Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Move traffic circle from Heather @ 27th to Heather @ 28th. I walk Heather St. from King Edward to 33/37 every day for the past 8 years and have never seen a car stop at a stop sign.

I recommend a pedestrian signal at King Edward @ Heather for Douglas Park users and Emily Carr School.

There should be a "calmer" at 26 & Ash. Before the stop sign was installed there were several accidents there. Stop sign has increased speeds on Ash; this is dangerous because of the hill between 26th and 27th.

Very attractive. We'd be interested in learning more about sponsorship of a bulge or circle

3 traffic circles is definitely an overkill. Parked cars on both sides of the road already; getting to the grocery store at Oak &25th is quite a squeeze already. I agree with reducing traffic on Heather & 27th but have not found 26th to have a problem with heavy traffic

Good idea! Should relieve some speeding in the area. How about speed limit and restricted parking close to Eric Hamber.

No parking allowed within 20' of intersection where traffic circle is located. Parking too close to intersection could cause car accidents.

Sounds good to me. Still need monitoring by Police at Braemer Park. Please note that the 2hr zone abused regularly Mon - Fri.

Excellent Plan!

The reduction of access for both large trucks and service vehicles is a primary virtue of this plan. Good signage for hospital users will be of the utmost importance. Thanks to the committee for all their work.

The traffic calming is a wonderful idea and we fully support it's implementation.

Need more information re: removing parking before supporting.

The sooner these changes can be implemented the better. Stop signs at 26th & Willow are routinely ignored & motorists speed thru at 50-60K east-west. Hospital employees traffic (6-9am/3-5:30pm) is heavy and pay no attention to pedestrians.

Hospital workers have to have some parking so 28th & Heather will be alright. Lets be compassionate.

Great Idea! Would like to see another circle @ 27&Willow. Some helicopters don't keep to the Oak St flightpath- house shakes when they come and go. Please monitor traffic using lanes parallel to 25th on the south side.

Great idea. Cars seen exceeding 80 kmh on 27th @ Ash!

Excellent. Suggest reviewing corner clearances on King Edward as parked cars make exiting very difficult.

Very positive move! Badly needed! Will the traffic circles at Ash &27th and Heather & 27th cause motorists to "gun" their cars between intersections?

Sounds good to me.

Excellent Plan - Congratulations.

Provide free parking or cheaper parking rates for staff.

The road surface on Laurel adjacent to C&W is very uneven - please resurface it when the calming plan is being done.

The piece of street on Ash between 27th & 28th is a disgrace. Its like driving on an old farm road! Can you do something about this?

Ambulances are very good about turning sirens off within 3 blocks of the hospital. Fire trucks are very bad at this - they keep their sirens on right up to the hospital entrance. Are there different policies or procedures for the 2 groups?

Want 28th parking changed from 7a.m. - 6 p.m. to 9 a.m. - 10 p.m.. As it is now it caters to the hospital staff, not visitors. Also, the streets are very busy at 6 a.m. as staff are parking at that time.

Good traffic easing and calming plan. We support the overall concept.

I agree with the overall concept but feel that the hospital staff should park in their own lot. You are simply moving the problem to other areas ie. W. 29th. The problem will get worse on our street as people avoid the traffic circles and bulges. I would like to see a traffic circle/bulge on 29th @ Ash as cars frequently speed on their way to hospital on 29th including ambulances which sometime forget to turn down their sirens at night. Please consider a Left Turn signal at King Edward @ Ash as I feel it will be increasingly difficult to make a left turn.

Regarding the removal of parking, let's wait to see if the calming addresses the traffic problem before going to No Parking. Parking should be 2hr time limit. Employees should use hospital parking.

Very important to us that truck traffic cease at #3 entry. We agree that bulges and circles on Heather will calm traffic on Heather but another circle between 28th and 33rd would be nice.

Some plan such as this is necessary especially to remove trucks which use Gate 3 and arrive long before gate is opened.

These plans look very good. Something must be done.

I feel that parking should be removed also adjacent the C & W Hospital on 32nd also.

