Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


Director of Current Planning


Form of Development: 150 Drake Street





There is no applicable Council policy except that Council did approve in principle the form of development for this site when the rezoning was approved, following a Public Hearing.


In accordance with Charter requirements, this report seeks Council's approval for the form of development for the above-noted CD-1 zoned site.


At a Public Hearing on February 20, 1992, City Council approved a rezoning of this site from BCPED (B.C. Place/Expo District) to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development District). Council also approved in principle the form of development for these lands. CD-1 By-law Number 7156 was enacted on July 29, 1993. Companion Guidelines (Roundhouse Neighbourhood 1200-1300 Pacific Boulevard CD-1 Guidelines) were also adopted by Council at that time.

A further amendment (By-law Number 7324) was approved by Council and enacted on
July 26, 1994 following a Public Hearing on June 23, 1994 amending the Affordable Housing Policy.

At a Public Hearing on November 14, 1995, Council approved an increase to the maximum amount of amenity space excludable, from a density calculation of 500 square metres (5,382.13 square feet) to 3,500 square metres (37,674.92 square feet). CD-1 By-law Number 7501 was enacted on December 12, 1995.

On September 12, 1995 at a Public Hearing, Council approved amendments to the balcony enclosures and acoustic requirements. These amendments (By-law Numbers 7512 and 7515) were enacted on January 11, 1996.

At a Public Hearing on September 10, 1996, Council approved a reduction to the maximum amount of amenity space excludable, from a density calculation of 3,500 square metres (37,674.92 square feet) to 3,000 square metres (32,292.79 square feet). This amendment (By-law Number 7631) was enacted on October 8, 1996.

On February 23, 1999 at a Public Hearing, Council approved amendments to various CD-1 By-laws to include parking and loading relaxation clauses. CD-1 By-law Number 8011 was enacted on April 13, 1999.

At a subsequent Public Hearing on February 24, 2000, Council approved amendments to provide floor space ratio exclusions to provide construction incentives to control building envelope leaks. This amendment (By-law Number 8169) was enacted on March 14, 2000.

At a Public Hearing on March 14, 2000, Council approved a text amendment to allow the transfer of office floor area from Quayside to Roundhouse Neighbourhood. This amendment (By-law Number 8197) was enacted on May 16, 2000.

A further amendment (By-law Numbers 8238 and 8240) was approved and enacted by Council on July 25, 2000 following a Public Hearing on July 6, 11 and 20, 2000, to allowthe transfer of residential floor area from Roundhouse to Quayside Neighbourhood and to increase the building height from 51.0 metres (167.32 feet) to 63.75 metres (209.15 feet.

The site is located on the west side of Drake Street, within the Roundhouse Neighbourhood in False Creek North. It is adjacent to and integrated with the existing Dorothy Lam Day Care, completed in 1999. The site and surrounding zoning are shown on the attached Appendix 'A'.

Subsequent to Council's approval of the CD-1 rezoning, the Development Permit Board approved Development Application Number DE405573. This approval was subject to various conditions, including Council's approval of the form of development. The latter condition is one of the few outstanding prior to permit issuance.


The proposal involves the construction of a two-storey elementary school (12 classrooms, 36 employees) for kindergarten to grade seven, with one level of underground parking having vehicular access from Drake Street.

The proposed development has been assessed against the CD-1 By-law and Council-approved guidelines and responds to the stated objectives.

Simplified plans, including a site plan and elevations of the proposal, have been included in Appendix 'B'.


The Development Permit Board has approved Development Application Number DE405573, subject to various conditions to be met prior to the issuance of the development permit. One of these conditions is that the form of development first be approved by Council.

Link to Appendices A and B.

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