Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


Chief License Inspector


Current Status of License Office and Additional Proposed Changes





On June 13th, 1996, Council passed the following motion:

A. That funding for the implementation of the Licensing Review and Redesign Better City Government project be approved at a capital cost of $500,000 and annual operating cost of $99,000 with a loan from the Service Improvement Reserve, repayable to the satisfaction of the Director of Finance. Repayments will be generated from additional license revenue and savings from the Operating Budget.

B. That the General Manager of Community Services report back to Council regarding the outcome of implementation, and specifically the staffing levels and other changes that may be required, after implementation is completed.


This report provides an update on the "Licence+" application management system and other changes implemented in the License Office in response to the findings of a licensing review undertaken in 1996. It is clearly demonstrated that the project has successfully met the objectives established as part of this review.

The report also discusses the next steps proposed for the License Office to further enhance operational efficiency and improve upon customer service. These steps include a review of the existing license fees and categories, the implementation of cycle billing and internet access and computer hardware and software upgrades. A review of the existing license fees and categories will be undertaken with the findings presented within a separate Council report.

Cycle billing involves license renewal process wherein the 75,000+ dog and business licenses issued annually by the City will expire and be renewed at different times throughout the year rather than expiring on December 31st. The first phase of cycle billing will be implemented for dog licenses only, while the second phase will involve the inclusion of some business licenses into a cycle billing system, based upon category in 2003.

The phased implementation of internet access will allow customers the convenience of purchasing licenses directly from home. A pilot project for Internet access for dog license renewals was implemented in the fall of last year. Expansion to business license renewals and new applications is to be started late this year with the goal of the majority of license renewals being payable via the internet in 2002.

Proposed hardware and software upgrades, including a new server a new version of license+ software, conversion to Oracle and additional printers, will assist with the smooth implementation of the cycle billing process as well as internet access.

The implementation of cycle billing and internet access in the License Office will significantly improve existing service to the public. The cycle billing system will distribute existing workloads more evenly throughout the year, thereby increasing staff morale, reducing the stress level of frontline office staff and increasing enforcement efficiency. Customer convenience will be enhanced through the ability to purchase licenses directly through the internet and by reducing payments in and around the Christmas season; traditionally one of the busiest and most financially taxing times of the year.


In May 1995, Council approved a work program for Better City Government. The program consisted of fifteen (15) significant work process review and redesign studies which, uponimplementation, were expected to bring significant improvements in service and effectiveness. "License and Regulate Business" was identified as one of the processes for the study. This process was subsequently divided into two sub-processes: licensing and regulation of business and property use. In May 1996, the licensing review component was completed. This review proposed the purchase of a new licensing software system and certain office changes designed to increase operational efficiency, improve customer service and bring existing technology and systems up-to-date.

On May 29, 1996, a report summarizing the findings of the License Office review and justifying the need for a new licensing application management system was presented to the Standing Committee on City Service and Budgets. Subsequently, on June 13th, 1996, Council passed a motion approving funding for the implementation of the proposed Licensing Review and Redesign Better City Government project, as well as the creation of a full-time quality/training coordinator position in the License Office. The coordinator, hired in November, 1996, is responsible for staff training, supervision of temporary staff, handling policy/procedures/training for "Licence+" and providing back up to the System Administrator.
Funding for the project was approved upon repayments for the loan from the Service Improvement Reserve being generated from additional license revenue and savings from the Operating Budget. As shown in Schedule A, the capital and operating costs of the new licensing system were $500,000 and $99,000, respectively. A cash flow analysis undertaken in May, 1996 indicated that implementation of the "Licence+" system would generate a positive annual cash flow within five years and a payback period (including 7% interest) of 4 years. Total expenses for the implementation of "Licence+" and associated office changes will be fully repaid by July 2001.

The 1996 license office review established specific objectives in response to Council's goal of achieving "Better City Government". The "Licence+" application management system and office changes, designed to meet these objectives, were implemented in mid-1997 through 1998. An evaluation of the License Office's current status, using the original objectives as a measure of success, is presented below. This evaluation demonstrates that the project has successfully met all the established objectives. Schedule B provides a summary of the previous manual licensing system.


