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Date: June 21, 2001
Author/Local: K.Thomson/7305RTS NO. 02105
CC File No. 5767
Council: July 24, 2001
Vancouver City Council
General Manager of Engineering Services
Development of Ontario Greenway - South Section
A. THAT Council approve the construction of the Ontario Greenway - South Section as described in this report.
B. THAT funding of $463,000 is approved from the following sources:
- $433,000 from the 2000 Streets Basic Capital Unappropriated Account No. 30002965 (City Greenways) for construction of the Ontario Greenway - South Section;
- $30,000 from the 2001 Transportation Basic Capital Unappropriated Account No. 30003082 (Bicycle Network) for improvements to the bikeway.C. THAT commencing in 2003, the following operating budgets be increased (without offset) and subject to annual budget review:
- $2,000 - Streets Operating Budget for maintenance of gravel paths;
- $10,500 - Streets Operating Budget for horticulture maintenance; and
- $ 3,500 - Traffic Operating Budget for signage and stencil maintenance.D. THAT Council approve $45,000 from the Streets Basic Capital Unappropriated Account No. 30000134 (City Greenway) for temporary staff to assist with the completion of design and ongoing public consultation for the north section of the Ontario Greenway, and landscape design of the south section of the Ontario Greenway.
The General Manager of Engineering Services RECOMMENDS approval of A, B, C and D.
On July 18, 1995, Council approved the Vancouver Greenways Plan.
On May 27, 1997, Council approved the Vancouver Transportation Plan.
On May 2, 2000, Council approved the route for the Ontario Greenway.
The purpose of this report is to obtain Council approval for the design of the Ontario Greenway - South Section and to allocate funds, as outlined in this report, for its construction and maintenance from the approved 2000 Capital Budget. This section extends from King Edward Avenue to 59th Avenue. The design for the north section, from King Edward to 2nd Avenue, will be presented in a later Council report.
Greenways are green routes through the City for pedestrians and cyclists. In 1995, Council adopted the Vancouver Greenways Plan and identified Ontario as one of the routes. When complete, the Ontario Greenway will extend from False Creek to 59th Avenue. Opportunities will be explored for a future link to the Fraser River.
The Ontario Greenway design has been the subject of extensive community consultation including open houses and a survey. The proposed design improves pedestrian and cyclist safety and traffic calming as well as increasing green space, adding aesthetic elements to the route and providing pedestrian and cyclist amenities. The Ontario Greenway design, as described in this report is within the budget of the Greenway Program.
The Ontario Greenway - South Section extends 36 blocks from King Edward Avenue to 59th Avenue connecting 3 elementary schools, a community centre, numerous parks, and a community college.
Public Review Process
A three phase public process was conducted. First, three public open houses were held toinform residents about the greenways program, solicit comments on the project goals and to inform staff of community priorities. The goals for the Ontario Greenway, as drafted by staff and endorsed by the community are:
· Make walking more interesting;
· Make cycling safer and more appealing;
· Reduce the impact of the car;
· Enhance special places along the route;
· Make the greenway "greener"; and,
· Use art to make the greenway more pleasant and interesting.The community was interested in traffic calming aspects of the greenway. In addition, there was strong support for the social and environmental aspects of greenway design. This feedback provided a framework for the design process.
The preliminary greenway design was developed between June 2000 to February 2001. Two open houses were held for public review and comment on the preliminary design. Invitations with detailed maps of the preliminary plan were delivered to residents, absentee owners and user groups, and meetings were advertised in the local paper. Comments were also received by mail and through phone calls. Residents most affected by elements such as seating areas were contacted by mail to discuss final locations for benches. Comments received were used to finalize the proposed greenway design.
In the third phase, details of the greenway plan and surveys were distributed. The purpose of the survey was to gauge support for features such as traffic circles, central medians, raised crosswalks and speed humps. The south section of the greenway was subdivided into 2 survey areas to ensure residents voted on the proposals affecting them most directly. Comment was also sought on seating area locations, public art, enhanced lighting, planted corner bulges, and other amenities.
The survey return rates from residents were 18% for Area 3 and 22% for Area 4. All of the traffic calming measures received strong support and are recommended to be installed on a permanent basis. Tables illustrating the survey results of the respondents are included in Appendix A.
Ontario Greenway Plan
The proposed plan focuses on improving pedestrian and cyclist safety and calming traffic as well as increasing green space, adding aesthetic elements to the route and providing pedestrian and cyclist amenities. Maps showing the proposed greenway measures areattached as Appendix B.
