Agenda Index City of Vancouver


engineering services

D.H. Rudberg, P.Eng., General Manager

T.R. Timm, P.Eng., Deputy City Engineer

June 25, 2001

MEMO TO: Mayor and Council

COPY TO: City Manager

FROM: General Manager of Engineering Services


The Greater Vancouver Water District is proposing to advance the timing of the Capilano Filtration Plant as part of their drinking water treatment program. The attached report outlines the proposal and seeks City comments on the change in their plans.

Everyone acknowledges the importance of drinking water quality as a key element affecting public health and safety. It is also acknowledged that our water starts at a high level of quality due to the closed watersheds. The quality is further enhanced by a treatment program which includes several recent improvements (ozonation, chlorination upgrading, Westerly Transfer, municipal cleaning) and projects approved (Seymour filtration).

The proposal to advance at this time the Capilano filtration project has been developed quickly and there has been limited technical or public consultation on the issues. It represents a significant change in the current regional plans and the cost is high, $200 million (or $500 million if a decision to accelerate Capilano filtration results in a decision to accelerate Coquitlam reservoir filtration, as well).

While this is a regional project, it does impact municipal taxpayers through water rates. As a result, staff will be providing a briefing to Council on the project, including a listing of a number of unresolved issues. This would suggest that there may be a need to delay a decision beyond the July deadline established by the Region.

D.H. Rudberg, P.Eng.

General Manager of Engineering Services


Attachment (on file in City Clerk's Office)

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