Why aren't you removing parking on 32nd? Shouldn't all hospital traffic be contained within the hospital grounds? If parking is removed from Heather @ 28th it will increase demand on 32nd and increase traffic cruising/waiting for spots. This all detracts from our privacy and increases noise.

Traffic island/speed bumps @ 33 & Willow are very dangerous for pedestrians - vehicles refuse to slow down or wait. Way too many crazy left turns.

Left turn traffic may increase @ Oak & 28th (southbound) due to the diverter at Gate 2. I support the sign but think some traffic will go west @ 32nd & Oak to get back to 33rd heading east. Westbound 33rd traffic prior to Oak take a shortcut thru the lane before Oak.

Is one traffic circle on Ash enough? Or will Ash become the preferred route for traffic calmed Heather?

Thanks for your good work

Drivers don't obey stop signs on 27th and 26th when crossing Heather - dangerous to pedestrians and cars.

I notice children going to school use Heather a lot and the street needs to be calmed down and people on wheelchairs. I was nearly run down with a person on a bike, the persons head was down, I was watching but the person wasn't.

Save the money to be spent on the traffic calmers and spend it to hire more traffic police!! If the cost isn't coming from our taxes where is it coming from? Surely our taxes will rise in the future!

It would slow down emergency vehicle traffic. Narrowing Heather St would cause problems for cyclists and cars.

The entrance at 28th will cause a lot of traffic being diverted. A light should be put at 28th and Oak St.

This is a ridiculous poorly planned make-work scheme. It will do nothing to improve the neighbourhood and create more traffic problems than it solves. It will create more noise and traffic problems. I am greatly opposed to this scheme.

Heather needs to remain a secondary thoroughfare - very few houses face Heather. This plan increases traffic on Willow and 27th which are not designated collectors. Commercial traffic should use Gate 3 not 2. Car traffic is not a problem - helicopter is! Get rid of it. C&W should be more responsive to our phone complaints.

Inadequate staff parking for hospitals & rehab.. is the problem in this neighourhood.. Don't waste money by inconveniencing residents with traffic barriers. Address the cause, the hospital presence, which is a failure to take responsibility for staff and visitor/user parking at economical or "built-in" rates and give them places to park on site.

Parking on west-side of Heather from 28th to 33 is acceptable since the street is wider but on 28th between Oak & Heather it should be removed. People driving out of Gate 2 often get view blocked by the cars parking on the street and the street is too narrow for the amount of traffic.

No traffic circles or bulges on Heather. Medians on Heather should be signed "Local residents Only". Remove left turn lane on King Edward @ Heather. I agree with a partial diverter at Gate 2 and close Gate 4 (green over some parking for long term employees at reduced rates or free). Retain parking Heather @ 28th.

The restrictions on overnight parking on 28th are frustrating drivers resulting in more frequent violators parking in front of our and our neighbour's houses.

Heather is a bike route - the proposed changes will make it unsafe for cyclists as it narrows the space between car & bike plus the bulges are difficult to see at night. The bulges at 29th/Heather are especially dangerous as they are on both sides of the street.

If a driver can't drive through an intersection etc, without due care, and a pedestrian can't walk across an intersection, both should remain on the sidewalk, so under the circumstances the present rules should apply, without more confusion for the bad drivers.

First Heather is made a Bike Route, now plans are underway to block the route with bulges and circles that impede all traffic including trucks and ambulances coming to the hospital. I think the money could be used better elsewhere.

We have lived on 31st since 1994 and we do not think that traffic needs to be calmed in any way. Please do not waste taxpayers money in this way.

Some methods are okay but we'd like to see a more comprehensive plan than this. Putting circles and bulges EVERYWHERE is stupid! Putting them in SELECT spots where children may play (ie, a park with PLAYGROUND) is more useful.

Generally support the overall concept. However, limiting left hand turns southbound Oak at 32nd will cause a real inconvenience for the residents of 800/900 32&33rd. This area, especially 32nd Ave. is essentially a cul-de-sac. With 3 - 6No Left Turn at both 33rd and 32nd, getting home after work will be a real hassle.

