Agenda Index City of Vancouver

JULY 26, 2001


For information, please contact
Denise Salmon, Meeting Coordinator, at 873-7269.

1. Street Cleaning Update (File 3756)

This item was withdrawn.

2. 2001 Diversity Initiatives Grants: First Deadline (File 2051)

THAT Council approve Diversity Initiative grants totalling $36,000 to the following seven groups, source of funds to be the Diversity Initiatives grants component of the 2001 Cultural Grants budget:

La Luna Productions $4,000

3. 2001 Capital Grant Allocations - Report 1 of 2 (File 2005)

THAT Council approve 10 capital grants, totalling $116,800, as listed in Appendix C of the Administrative Report dated July 5, 201, entitled "2001 Capital Grant Allocations - Report 1 of 2" including conditions on the grants, where noted; with the source of funding to be provided from the 2001 Capital Budget.

4. Vancouver Dance Foundation
Additional Capital Grant Request - Report 2 of 2 (File 2005)

Council did not approve an additional capital grant to the Dance Foundation.

5. Conversion of Temporary Full-Time CUPE 15 Positions

THAT effective July 26, 2001, City Council approve the conversion of 53 existing temporary full-time CUPE 15 positions to regular full-time status as outlined in the Appendix `A' of the Administrative Report dated July 16, 2001, entitled "Conversion of Temporary Full-Time CUPE 15 Positions To Regular Full-Time Status".


1. 2001/2002 Theatre Rental Grants (File 2055)

C. THAT Council approve 11 rental grants totalling $768,805 for uses of the Civic Theatres in Fall 2001, within base level or reserve uses, as listed in Table 2 of the Administrative Report dated July 17, 2001, and entitled "2001/2002 Theatre Rental Grants", source of funds to be the 2001 Theatre Rental Grants budget.

D. THAT Council approve, in principle, 11 rental grants totalling $830,900, for uses to the Civic Theatres in Spring 2002, within base level uses, as listed in Table 2 of the Administrative Report dated July 17, 2001, and entitled "2001/2002 Theatre Rental Grants", subject to the 2002 Operating Budget Review process.


The following By-laws were approved:

1. A By-law to amend By-law No. 3575, being the Zoning and Development By-law (1055 West 41st Avenue)

2. A By-law to authorize Council entering into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement with the Owners of Heritage Property (3838 Cypress Street)

3. A By-law to designate heritage property, and to amend By-law No. 4837, being the Heritage By-law (3838 Cypress Street)

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