal)

Although moving a heritage house is not viewed as the most desirable heritage practice, the proposed compromise is a long term solution to preserving a heritage property that does not exist in it's present location.

Mole Hill Block Plan:
Council approved a proposal on June 22, 2000, that created the Mole Hill Block Plan. The Plan contains16 City-owned parcels which will be leased to the Mole Hill Community Housing Society for the purpose of renovating and operating 168 units of non-market housing. The 16 properties have heritage merit and will be designated as protected heritage property as part of the Mole Hill Block Plan. Appendix "D" is a map of the block which illustrates the plan (the "Block Plan"). The intention within the Block Plan is to maintain and enhance the unique character of the buildings while creating viable housing options and local services for the community. Part of the Block Plan is to develop the lane area to accommodate a variety of uses for the surrounding community, including garden plots, workshops, play areas, parking and landscaping.

Site Zoning/Heritage Revitalization Agreement:
1125 Pendrell Street is located in the RM-5B area of the West end. The intention of the zoning is to respect the consistent architectural image created by patterns of similar massing, character, and detailing. Restoring, and locating the heritage building along the lane is a compatible solution with the Block and in keeping with the Design Guidelines for the area.

A Heritage Revitalization Agreement will be drafted to provide for the relocation of the building at 1380 Hornby Street to 1125 Pendrell. The Agreement will secure the long term protection of the building and the timely restoration to heritage standards. A variance of the Subdivision Bylaw will be included to allow for the lot configuration. In addition certain Zoning regulations may be varied to accommodate the building in its new location.

The Director of Real Estate Services is recommending a lease of the proposed subdivided Easterly portion of 1125 Pendrell St., (See Appendix "C" for general lay-out of proposed subdivision) to the Vancouver Heritage Conservation Foundation for a term of 60 Years at a nominal rate. The term of 60 years will coincide with the Mole Hill Housing Society lease.The lease of the subject property for a nominal rent is a grant of approximately $350,000 and requires 8 votes of Council.

Watson House is presently leased on a month to month tenancy to Life Choices Consultant and Management Company which operates a facility for street youth funded by the Ministry of Social Services. The operator has been informed of the proposed subdivision and installation of the lane house.

Comments from Vancouver Heritage Commission:
The Vancouver Heritage Commission reviewed the proposal on June 25,2001 and passed the following resolution:

Comments from Mole Hill Community Housing Society:
The Mole Hill Community Housing Society wrote a letter of support to Mayor and Council on June 27,2001, (See Appendix "E") to develop the rear of 1125 Pendrell Street to accommodate the lane building at 1380 Hornby Street and provide for the restoration and conversion to market housing for two units.

The owner of the lane building at 1380 Hornby Street proposes to relocate the lane building to the City owned lot at 1125 Pendrell St., at his expense, secure the building on site and than donate the building to the Vancouver Heritage Conservation Foundation. Council is being asked to support a long-term lease of a portion of the site at 1125 Pendrell Street to the Foundation for a term of 60 years. The Foundation proposes to restore and protect the relocated lane building through a subsequent Heritage Revitalization Agreement which will include the subdivision of 1125 Pendrell Street. The lane building would be restored and leased as market dwelling units to assist with the Foundations goals. Comments have been sought from the Mole Hill Housing Society, the Vancouver Heritage Commission and applicable City departments. All are in support of the proposal noting the benefit to the City through the heritage restoration and designation of the lane building and the support this proposal would offer the Vancouver Heritage Foundation.


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