Objectives established in 1996 License Office Review:

1. Increase operational efficiency by decreasing application processing times.

2. Streamline/simplify licensing application process.

3. Improve City-wide access to information for staff and customers resulting in better overall communication.

4. Increase staff skills and provide basis for job satisfaction.

5. Provide staff with easy-to-use tools to complete the licensing process and to provide management information without technical support from Information Services.

6. Improve office functionality.



Schedule "A" of License By-law No. 4450 presents a list of the various license categories and associated fees issued by the City of Vancouver. A review of these fees and categories is required to simplify existing classifications, eliminate unnecessary out-dated categories and derive fees based upon background work required prior to license issuance. This step is necessary prior to the implementation of cycle billing as classes of business licenses will then be renewed throughout the year based upon specific categories. This work will be completed with existing resources.


Amendment to Vancouver Charter

In October 1999, the Provincial Legislature introduced a number of Bills containing important amendments to the Vancouver Charter. Bill 74, Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 1999, contained a Charter amendment which had long been requested by Council and which significantly improves the City's ability to issue and process licenses.

Section 273 of the Charter required that licenses expire on December 31 of the year in which they are issued, and gave no flexibility to prorate fees for licenses issued part way through a year. Section 63 of Bill 74 repealed Section 273 and replaced it with a provision which provides much needed flexibility. Council is authorized to set the term for a license for any period up to two years from the date of issuance of the license, and to prorate the fee for a license in relation to the term of the license. The License By-law may also provide for different terms for different classes of licenses and Council may delegate the authority to set the terms of licenses to an officer or employee of the City under conditions established in the by-law.

Definition and Phasing of Cycle Billing

Cycle billing will be implemented as a twelve (12) month license renewal process wherein the 75,000+ dog and business licenses issued annually by the City will expire and be renewed by category at various times throughout the year rather than at the end period of December 31st. Much of the current workload during the first 3 (three) months of the year is a direct result of the existing calendar renewal system. Cycle billing will help to eliminate the heavy volumes in the first three months of the year by spreading the existing workload out more evenly throughout the year. The first phase of cycle billing will be for dog licenses only, while the second phase will involve the inclusion of all business licenses into a cycle billing system, based upon category, during 2002 end 2003.


Payment of business and dog license fees via the internet is being planned as a means of improving customer service in the License Office. Internet access for dog license renewals was implemented in September 2000, further to the purchase of "Netconnect" software. The phased implementation of internet access will allow customers the convenience of purchasing licenses directly from home. Expansion to business license renewals will commence in late 2001 with the goal of most licenses being payable via the internet by late 2002.


The existing license system has now been in place for four (4) years. Upgrades to the hardware and software are now required in order to facilitate cycle billing and internet payment. A server upgrade and conversion to Oracle give staff the capability of running large reports, renewal notices and inspector lists during business hours. Currently, this work must be done after hours due to the volume of transactions and the number of users on the system.

Staff are also exploring the option of using the License+ system for some of the address-based Engineering permits which will facilitate the exchange of information between the two departments.


To proceed with the next steps proposed for the License Office, staff recommend that Council approve funding for modifications to the "Licence+" system required for the implementation of cycle billing, purchase of internet payment access, hardware upgrades and associated expenses at a cost of $221,000 plus $11,000 ongoing maintenance costs. Schedule F provides a full breakdown of these costs.

Source of funding will be the Service Improvement Reserve to be repaid over a 2 year period beginning in 2001 from an existing repayment fund in the License Office.


The "Licence+" application management system and other changes implemented in the License Office in response to the findings of the 1996 licensing review have substantially improved operational efficiency. The average application processing turnaround time now ranges from immediate to two (2) weeks and the entire process has been streamlined reducing customers' time in the office to 10 - 15 minutes. Improvements in the functionality of the office include a new telephone system, on-line access to all computer software packages, credit and debit card payments, a comfortable waiting area for the public, hiring of a quality control/trainer position and an open and efficient office layout for staff and the public.

The implementation of "Licence+" and office modifications have made it possible to deal with the increase of number of licenses issued and the increase of the level of customer service with existing staff. Finally, financing of the "Licence+" system and associated office changes is ahead of schedule with total expenses projected to be fully repaid by July 2001.