Don't support the No Left Turn 3 - 6 p.m. @ Oak & 32nd. Access for residents would be completely cut off as 33rd & Oak is No Left Turn 3 - 6 p.m. already. I question bulges and traffic circles at Laurel & 32nd. These would impede emergency vehicles. I do not feel that traffic, as it stands now, warrants change. I support public parking on Heather @ 28th.

I agree with the bulges and traffic circles on 32nd Avenue. However, I disagree strongly with the "no left turn" at Oak & 32nd.

I do not agree with bulge or traffic circle at 23rd & Laurel or the No Left Turn 3 - 6 p.m. @ Oak & 32nd.

Gates 3 & 4 should be closed. Create a new gate at Willow & 32nd west of St. Vincents. Do Not install Traffic circles, leave the stop signs. Allow eastbound traffic to cross Cambie, will remove some traffic off 27th and racing through lanes west side of Cambie. No bulges on Heather - hazardous to cyclist. Plantings in circle/bulges interfere with drivers line of vision.

The traffic in the area is not congested and I don't think that it merits the expense of installing a calming plan.

I feel traffic safety and speed are not in need of any change. I feel public parking should remain for residents on Heather St.

Traffic circle is not necessary for 32nd & Laurel and we do not need bulges. This would make the road narrower. There is already a no left turn sign on Oak & 33rd, we don't need another on 32nd.

COMMENTS FROM THOSE UNDECIDED REGARDING THE TRAFFIC PLANApprove parking adjacent hospital, no reason to add traffic control to Heather - it's the only north-south collector in the neighbourhood so proposal shouldn't diminish traffic. 4 way stops at 29/Heather should improve traffic flow - the 4 ways @ 28th work well. Traffic circles, except 32nd, waste of money. Gate 1 & 2 changes - major improvement. Hospital should pay for LT signals at King Edward @ Cambie or on demand light Oak@28. No Right Turn southbound Cambie @ 26th - 32nd, 4-7:30 a.m. and one at 27th northbound - No Left Turn. Hospital patrons should be encouraged to use on-site parking.

No parking on 28th, Oak to Heather. The parking lot on the east side is not utilized so employees should pay for parking or use public transit. We pay high taxes, should not have to put up with staff driving around looking for parking. When my big family come for visit they can't park nearby because of the No Parking 6pm - 7am.

I've lived at this address since 1950, seen a few changes, none have caused me any concern. I haven't found the traffic annoying - will go along with the majority if its any improvement to the neighbourhood

Why have roads if you impede everyone...not everyone can afford parking costs to visit sick family. Ambulances need a direct lane, can't be expected to negotiate traffic circles.

The under scribed must question necessity of such elaborate and expensive measures, that presumes a greatly increased level of vehicular traffic in the Braemar Park Neighbourhood, in connection with the new buildings for the Children's & Women's Health Centre, located approx. 800 blocks south of West 28th Avenue. The City's proposal mentions a vague "additional density" only, but fails to provide data in specific terms about expected increase in the rate of street-traffic.

The area of the Center shown on the map applies to the large medical complex, that is generally known by the name of Shaughnessy Hospital. There ought to be a precise listing of the various buildings and organizations occupying the area, with the occupancy load of each, that is parking space requirement, according to By Law and what additional parking space would be created. Obviously these figures bear close relationship to the expected increase in street-traffic in the neighbouring residential areas. The heavy truck-traffic during the construction is only temporary, superficial, visual survey should not be taken into account.

As a long time resident (since 1962) in the area I have had the opportunity to watch the gradual change in the larger neighbourhood. As a retired former architect, my interest goes beyond the cliche-like "NIMBY" reaction. I realize that being able to live near to the geographical centre of the City, with its conveniences has certain prices.

a) My objection to the proposed seven traffic circles peppered around neighbouring residential area is based on personal experiences as a driver. They do slow down traffic, but so is the effect of a simple stop sign, at considerable less cost! From my living-room window, I can observe the practical effects of the stop-signs. Drivers do slow down, about the same speed as when having to crawl through the tight curve around traffic circles.