Traffic Calming Measures
Traffic calming measures including traffic circles, corner bulges, central medians, raised crosswalks and speed humps, are proposed to slow traffic, increase safety and encourage commuters to use arterial streets.
Traffic circles are proposed for the following intersections to slow traffic, to increase green space and provide environmental and aesthetic benefits to the neighbourhood:
· 28th Avenue, to respond to cyclists dislike of the existing north-south stops signs on the bikeway, and residents concerns about speeding on 28th between Main Street and Hillcrest Park where there are no stops signs; and,
· 40th Avenue; and,
· 47th Avenue.Corner bulges improve pedestrian safety by reducing the crossing distance and improving sight lines for pedestrians and drivers. Corner bulges are proposed near each of the three elementary schools along the route namely, Sir William Van Horne, General Wolfe and Sexsmith. Corner bulges are also proposed at Woodstock to slow drivers and provide an entrance to the greenway, and at the southeast corner of 44th Avenue to re-align the intersection and provide some interesting landscaping in this location.
A central median is proposed for Peveril Avenue west of Ontario Street to slow traffic turning from Ontario to Peveril and to provide a crossing refuge for pedestrians.
The other traffic calming measures being proposed for the Ontario Greenway are combinations of speed humps and raised crosswalks at each of the three elementary schools along the greenway. In each location speed humps were warranted based on the evaluation system established by the Neighbourhood Transportation Branch and the design was approved in each location by the Police School Safety Patrol and reviewed by the Principal. The design layout for the greenway route adjacent to each school is shown in Appendix B.
All of these traffic calming measures include planting areas that increase green space and beautify the neighbourhood. These street gardens can be sponsored by local residents through the City's Green Streets program. Resident tended street gardens promote community care, interaction and socialization.
Seating Areas
Greenways typically include pedestrian and cyclist amenities, such as seating areas. Wheresupported by local residents, seating areas can include benches, landscaping, drinking fountains and pedestrian lighting.
Four seating areas were proposed along the route. Two are included in this design, as the adjacent residents did not support the other two locations. There were many requests, particularly from older residents, for additional benches along the route, and staff will continue to search for suitable locations.
One of the resident-supported seating areas is proposed for the northwest corner of 56th Avenue to serve people using the Langara Golf Course walking loop and cyclists on Ontario Street. The design includes a bike rack, a drinking fountain, a bench, and decorative landscaping. This area lays partially on Engineering Street property and partially on Park property. Park Board staff have reviewed this design and are supportive of it's construction. Also, the Park Board has agreed to maintain the drinking fountain as part of their contribution to the seating area. There was some concern from residents about potential loitering and evening noise, and staff have agreed to monitor the situation and address problems as they arise.
The other seating area is on the northwest corner of 58th Avenue. Greenways is working with Sexsmith Elementary School to provide a seating area and landscape improvements near their playground.
Other Greenway Features
Other greenway features include infill street trees, improved lighting, interpretive and directional signage, gravel paths where there are no sidewalks, curb drops and ramps where there are none, special crossings at arterial streets using innovative pavement treatments trials, planting areas with native and drought tolerant species, and where possible naturalization of areas to increase the habitat potential of the land. Street lighting improvements have been proposed along this section of the route and will be detailed in a subsequent report on the Ontario Greenway - North Section.
Public Art
Public art is used to add interest to the route and enhance neighbourhood character. Funding from the Office of Cultural Affairs for public art will be pursued.
Areas for Future Development
There are four areas in the southern section of the Ontario Greenway that are considered areas for future greenway development.
· 29th Avenue to 33rd Avenue adjacent to Riley Community Centre and Hillcrest Park:
The Park Board is currently redesigning the entire Riley Community Centre/Hillcrest Park area and it is prudent that the greenway development maximize the potential for collaborative design and allow for a proper understanding of the pedestrian movements generated by the new layout.
· 33rd Avenue to 35th Avenue adjacent and in Queen Elizabeth Park:The Park Board, the Office of Cultural Affairs and Greenways are exploring potential projects for the NE corner of Queen Elizabeth Park. This project will involve a separate public process and report to Council.
· 49th Avenue to 51st Avenue adjacent to Langara College:
The design of this section of the greenway is on hold awaiting a decision by Langara College on whether they will proceed with redevelopment plans. It is important that the greenway suit the future streets uses and requirements. If Langara does not proceed with redevelopment plans then staff will conduct a public process with the local neighbourhood.