The next steps proposed in the License Office to enhance operational efficiency and improve customer service include a license fee and category review, the phased implementation of cycle billing and internet access, required computer hardware upgrades and the purchase of additional software licenses for "Licence +" for the Property Use Inspectors.

To enable a timely facilitation of the next steps, staff recommends that Council approve funding for modifications to the "Licence+" system permitting cycle billing, associated hardware upgrades and a program for internet payment access as outlined in this report.

- - - - -


Costs Associated with Implementation of "Licence+" (Mid 1997 - 1998)


Required Changes

Capital Costs

Ongoing Operating Costs

Project Management



Quality/Training Coordinator



Computer System
* Hardware
* Software & Training
* Maintenance &
* System Support




Telephone System



Furniture & Equipment











1. Operational requirements.

2. License application process.

3. Lack of City-wide access to information and poor communication.

4. Limited staff skills and limited job satisfaction.

5. Poor office functionality and outdated tools.

· Customers were required to walk down a long hallway to get to the licensing counter, and then asked to wait in line. There was no waiting area available.

6. Missed sources of revenue.


Comparison of Application Processing Turnaround Times


Previous Manual Licensing System

"Licence+" Application Management System

Previous Manual Licensing System

"Licence+" Application Management System


(May -December)


(January -April)


New Application -counter

3 - 5.5 weeks

Immediate - 2 weeks

6 - 12 weeks

Immediate - 2 weeks

New Application -mail

3 - 5.5 weeks

Immediate - 2 weeks

6 - 12 weeks

4 - 8 weeks

New Application -via Property Use Inspector

7.5 - 9.5 weeks

1 - 2 weeks

8 - 14 weeks

4 - 8 weeks

Transfers -counter

2 - 4 weeks

Immediate - 2 weeks

7 - 9 weeks

Immediate - 2 weeks

Straight Renewals -counter

2 days - 2 weeks


4 - 6 weeks


Straight Renewals -mail

4 - 12 weeks

Immediate - 1 week

6 - 12 weeks

2 - 3 weeks

Renewals with changes -counter

2 days - 2 weeks

Immediate - 2 weeks

7 - 9 weeks

4 - 8 weeks

Renewals with Changes - mail

4 - 12 weeks

Immediate - 1 week

8 - 16 weeks

4 - 8 weeks


Add stats for 2000


















Summary of Customers' Comments on License Office Efficiency
(Survey conducted in 1999)

· Staff was great! Very prompt and helpful.
· I really enjoy receiving my license right away!! This is great.
· Fast service!
· I have never had such "Excellent Service" from the City of Vancouver.
· Good staff. You should stay open until 5:30 pm and start at 8:00 am.
· Excellent prompt and knowledgeable service.
· Lack of signage.
· Unexpectedly everything is excellent. Staff are kind. Accurate information and prompt services were done. Office layout is very nice.
· Very helpful.
· The service is excellent. I got my license within 10 minutes. That is really wonderful.
· Office needs more lighting.
· Impressed with efficiency.
· An expected delight from government office staff.
· Good service and easy to follow directions.
· Office layout is very confusing - reception should be at the other end of the office. There are way too many desks. Big signs above the stations would be a good idea.
· So far, everything has gone much faster and smoother than anticipated.
· Very good efforts. Please keep up the good work.
· Huge improvement. Very responsible and willing to help.
· Very friendly, quick service.
· Good service. Courteous.
· Waiting area is too much of a cattle pen or holding pen area.
· Faster service and same day pick-up for license is a plus. Good computer data too.
· Reception is at the wrong end of the building.


Cost of Cycle Billing Implementation and Proposed Operational Changes

needs updating based on conversation with Synertech

Additional Proposed Changes

Capital Costs

Ongoing Operating Costs

Computer System:
* Hardware Upgrades:
- Server (Oracle)
- Computer Hardware
* "License+" Software changes
* "Netconnect" software purchase
* "Netconnect" Maintenance






Block of Licenses (8)



Advertising Costs






Consultant for Fee Review






* * * * *


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