b) Most of the traffic circles are overgrown with weed, which if neglected, can grow as tall as to obstruct view. I am dubious about the so-called "Sponsoring"! Only those gardeners with death wish would choose to work exposed in an intersection.

c) The circles eliminate four residential parking spaces at each corner. In addition, those cars that are the first ones that parallel-park, they are in definite danger of being hit by inattentive drivers that do not slow down sufficiently while navigating around the concrete circles.

d) Since the leaflet does not provide graphics with dimensions, I am unable to comment on the "curb-bulges".

e) Centre medians are also vaguely described, only by saying that "It extends approx. 5 meters from the intersection" - it is remarkable that the planners have forgotten, that Heather Street is designated as a bicycle-route. Artificially reducing effective street width at so many spaces, - including those at curb-bulges, - would expose those people who ride bicycles to increased danger at those places! All above (a,d,e) should be properly called "man-made bottlenecks".

f) Frankly, I am at a loss even to comment on the proposed "partial diverter"! The text clearly indicates "two-way traffic" on 28th Ave., there is a potential of accidents for those drivers, who intend to travel westward, turning left after exiting at Gate #2, - they must cross oncoming traffic, going eastward. Just a quick glance at the picture will convince anyone about this likely to happen. There is good reason for having a "right turn only" sign at this location at the present! The diverter and the paved over large expanse, both are like an OBSTACLE COURSE. Signage inside the roadway of the hospital complex ought to be able to direct traffic with specific final destination toward the right gates. The planner conveniently ignored those cars and ambulances that are coming from east and want to turn into the direct entrance-gate to the EMERGENCY of the Children's Hospital.

g) The proposal doesn't deal with the main cause for traffic congestion near the corner of 26th Ave. and Oak Street. Here parents of children attending the Jewish Elementary School are dropping off and picking up their children. Fortunately, this could be easily resolved if parents would enter with their cars on 28th Ave., after proceeding through the parking lot of the Synagogue and after dropping off/picking up their children at the back door of the school, could exit through the short (dead-end) 27th Street to Oak Street. This way traffic would not be hindered and safety for the kids would be enhanced.

h) Generally speaking, the whole proposal shows a definite hostile attitude towards motorists. Whole generations having grown up with the use and convenience, - not to mention often the necessity - will not change their life-long habits, even in face of heavy-handed methods to make life more difficult for them. Just an example: after gradually depriving chances of street-parking for the nurses and hospital workers at the G.F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre on the South and East side adjacent to Braemar Park, 2 hours restricted parking signs were erected. Just because the hospital workers in the neighbourhood want to use their own car to commute with to work (gasp!) Their rights to use city streets - not only to travel on them, but being able to park somewhere near at 7 am and to go home at 4 pm, they do not contribute much to the traffic flow! The restrictions penalizing them unnecessarily! Also: increasing the number of traffic-lights throughout the city contribute greatly to air pollution, forcing so many cars to stop, idle and to speed up again on the busy throughways.

i) The quality of the map for the area has several shortcomings:


The concrete curb should be "see in the dark" flourescent or electrified light - circles TOO DANGEROUS at night and in the rain!!

There have been numerous accidents in the 31 yrs we have lived on this corner.

I attended meetings...traffic in this area has increased even more in recent months, affecting 26th and 27th, even going up to Selkirk. The southbound Osler off 25th traffic has increased as drivers try to avoid the Oak & 25th congestion. All this despite water main construction and complete street closures. I had to wait for 14 cars to pass the other day before I could get out of my car. Perhaps more will need to be done.

Additional traffic circle at Osler & 22nd to deter speeding after passing circle at Osler & 26th.


You already put some stop signs on Osler. Instead of traffic calming circle try a few more 4-way stops or other efforts. A "circle" will inhibit us, the ones driving thru; the rush hour lasts a few hours a day, a "circle" we the neighbours live with 24 hours. Tell C & W that the neighbourhood can't be changed to suit all their needs. Maybe they should be concerned with all the cars stopping at the alleys and on 26th to pick up their children.

Can 4-way stops be implemented for safety reasons as opposed to traffic circle? Traffic circle clutters the open space and will decrease property value of the four corner lots at this intersection.

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