· 59th Avenue to the Fraser River
A link to the Fraser River will be developed at a later date.
Staffing Requirement
Additional temporary staff are required to assist with the completion of design of the north section, and landscape design of the south section of the Ontario Greenway. The requested funding will provide for additional staff resources and landscape expertise for a total of 6 person months at a Engineering Assistant II position level and 6 person months at a Landscape Designer position level.
Greenways benefit the environment by enhancing the opportunities to walk and cycle in the city. Greenways also increase the numbers of trees and other plants along the greenway routes, and construct measures to allow storm water runoff to filter into planted areas.
Greenways contribute positively to society through the provision of increased opportunities for active and passive recreation, community interaction and healthier lifestyles.
A budget of $463,000, as described in Appendix C, is required for the construction of the greenway as listed in this report. In order to optimize project impact and ensure project co-ordination with other City departments, a variety of City resources will be used to help build the greenway. For example, curb drops will be installed where required through the Curb Ramp Program; street tree infilling will be done through the Park Board's regular Street Tree Infill Program; public art funded through the Office of Cultural Affairs. Therefore these items are not included in the design budget for the Ontario Greenway and are already included in existing capital budgets.
Since Ontario street is an existing Bikeway some of the proposed traffic calming measures are being funded through the Neighbourhood Transportation Branch (bicycle network) for a total of $30,000. The remaining $433,000 is to be allocated from the 2000 Greenways Capital Budget, wherein the Ontario Greenway was listed as a project. The project will require additional funding for the infill street lighting. The cost of this portion of the project will be reported as part of the forth-coming Ontario - North Section report. There will also be additional funding requirements for construction of the future development areas, as described above in the discussion section, and will be reported in subsequent reports to Council. See Appendix C for a table of current and future project funding requirements.
Upon completion of the greenway, operating budget increases (without offset) of $16,000 are required for gravel path, horticultural, and signage maintenance, see Appendix C. These increases will be subject to review during the annual operating budget process.
Finally, staff recommend that Council approve $45,000 from the Streets Basic Capital Unappropriated Account No. 3000134 (City Greenway) to fund temporary to assist with the ongoing the public consultation and design of the north section, and landscape design of the south section of the Ontario Greenway.
A table listing requested funding amounts is attached as Appendix C.IMPLEMENTATION PLAN
Construction of the hardscape measures along the Ontario Greenway, such as corner bulges and traffic circles, can begin as early as Summer 2001. Planting in the constructed elements will be undertaken in the fall and spring planting windows. Construction of special areas along the greenway can begin in the fall of 2001. Subject to City Operations crews availability, construction of the south section of the Ontario Greenway could be complete by fall 2002. Elements involving pubic art will proceed at different rates due to the involvement of other departments and artist groups.
The development of the Ontario Greenway, between King Edward Avenue and 59th Avenue, provides many environmental and social benefits for the residents of Vancouver. Based on the directive of the Council approved Vancouver Greenways Plan and the support of the residents for this design staff recommend that the proposed measures for the Ontario Greenway, as outlined in this report, be approved by Council for construction.
- - - - -
No Opinion
27th Avenue Raised Crosswalk and Humps
on route
entire survey area
28th Avenue Traffic Circle
on route
entire survey area
Peveril Median
on route
entire survey area
40th Avenue Traffic Circle
on route
entire survey area
930 surveys were delivered, 169 were returned of which 30 were from residents on the greenway/bikeway.
No Opinion
43rd Avenue Raised Crosswalk and Humps
on route
entire survey area
47th Avenue Traffic Circle
on route
entire survey area
58th Avenue Raised Crosswalk and Humps
on route
entire survey area
800 surveys were delivered, 174 were returned of which 56 were from residents on the greenway/bikeway.
Requested Funding
To Be Allocated From
Proposed Greenways Improvements
Bicycle Network Improvements
Infill Street Lighting
forthcoming in the Ontario- North Section report
Future Development Areas
forthcoming in subsequent reports
Total Estimated Cost of Project
Temporary Staff
In addition to the proposed capital costs, maintenance budgets require an increase in funding as a result of this project. Commencing in 2003, without offset and subject to annual budget review, the following increases are required to maintain the improvements proposed:
$2,000 - Street Operating Budget for maintenance of gravel paths;
$10,500 - Streets Operating Budget for horticultural maintenance; and,
$3,500 - Traffic Operating Budget for signage and stencil maintenance;
Public Art Funding through the Office of Cultural Affairs will be pursued to enhance the public realm.
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver