Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


Director of Current Planning


800 Robson Street - Robson Square





There is no applicable Council policy except that Council did approve the existing form of development for this site when the rezoning was approved, following a Public Hearing.


In accordance with Charter requirements, this report seeks Council's approval for the revised form of development for this portion of the CD-1 zoned site to change the use of a portionof the Robson Square site to allow for a downtown campus for the University of British Columbia and to make minor exterior alterations to the building.


At a Public Hearing on January 14, 1987 City Council approved a rezoning of this site from DD (Downtown District) to CD-1 Comprehensive Development District. Council also approved the form of development for these lands. CD-1 By-law Number 6304 was enacted on February 25, 1988 .

The site is located on portions of Blocks 51 and 61 and extends below Robson Street. The site and surrounding zoning are shown on the attached Appendix 'A'.


The proposal involves conversion of the former Robson Square Conference Centre space to classroom and related University functions and customarily ancillary uses. The area in question consists of approximately of 5,850 square metres (63,000 square feet) on the Plaza and Conference Levels and is made up of approximately 3,600 square metres(39,000 square feet) of teaching and meeting spaces and approximately 2,200 square metres (24,000 square feet ) of ancillary areas.

Staff believe this is a desirable use in this location and is consistent with the original public purposes of the Robson Square development. Further, staff believe that the use is compatible with the adjacent Vancouver Art Gallery.

The very limited external changes consist of new glazed canopies over the two street-level entries on the east and west sides of the Art Gallery Annex. Also new signage proposals are included that have been reviewed for compatibility with the existing architecture and are supportable. Separate sign permits will be required for these features. These minor changes are considered consistent with Council's intent at rezoning to maintain an "as is" form of development under CD-1 zoning.

In response to interest expressed by Council during previous consultation on this site, staff note that UBC intends to retain the Judge White Theatre (south side) in its present form while converting the Judge McGill Theatre (north side) to classroom uses. Staff recommend, and UBC have agreed, to continue to make the Judge White theatre available for community use. Having reviewed past patterns of community use of the Robson Square Media Centre, staff and UBC have concurred on terms of a Community Use Agreement which will provide for continued access to Robson Square for non-profit community, social service, and cultural organizations - 10 uses per year at a nominal rate and an additional 12 rentals per year on a cost recovery basis.

In the case of the Judge Mc Gill Theatre, UBC has designed the alterations to be removeable in the future to return the structure to a theatre space.

Simplified plans, including a site plan and elevations of the proposal, have been included in Appendix 'B'.

The applicant's design rationale has been included in Appendix 'C'.


The Director of Planning supports approval of this application. However, before making a final decision, is seeking any advice which Council may wish to provide as well as Council's formal approval for the changes to the form of development.

Link to Appendices A to C.

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