Standing Committee on Planning and Environment


City Building Inspector


Warning to Prospective Purchasers of
1995 West 19th Avenue





Section 336D of the Vancouver Charter provides a mechanism whereby the City of Vancouver can warn prospective purchasers of contraventions of City By-laws relating to land or a building or structure. It provides that if the City Building Inspector observes a condition that he considers is of a nature that a purchaser, unaware of the contravention, would suffer a significant loss or expense if the By-laws were enforced against him, he may recommend to City Council that a resolution be considered directing the City Clerk to file a notice against the Title to the property in the Land Title Office. Sections 334 and 571 of the Vancouver Charter allow the City to seek injunctive relief for any By-law contravention.


The existing building at 1995 West 19th Avenue is approved as a multiple conversion dwelling with eight (8) dwelling units, located in the First Shaughnessy District. There is a second building on the site (3494 Maple Street) being occupied as a one family dwelling.
This site is in the First Shaughnessy Heritage Inventory.

There have been numerous orders sent to the owners regarding violations of the Standards of Maintenance and Untidy Premises By-laws in the last 10 years. The owner was charged on two occasions in Provincial Court and was found guilty.

A recent coordinated inspection revealed that the building now consists of 14 suites (6 of which are unapproved), in contravention of the Zoning and Development and Vancouver Building By-laws. The following unsafe conditions and By-law violations were also noted:

Zoning and Development and Vancouver Building By-law:

Electrical By-law:

It is noted that on June 12, 2001, an Electrical Permit was issued for correction of these deficiencies.

Untidy Premises By-law:

Fire By-law:

A notice was given to all tenants of the building on June 8, 2001, advising of the unsafe condition of the building, that the building was to be vacated immediately and that the power was to be shut off on June 14, 2001. A City tenant relocation officer attended the site to give assistance. On June 11, 2001, an order was issued to the owner of the property, outlining all the unsafe conditions and By-law deficiencies and ordering that the building be vacated immediately.

Although an Electrical Permit has been issued, at the date of this report the unsafe electrical installation had not been corrected. The unsafe conditions noted pursuant to the Vancouver Building and Fire By-laws must still be corrected and all unapproved units and additions must be removed.

Although the property is not currently listed for sale, it is recommended that a 336D Notice be filed against the title to the property so that any prospective purchasers will be warned that there are violations of the Zoning and Development, Vancouver Building and Electrical By-laws related to this building. Subject to Council approval, I will be referring this matter to the Director of Legal Services to request that she commence legal action or an injunction if, in her opinion, it is appropriate to do so.
